John Steed was an arrogant, swaggering young man. 约翰·斯蒂德是一个傲慢狂妄的年轻人。
There are quite some people swaggering through the streets in outlandish clothes. 穿着奇装异服招摇过市的大有人在。
What makes you so smug, swaggering like that? 你摇头晃脑的,臭美什么劲儿?
I saw him swaggering along the street in his new suit. 我看见他穿着一身新衣服,大模大样地在街上走。
The cautious, professorial leader in the White House has apparently learnt the lessons of these failed wars far better than his swaggering bare-chested rival in the Kremlin. 与克里姆林宫趾高气昂、裸露上身的领导人相比,白宫谨慎而专业的领导人显然更好地从这些输掉的战争中汲取了教训。
For years, Clive Palmer, the swaggering Australian mining magnate, positioned himself as a friend of China, regularly speaking out in defense of Chinese investment in Australia and popping up on the mainland to woo Chinese officials and investors. 多年来,这个神气活现的澳大利亚矿业巨头一直以中国友人的身份自居,他经常为中国在澳大利亚的投资辩护,还会突然现身中国大陆,向中国官员及投资者示好。
His thickset torso was supported by short sturdy legs, always incased in the finest leather boots procurable and always planted wide apart like a swaggering small boy 's. 他那十分笨重的躯干由经常裹在头等皮靴里的短粗的双腿支撑着,而且经常大大分开站着,像个摇摇摆摆的孩子。
Then the bands appeared, the swaggering flute players, the perspiring drummers, the familiar marching tunes that we'd been hearing since we were babies in our cots. 然后就是乐队,昂首阔步的长笛手,汗流浃背的鼓手,演奏着我们从孩提时代就听熟了的进行曲。
And to add to these swaggering ways he was a trifle of a musician, and played the guitar with such a flourish that some said he made it speak; 除了傲慢之外,他还装作懂点音乐,能拨拉几下吉他,于是有人就说他是在用吉他说话。
But the mood in Berlin is not sunny, or swaggering. 但柏林的情绪就没有那么阳光,亦或是大摇大摆了。
As jones, overwhelmed, broke down sobbing under the stands, Greene was in the stadium behaving in an extraordinary manner not swaggering, but crying too. 激动万分的琼斯在看台下抽泣着。格林在场上的反应也出人意料:没有得意,没有骄傲,相反他大声地哭了。
Scarlett, looking at him with the affectionate contempt that mothers feel for small swaggering sons, knew that he would be very drunk by sundown. 思嘉用母亲对一个自命不凡的儿子那样既钟爱了又藐视的神情看着他,眼看到日落时他又要喝得酩酊大醉了。
An autocratic person; autocratic behavior; a bossy way of ordering others around; a rather aggressive and dominating character; managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way; a swaggering peremptory manner. 专制的人;专制的行为;差使别人的专横习惯;有点好斗、专横的性格;用专横、无情的方法管理职员;傲慢、专横的举止。
At first glance, the swaggering skyscrapers and grid-patterned streetscapes of Montreal could pass for any North American city. The girl hopped over and forced apart the bushes, in which there did not seem to be an opening. 乍看蒙特利尔那气派的摩天大楼与网格状的街景,你会觉得它同任何一个北美城市没什么区别。姑娘跳了过去,分开灌木丛&乍一看,还真看不出藏着条小路呢。
So also is the power of the rich man swaggering in his factory, and the power of the ambitious man in government affairs. 富人在自己的工厂里耀武扬威,政府事务里野心勃勃的人也都是如此。
His swaggering self-confidence irritates many people. 他的狂妄自大惹怒了很多人。
They say that they have done horribly badly, because they focus on the bit they got wrong rather than the bit they got right. Boys come swaggering out of exams declaring it to have been a piece of piss. 她们说她们考得糟糕透顶,是因为她们只盯着自己做错的那一点地方,而不是做对的地方。男孩子们会大摇大摆地走出考场,说这不过是小菜一碟。
With a roar, the tiger threw himself on the donkey and sank his teeth into its neck, severing its throat, and devouring its meat before swaggering on his own way. 于是老虎大吼一声,腾空扑去,一下咬住它的脖子,撕断它的喉咙,啃完它的肉,然后大摇大摆地走了。
French officials will doubtless protest that the swaggering Mr Sarkozy had not intended any slight. 毫无疑问,法国官员会抗议称,一向大大咧咧的萨科齐没有任何怠慢的意思。
ACCORDING to Britain's tabloid press, a swaggering Germany is using the euro crisis to impose what one title dubbed a "Fourth Reich". 英国小报记者声称大摇大摆的德国正利用欧元危机企图建立一个其所谓的“第四帝国”。
A swaggering tough; usually one acting as an agent of a political faction. 虚张声势吓人的恶棍;经常代表行政上派别。
It is especially difficult to distinguish defensive from compellent actions and deterrent from swaggering ones unless we know the reasons for which they were undertaken. 要将防御和强迫行为以及威慑和虚张声势行为区分开来特别困难,除非我们知道采取行动的原因。
Getting us all into this with their swaggering and boasting. 他们的傲慢和吹嘘使我们陷入困境。
Now that we are inside, talking above the raucous laughter from an adjoining table, our feet bumping against each other in our little booth, the restaurant seems more swaggering than suave. 现在我们就坐在里边谈着话,邻桌传来嘶哑的笑声,在这小小的隔间里,我们脚顶着脚。这家餐厅似乎更显得狂妄自大,而非温文尔雅。
Connally's swaggering self-assurance fulfilled nixon's image of how a leader should act. 康纳利狂妄自大,正符合尼克松心目中一个领导人应有的举止。
Look at him swaggering around, it's really disgusting. 瞧他那耀武扬威的样子,真讨厌。