The allied economic-stimulus archive restricts H-1B hires among companies namely receive asset from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. 联邦经济刺激计划限制接受了问题资产救助计划(TARP)资金的企业雇佣需要申请H-1B签证的外籍员工。
Tarp was eventually approved. TARP最终得到批准。
That means the banks will likely do what they wanted to do before Tarp came along. 这意味着各银行可能会去做它们在TARP出台之前想做的事情。
But that is just another liquidity programme, not a way to harmonise competitiveness. 但Tarp不过是另一种流动性方案,而非使竞争力趋于一致的手段。
We could have bought a lot of high speed trains with the3.3 trillion we spent on TARP instead. 用3.3万亿可以买许多这样的高速靓车,我们却拿去救助不良资产了。
This is an inappropriate institutional use of the Fed, the FDIC and the tarp. 这是对美联储、联邦存款保险公司和tarp资金在制度上的不恰当使用。
What do you got under that tarp? 帆布底下藏了什么?
Senator Shelby said the massive TARP plan approved late last year had actually scared investors instead of calming them. 去年年底审批的这个庞大的问题资产救助方案实际上吓坏了投资人,而不是稳定了他们。
Only two problems: My tarp was too small, and the alcohol I brought was the wrong type. 只有两个问题:我的篷布太小,而我带来的酒精是错误的类型。
The US Tarp investments were supplemented by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guarantees on certain, senior bank borrowings. 在美国,联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)为特定的优先级银行贷款提供担保,作为对Tarp投资的补充。
Had the US tarp been divided, it would have failed. 美国的tarp当初如果被分割,它现在就已经失败了。
Recall that even after Lehman's failure it still took two attempts to get Tarp passed. 回忆一下,即使在雷曼倒闭后,Tarp法案仍需经过两番努力才得以通过。
The injection of Troubled Asset Relief Programme funds added more money to the financial system. “不良资产救助计划(TARP)”资金的注入大大增加了金融系统中的流动性。
If the euro-Tarp does not follow this pattern, it will not be taken seriously by financial markets. 欧元区版Tarp如果不沿用这种模式,就不会受到金融市场的重视。
He said TARP and other measures have helped to calm financial markets that were in danger of collapse. 他说,TARP以及其他一些措施对平静处于崩溃危险的金融市场起了一定的帮助。
Both firms have paid back the government loans they received under TARP. J. 两家公司都偿还了从问题资产救助计划获得的政府贷款。
If this progeny of the troubled asset relief programme fails, Mr Obama's credibility will be ruined. 如果这个第二代问题资产救助计划(Tarp)失败,奥巴马将会丧失可信度。
At the edge of the forest, behind the dunes, I set up my small tarp. 在边缘的森林,背后的沙丘,我设立了我的小篷布。
The US Treasury initially designed the tarp to buy bad assets from the banks, but reversed itself and only made equity investments. 美国财政部起初设计的tarp计划是从银行购买不良资产,但后来自己改变了主意,只进行了股本投资。
The US Treasury did not negotiate with the first 10 banks to receive tarp capital. 美国财政部并未与首批的10家银行磋商、让它们接受tarp资金的事情。
If passed, the Tarp would reduce insolvency caused by holdings of illiquid assets. 若不良资产解救方案得到通过,它将减少因持有流动性不佳资产而导致的资不抵债。
Sixth, the euro tarp investments must carry strong protections and equity upside for taxpayers. 第六,欧元区版tarp的投资应为纳税人提供强有力的保护和股权升值利益。
Life under the tarp is better than death, but not by much. 靠着tarp生存下来强于死亡,但好不了多少。
Part of the pay proposals will affect banks that have taken government money through the troubled assets relief programme. 部分薪酬提案将会影响到通过问题资产救助计划(tarp)获得政府资金的银行。
That is why Mr Blankfein wants to repay the TARP money. 这就是为何布兰克费恩想要偿还问题资产救助计划的资金。
We left the real money under the tarp. 我们把真钞留在了油布下面。
However, Tarp repayment conditions require that the institution shows it is able to raise capital independently. 然而,Tarp的偿还条件要求各机构表明,自己有能力独立筹集资金。
Funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program are only replacing lost capital, not increasing it. 问题资产救助计划(tarp)提供的资金只是替代了失去的资本金,而没有增加资本金。