Even history from just thirty-something years ago has become off-limits, and of course the freedom to discuss current problems has all been killed. 连几十年前的历史都成了禁区,讨论现实问题的自由当然全部封杀。
Dorotea, a thirty-something one-woman ceramics entrepreneur based in the remote forests of Peru, knows all about the global financial crisis. 三十多岁的多洛蒂(Dorotea)女士是一家位于秘鲁偏远林区的陶瓷厂的老板,她对全球金融危机可谓了然于胸。
Another thirty-something birthday with a group of unmarried female friends. 另一个三十多岁的生日和一帮没有结婚的女性朋友。