V-ERG 抓紧;攥紧 If you tighten your grip on something, or if your grip tightens, you hold the thing more firmly or securely.
Luke answered by tightening his grip on her shoulder... 卢克的回应就是把她的肩头抓得更紧了。
Her arms tightened about his neck in gratitude... 她充满感激,把他的脖子搂得更紧了。
Stefano's grip tightened and his tone became colder. 斯蒂芬诺的手抓得更紧了,语气也更冷了。
V-ERG 绷紧,拉紧(绳、链) If you tighten a rope or chain, or if it tightens, it is stretched or pulled hard until it is straight.
The anchorman flung his whole weight back, tightening the rope... 那个压阵队员使尽了全身力气往后拽,把绳子拉得紧紧的。
The cables tightened and he was lifted gradually from the deck. 缆绳绷紧了,他被慢慢地吊离了甲板。
V-ERG (对…)严加控制;(使)加强控制 If a government or organization tightens its grip on a group of people or an activity, or if its grip tightens, it begins to have more control over it.
He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government... 他清楚有相当多的人支持他对中央政府机构加强控制的计划。
As the regime's grip on the mainland tightened over the next few years, hundreds of thousands more people fled south. 随着后来几年那个政权加强对大陆的控制,又有数十万人逃往南方。
VERB 拧紧,旋紧(螺钉、螺丝帽等) When you tighten a screw, nut, or other device, you turn it or move it so that it is more firmly in place or holds something more firmly.
I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp... 我用拇指指甲把台灯上的螺钉拧紧了。
All the bolts were fully tightened. 所有的螺钉都拧紧了。
Tighten up means the same as tighten . tighten up 同 tighten
It's important to tighten up the wheels properly, otherwise they vibrate loose and fall off. 把轮子拧紧是很重要的,否则它们会因振动松动、脱落。
VERB (身体局部)变僵硬,产生憋闷感,产生阻塞感 If a part of your body tightens, the muscles in it become tense and stiff, for example because you are angry or afraid.
Sofia's throat had tightened and she couldn't speak... 索菲娅喉咙哽住了,说不出话来。
She saw his jaw tighten and his face lose its colour. 她看见他的下巴绷紧,脸色煞白。
VERB 使(规定、政策、制度)更加严格;使更加有效 If someone in authority tightens a rule, a policy, or a system, they make it stricter or more efficient.
The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place... 美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。
They have tightened security along the border... 他们加强了边境的安全工作。
Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets narrowly escaped disaster. 在两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更加严格了。
Tighten up means the same as tighten . tighten up 同 tighten
Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed... 到本周为止,一切旨在严格执法的努力都失败了。
He accused ministers of breaking election pledges to tighten up on immigration. 他指责部长们没有兑现在竞选中许下的加强移民管制的诺言。