Here are some take-aways to consider as the media runs hard with this story. 媒体正在大肆报道此事,我们做了一些摘要供大家参考。
The main take-aways are that to test a module with EUnit, you need to include the header, as previously shown, and name a function that matches the pattern "_test". 要点是,要想用EUnit测试模块,则需要包含头文件(如上所示)并按照“test”模式命名函数。
Some final take-aways from this model: The power of Nearest Neighbor becomes obvious when we talk about data sets like Amazon. 此模型的一些不尽人意之处:当我们谈论像亚马逊这样的数据集时,最近邻的强大威力是显而易见的。
As a result of the ban, said Mr. McSweeney, a former Bostonian, people started going to the take-aways to bring their hooch home, where they could watch soccer on the telly, and have their drink and smoke. 因为禁令,曾经是波士顿人的麦克斯威尼说,人们开始去外卖店把烈酒带回家,他们可以一边看足球比赛,一边喝酒、抽烟。
Food watchdogs in the UK and Ireland are racing to establish whether products made for other retailers, take-aways and restaurants are contaminated. 英国与爱尔兰的食品监督机构正争分夺秒地确认供给其他零售商、外卖店和饭店的产品是否受到污染。
I don't want take-aways or overnight presentational devices. I want real sustained action to remedy the problems. 他表示,不想要一些象征性的、临时的交易,而是要看到持续的实际行动,来解决上述问题。