N-COUNT (政府对进口商品征收的)关税 A tariff is a tax that a government collects on goods coming into a country.
America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics. 美国打算取消电子产品等的关税。
N-COUNT (公共服务的)收费,费用;(旅馆的)住宿费,服务费 A tariff is the rate at which you are charged for public services such as gas and electricity, or for accommodation and services in a hotel.
The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium. 日常费用包括住宿以及游泳池和健身房的不限时使用。
...electricity tariffs and telephone charges. 电费和电话费
America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics. 美国打算取消电子产品等的关税。
The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium. 日常费用包括住宿以及游泳池和健身房的不限时使用。
China has given Afghanistan preferential tariff treatment to support its economic development. 此外,中方向阿富汗提供优惠关税待遇,支持阿富汗经济发展。
In general, tariffs can be divided an import tariff and an export tariff. 一般来说,关税可分为进口关税和出口关税。
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 国际关税和贸易总协定
And our tariff level have dropped to the average of developing countries. 我们已将关税降低到发展中国家的平均水平。
But America, the European Union and Canada argued that the tariff was against WTO rules. 但是美国、欧盟、加拿大都称这项关税违反了世贸组织的规则。
Rule of customs duties as means of protection In 1861 a protective tariff was adopted. 关税作为保护手段原则1861年通过了保护性关税的规定。
There are a total of33 commodities involved in this tariff cut, mainly energies and raw materials. 削减关税的商品总共有33种,主要是能源和原材料。
Tariff and non-tariff concession 关税和非关税优惠待遇
Tariff and non-tariff barrier 关税壁垒和非关税壁垒
A tariff imposed to protect domestic firms from import competition. 在进口竞争中保护国内企业的关税。
China will cut import tariff to balance trade. 中国将降低进口贸易税,以保持贸易平衡。
At this point, American Trade Law substituted for its tariff law. 从这个意义上讲,贸易法取代了关税法。
In 1904, Japan imposed a tariff on rice imports. 1904年,日本对进口大米征收关税。
Specific tariff is relatively easy to apply and administer, particularly to standardized commodities and staple products. 从量税比较容易实施及管理,尤其是对于标准化商品和主要产品。
Trade barriers usually consist of tariff restrictions and non-tariff barriers. 贸易壁垒通常包括关税壁垒和非关税壁垒。
China, Korea and Japan charge us a tariff on our goods but we charge them zero. 中国,韩国和日本对我们的产品征收关税,但我们却没有对他们征收一点。
Japan's government subsidies and feed-in tariff's are helping to boost the demand for solar power systems in the country. 日本的政府补贴和强人关税的正在帮助促进了该国的太阳能发电系统的需求。
And second, tariff and non-tariff measures for the trade of goods. 二是在货物贸易的关税和非关税措施方面进行研究。
It followed last month's move by New Delhi to reduce tariff and excise duties on oil imports. 在央行这一举措出台前,上月印度政府降低了进口石油的关税和消费税。
For this purpose, he devises tariff laws, tax laws, relief laws, and school laws. 为此,他们设计出关税法、法、济法和教育法。
Like retaliation tariff, preferential tariff is used as a weapon in international relations. 与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用。
In1861a protective tariff was adopted. 1861年通过了保护性关税的规定。
Certain imported goods may be subject to tariff rate quota control. 国家对部分进口货物可以实行关税配额管理。
Tariff income is main goal in making tariff policy. 关税收入是我国关税政策制定过程中的主要目标之一。
And any discriminatory quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas. 以及任何歧视性数量限制或关税配额等。
For tariff refund, taxation and customs authorities; 关税退税,税务主管机关和海关;
Tariffs are commonly levied in one of two ways: ad valorem tariff or specific tariff. 关税通常以下列两种方式的一种征收:从价关税或从量关税。