
英 [tɜːmz] 美 [tɜːrmz]

n.  (协议、合同等的)条件,条款; (交易的)条件; 价钱; 费用; 表达方式; 措辞; 说法
v.  把…称为; 把…叫做





  1. (协议、合同等的)条件,条款
    the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract
    1. peace terms
    2. Under the terms of the agreement , their funding of the project will continue until 2010.
    3. They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement.
    4. These are the terms and conditions of your employment.
  2. (交易的)条件;价钱;费用
    conditions that you agree to when you buy, sell, or pay for sth; a price or cost
    1. to buy sth on easy terms (= paying for it over a long period)
    2. My terms are £20 a lesson.
  3. 表达方式;措辞;说法
    a way of expressing yourself or of saying sth
    1. We wish to protest in the strongest possible terms (= to say we are very angry) .
    2. I'll try to explain in simple terms.
    3. The letter was brief, and couched in very polite terms .


  1. PHRASE 在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说
    If you talk about something in terms of something or in particular terms, you are specifying which aspect of it you are discussing or from what point of view you are considering it.
    1. Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety...
    2. Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power.
  2. PHRASE 用…术语;用…语言;用…字眼
    If you say something in particular terms, you say it using a particular type or level of language or using language which clearly shows your attitude.
    1. The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works...
    2. The document is expressed in terms that are readily understood and agreed.
  3. N-COUNT 术语;学科用语
    A term is a word or expression with a specific meaning, especially one which is used in relation to a particular subject.
    1. Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack.
  4. VERB 把…称作;把…叫作
    If you say that something is termed a particular thing, you mean that that is what people call it or that is their opinion of it.
    1. He had been termed a temporary employee...
    2. He termed the war a humanitarian nightmare.
  5. N-VAR 学期
    A term is one of the periods of time that a school, college, or university divides the year into.
    1. ...the summer term.
    2. ...the last day of term.
  6. N-COUNT (政党、政府的)任期
    A term is a period of time between two elections during which a particular party or government is in power.
    1. Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain's election.
      费利佩·冈萨雷斯在西班牙选举中获得第 4 次连任。
  7. N-COUNT (工作、居住的)期间,期限
    A term is a period of time that someone spends doing a particular job or in a particular place.
    1. ...a 12 month term of service...
      为期 12 个月的任职期
    2. Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term.
      违犯者可判处 7 年监禁。
  8. N-COUNT (合同、保险的)有效期
    A term is the period for which a legal contract or insurance policy is valid.
    1. Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy.
  9. N-UNCOUNT 怀孕期;足月;临产
    The term of a woman's pregnancy is the nine month period that it lasts. Term is also used to refer to the end of the nine month period.
    1. That makes her the first TV presenter to work the full term of her pregnancy...
    2. Women over 40 seem to be just as capable of carrying a baby to term as younger women.
      年过 40 的女性好像和年轻女性一样能够怀孕到足月。
  10. N-PLURAL (协议、条约等的)条款,条件
    The terms of an agreement, treaty, or other arrangement are the conditions that must be accepted by the people involved in it.
    1. ...the terms of the Helsinki agreement...
    2. Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms.
  11. PHRASE 勉强接受;向…让步;对…妥协
    If you come to terms with something difficult or unpleasant, you learn to accept and deal with it.
    1. She had come to terms with the fact that her husband would always be crippled.
  12. PHRASE 在平等的条件下;在相同的基础上
    If two people or groups compete on equal terms or on the same terms, neither of them has an advantage over the other.
    1. I had at last found a sport where I could compete on equal terms with able-bodied people...
    2. The focus was on women gaining access to work on the same terms as men.
  13. PHRASE 关系融洽;友好相处
    If two people are on good terms or on friendly terms, they are friendly with each other.
    1. Madeleine is on good terms with Sarah...
    2. We shook hands and parted on good terms.
  14. See also: The agreement should have very positive results in the long term... In the short term, chemical sprays are clearly an effective way to control pests... In the medium term the UK car industry has a brighter outlook. long-term medium-term short-term
  15. PHRASE 按照…的条件;根据…的意见
    If you do something on your terms, you do it under conditions that you decide because you are in a position of power.
    1. They will sign the union treaty only on their terms.
  16. PHRASE 正在考虑,正在打算(做某事)
    If you say that you are thinking in terms of doing a particular thing, you mean that you are considering it.
    1. United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup...
    2. She was thinking in terms of a career.
  17. a contradiction in terms → see: contradiction


