My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with. 法官大人,本人受当事人委托,主张此证据已被人篡改。
He found his computer had been tampered with. 他发现他的电脑被人动过手脚。
The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again. 信封被人动过手脚,然后又用胶带封上了。
Verification: The RP requests userid verification from the OP and ensures the communication has not been tampered with. 验证:RP向OP请求用户名验证,并确保通信没有受到干扰。
WS-Security uses XML Signature to ensure that data has not been tampered with in transit, because any tampering would invalidate the signature. WS-Security使用XMLSignature确保数据不会在传输中被篡改,因为任何窜改都会导致签名失效。
If the digests are the same, then the message was not tampered with en route. 如果这两个摘要是相同的,则消息在途中未被篡改。
Notice I'm still vulnerable to tampered hosts. 请注意,我仍然容易受到篡改过的主机的攻击。
To assert that a form has not been tampered with, all signatures in the form must be verified. 要断言某个表单没有被篡改,必须对表单中的所有签名进行验证。
Security features help ensure your transactions are safe and haven't been tampered with. 安全特性可以帮助确保事务是安全的,不会被篡改。
You want to verify that the message coming to the recipient hasn't been tampered with. 您希望验证发送到接收者的消息还没有被篡改。
The signed publishing license certificate chain has been tampered with. 已签署的发布许可证证书链已被篡改。
Have you tampered with this tape in any way? 你对这盘磁带作过任何改动吗?
It lists all the drugs he's tampered with. 这里列出了他已经投毒的药品清单。
The integrity of this certificate cannot be guaranteed. The certificate may be corrupted or has been tampered with. 无法保证该证书的完整性。该证书可能已经损坏或被篡改。
It happened truly and objectively, and was just there not being tampered with. 它发生了,就摆在那里,没有任何篡改,真实而客观。
The certificate tells you who published the control and that it hasn't been tampered with. 该证书可说明是谁发行了该控件而且它没有被篡改。
It also ensures that public keys cannot be tampered with, thereby preventing phishing, spoofing, and code-tampering attacks. 它还保护了公共密钥不能被篡改,从而防止网络欺诈,欺骗,和篡改代码的攻击。
In malicious host surroundings, a software can be reverse engineered and also can be tampered with. 在恶意主机环境下,软件系统可以被逆向工程或被篡改,其机密性、完整性与可用性受到威胁。
This odometer cable's been tampered with. 而这个里程表的电线被改过了。
He tampered with the insides of his watch and ruined it. 他把手表的内部弄乱,结果弄坏了。
The digital signature tells the recipient that the information actually came from you and has not been forged or tampered with. 数字签名告诉收件人该信息确实由您发出,不是伪造的,也没有被篡改。
Someone tampered with the documents on my desk. 有人在我桌子上的文件上捣乱。
The old man's will has been tampered with. 老人的遗嘱已被窜改。
And how he tampered with that jury. 他是如何贿赂陪审团的。
This document is only partly genuine; some of it has been tampered with. 这份文件只有一部分是真的;其中有些已被人篡改了。
The microcircuitry on this has been tampered with. 远程控制器上的微电路已经被篡改了。
I could see at once that my desk drawers had been tampered with. 我立刻发现我书桌的抽屉被人动过了。
I think this one has not been tampered with. 我想这个还没有被改动。
My car wouldn't start after he tampered with it. 我的汽车被他胡乱摆弄过以后开不动了。
Using the HASH algorithm can exanimate whether the transmission content is tampered. 应用Hash算法可以检验传输的内容是否被篡改。