In order to illustrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the approach, two simulations of straight line braking were conducted on split and tessellated road surfaces, respectively. 最后在直线制动工况下模拟了该路面状态识别方法在分离路面和组合路面上的可靠性和有效性。
Real-time rendering of massive terrains based on tessellated multi-resolution datasets 基于多分辨率数据源镶嵌的大规模地形实时绘制算法
On the source data level, the vertices are assembled and tessellated. 在源数据层,顶点被组合及镶嵌。
Shadows fell in tessellated patterns of grey and black. 投下的阴影组成了灰黑相嵌的马赛克图案。
The pollen morphological observation of 10 plant species in tessellated meadow of Inner Mongolia 内蒙古五花草塘10种植物的花粉形态观察
In computer drawing, generally, curves are represented by line segments and surfaces are tessellated up with small plane patches. 在计算机绘图中,一般来说,曲线实际上是由折线代替,而曲面实为小平面拼接而成。
The sheath is generally composed of 2-4 layers of tessellated epithelia and exists all over the cerebrospinal and autonomic nerves and herve ganlions. 该鞘一般由2&4层连续的单层扁平上皮构成,广泛存在于所有脑、脊神经及其神经节和植物性神经及其神经节内。