Now, a team of engineers has assembled a robot using artificial organs, limbs and other body parts that comes tantalizingly close to a true bionic man. 如今,有一个工程师团队用人造器官、人造四肢等等组装了一个电子人。这个机器人与科幻小说中的生化人极其相似足以乱真。
Tantalizingly, the post also says the two discussed other cooperative items, without elaborating. 令人着急的是,报道还说两人讨论了其他合作事项,但却没有详细说明。
When Opportunity touched down on a part of Mars called Meridiani Planum, it came across geology that looked tantalizingly like the product of standing water. 当机遇在火星的一个叫子午线平面上降落的时候,它偶然发现地质学上看起来像是水的产物让人很着急。
A band of caribou passed by, twenty and odd animals, tantalizingly within rifle range. 一群驯鹿走了过去,大约有二十多头,都呆在可望而不可即的来福枪的射程以内。
After more than two months trapped deep in a Chilean mine, 33 miners are enjoying tantalizingly close to rescue. 智利圣何塞铜矿救援隧道打通,33名受困矿工有望获救,结束两个多月的地下生活。
But when he had climbed down and untied his horse from the back of the buggy and stood in the twilight road, grinning tantalizingly at her, she could not smother her own grin as she drove off. 他爬下车来,从车背后解开他那骑马,然后站在黄昏的马路上向她挑逗地咧嘴一笑,这时思嘉也不由得朝他咧咧嘴,才赶着马走了。
The branch was tantalizingly out of reach. 够不到那树枝,让人干着急。
The sea looked tantalizingly close but it was an hour's walk away. 大海看不去近在咫尺,实际上却得再走一个小时才到。
Powerful anti-HIV drugs have come tantalizingly close to eradicating the virus from people, driving the blood level of HIV so low that standard tests cannot detect it. 具有强大疗效的抗艾滋病毒药物期盼已久的到来了,因为它可以将人体中的病毒清除,使血液中的HIV病毒含量低于检测标准而不能被测及。
Slowly and tantalizingly start removing your clothes. 以缓慢挑逗的方式褪去你的衣衫。