Here's some advice stemming from the unusual case of a man who had spider hairs stuck in his cornea: Be sure to cover your eyes when hanging around with your pet tarantula. 这里有一些建议,出自于不寻常的情况,一个人让蜘蛛的毛发扎进了他的角膜:当你在你的宠物狼蛛附近闲荡时,一定要挡好你的眼睛。
Question how do I clean my Razer tarantula keyboard? 我如何清洁狼蛛键盘?
Interconnecting this with the tarantula, cropped bird and zebra patterns accentuates Yayanagi's adventurous spirit pervades the canvas with emblems of travels and exoticism. 加上画中的蜘蛛、鸟及斑马,这些旅游及异国的形象在画中突显了画家的冒险精神。
I have a pet tarantula named Max who lives in my office at Patton School. 我在帕顿初中的办公室里还养了一个鸟蛛,取名为麦克斯。
Because the exoskeleton is very fragile, if a tarantula is dropped from a low height, it will shatter and die. 因为它们的外骨骼非常脆弱,因此如果一支狼蛛即便从离地面较低的空中掉下,它也会支离破碎甚至死亡。
He had a huge hairy tarantula in the box ( PS6). 盒子里装的是一只巨大的、毛茸茸的狼蛛(魔法石第六章)。
First of all, unless you are allergic to tarantula venom, they are harmless to humans ( though they pack a painful bite). 除非你对狼蛛毒素过敏,要不它们对人体是无害的(尽管它们咬你一口会让你疼痛不已)。
I don't want a pet that could be dangerous, like a tarantula or rattlesnake. 我不想要一只危险的动物,比如狼蛛或响尾蛇之类的。
So if you are thinking of buying your first tarantula, or have just bought one, you may find the following info helpful. 因此,如果您想购买你的第一个塔兰图拉,或刚刚买了一,您可能会发现下面的信息帮助。
Democrats view as the kind of operative who would put a tarantula under an opponent's pillow. 往对手枕头底下放毒蜘蛛,形容这人有多坏。
There's a giant tarantula headed your way. 有一只巨大的狼蛛朝你们那边去。
Razer, makers of the Copperhead and Diamondback gaming mice, is branching out into keyboards with the Tarantula. “铜板蛇”和“响尾蛇”游戏鼠标的制造商,将要用“狼蛛”向键盘领域扩展。
The UK's Prince William was given a tarantula spider to hold as he officially opened the Darwin Centre at the Natural History Museum in central London. 在正式为伦敦自然历史博物馆达尔文中心揭幕的仪式上,英国威廉王子与一只有毒的大蜘蛛进行了“亲密接触”。
When I was nine, my mom and dad gave me a small tarantula. 九岁那年,爸爸妈妈给了我一只小狼蛛。
Luckily, you can make an okay-looking knock-off using the tarantula design. 幸好,你可以作出一个好的面向下班使用狼蛛的设计。
My parents practically hollered the roof down when they found out what I'd done the tarantula had cost quite a lot of money. 爸爸妈妈知道我做的事情后,大喊大叫了一通,那声音差点把房顶都掀翻了&那只狼蛛花了他们不少钱呢。
The authors noted that the Chilean Rose tarantula releases the barbed hair on the back of its body to defend against predators. 作者们指出,智利玫瑰蛛能够用它的后背释放带刺的毛发来对抗捕食者。
The giant was identified at the centre of a star cluster in the Tarantula Nebula. 这颗巨大的恒星位于大麦哲伦星云的一个星团的中心。
It was a light bulb moment for the patient, who remembered that three weeks earlier he had been cleaning a stubborn stain on the glass tank of his pet, a Chilean Rose tarantula. 对于患者来说,这是灯泡一亮的功夫,他记得三周前他曾经清洗过他的宠物&智利玫瑰狼蛛的玻璃饲养器上的一个顽渍。