  1. In absolute terms British wages remain low by European standards.
  2. The meeting ended on reasonably amicable terms
  3. Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.
  4. People use scientific terms with no clear idea of their meaning.
  5. There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.
  6. The new centre-right government's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms
  7. I'm also not crazy about the initial terms of the deal.
  8. The enemy is so desirous of peace that he will agree to any terms.
  9. The officers were more or less able to dictate terms to successive governments
  10. It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers
  11. If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund
  12. Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms
  13. These terms were favourable to India.
  14. There are basically two types called, in layman's terms, blue and white asbestos.
  15. They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit.
  16. Both sides had agreed to use neutral terms in their references to each other, avoiding controversial ones
  17. There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations
  18. Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety
  19. Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power.
  20. I had at last found a sport where I could compete on equal terms with able-bodied people
  21. Madeleine is on good terms with Sarah
  22. They will sign the union treaty only on their terms.
  23. The government has announced the terms of reference for its proposed committee of inquiry.
  24. I meet many businessmen, and I see they think in terms of the overall picture
  25. I think it's a bit unkind to describe the ship in those terms.
  26. Both parties agreed on these terms.
  27. They are reconciled with each other again.; They are on good terms again.
  28. Don't speak in such abstract terms.
  29. I have long since come to terms with my blindness.
  30. It can not be measured in terms of money.



    be on good, friendly, bad, etc. terms (with sb)

  • (与某人)关系好(或友好、不好等)
    to have a good, friendly, etc. relationship with sb
    1. I had no idea that you and he were on such intimate terms (= were such close friends) .
    2. He is still on excellent terms with his ex-wife.
    3. I'm on first-name terms with my boss now (= we call each other by our first names) .
  • come to terms (with sb)

  • (与某人)达成协议,妥协
    to reach an agreement with sb; to find a way of living or working together
    1. come to terms with sth

    2. 迁就顺从;接受(令人不快的事物);适应(困难的处境)
      to accept sth unpleasant by learning to deal with it
      1. She is still coming to terms with her son's death.
    3. in terms of sth


    4. 谈及;就…而言;在…方面
      used to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are thinking about it
      1. The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.
      2. The decision was disastrous in political terms.
      3. He's talking in terms of starting a completely new career.
      4. In terms of cost─how much were you thinking of charging?
    5. on your own terms

      on sb's terms

    6. 按照自己的条件;根据…的主张
      according to the conditions that you or sb else decides
      1. I'll only take the job on my own terms.
      2. I'm not doing it on your terms.
    7. a contradiction in terms

    8. 矛盾词项;对立词项
      a statement containing two words that contradict each other's meaning
      1. A ‘nomad settlement’ is a contradiction in terms.
    9. on equal terms (with sb)

    10. (与某人)处于平等的地位
      having the same advantages and disadvantages as sb else
      1. Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals?
    11. be on speaking terms (with sb)

      be speaking (to sb)

    12. (与某人)和好如初,和睦相处
      to be willing to be polite or friendly towards sb, especially after an argument
      1. She's not been on speaking terms with her uncle for years.
      2. Are they speaking to each other again yet?
    13. in no uncertain terms

    14. 明确有力地;毫不含糊地
      clearly and strongly
      1. I told him what I thought of him in no uncertain terms.



    1. the amount of money needed to purchase something
      1. the price of gasoline
      2. he got his new car on excellent terms
      3. how much is the damage?

      Synonym:    pricedamage

    2. status with respect to the relations between people or groups
      1. on good terms with her in-laws
      2. on a friendly footing

      Synonym:    footing