We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens. 我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园。
Andand eighteen dales is famous for its crooked path and tinkling spring. 九溪十八涧则以“曲曲环环路,叮叮咚咚泉”著称。
It was like the tinkling of a bell. 好象是个受到振动的铃铛。
The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. 风高兴地带走了你踝铃的丁当。
And a tinkling laugh came back to him on the wind. The land there knows only strong arms, big bowls of strong liquor and unbridled laughter. 风吹来了刘玉英这一句,和朗朗的笑声。那儿的水土只认识有劲的胳膊,大碗的白酒和爽朗的大笑。
Goats were kept on the upland slopes, their bells tinkling as they grazed. 山羊被放养在高地的斜坡上,吃草时它们的铃铛叮当作响。
Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. 伴着和谐的铃声洒满整条路的小驴穿过一堆堆进入和离开集市的人。
The wind-chimes made a tinkling sound in the breeze. 风铃在微风中发出丁当声。
I could hear bells tinkling. 我可听到铃在叮当作响。
He is more likely to be tinkling the ivories than punching somebody's lights out. 他更象一个弹奏钢琴,而不是挥拳打人的人。
The jade accouterments on her collide with each other, and give out a tinkling sound. 她身上的玉石饰物互相碰撞发出玲玎的响声。
The Dog grew proud of his bell, and went tinkling it all over the market-place. 这只狗对于这个铃当也渐渐感觉得意,叮当叮当地满街跑着。
The bank recently had the impressive instrument installed so members of the company's music club could spend their lunch breaks tinkling the ivories instead of grabbing a sandwich at Starbucks. 这家银行最近安放了这件令人印象深刻的乐器,如此一来,公司音乐俱乐部的成员就可以用午餐休息时间敲敲钢琴键,而不是在星巴克(Starbucks)抓着一块三明治。
Through the grass came a soft silvery tinkling. 从草海中传来了一阵微弱的银叮铃声。
The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling. A fatal mistake made by the fundamental trader is to take small profits. 而致辞声和觥筹交错的祝酒声也变小了,成了嘟囔和叮当作响之声。初学交易的人的一个致命的错误是稍有赢利就出手。
Chilling winds swept beneath the door-sills and rattled the loose window-panes with a monotonous tinkling sound. 寒冷的风从门缝里钻进来,把那松动的窗玻璃刮得单调地琅琅作响。
Day after day, the tinkling of little sheep bells around their little sheep necks permeates the Swiss sunshine all day and most of the night. 日复一日的,羊儿们脖子上的清脆的铃儿叮当声整日里穿透着瑞士的阳光,以及无数的夜晚。
She heard of the gentle tinkling of teaspoons, and musical clatter of cups and saucers. 她听见茶匙轻微的叮??声,杯盘悦耳的撞击声。
In the forest, there are clear streams and tinkling spring water everywhere. 丛林里到处都有清澈的溪流和叮咚的泉水。
Jeroen B.Jacobs: Certainly, we adopt a lot of China native this, like the year tinkling of pieces of jade Miss Du. 杨亚伦:当然,我们采用了很多中国本土人才,像这位杜年玲小姐。
Sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion-Wordsworth. 浑厚的铜管声和清脆的铙钹声;奔腾浑厚的瀑布声如激情般萦绕于怀-沃兹沃斯。
We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement. 我们必须时时刻刻提防那些敲锣打鼓宣传姑息主义的人。
Of course, we were sitting outside, in a garden fragrant with climbing plants and a tinkling fountain. 当然,我们坐在户外,一个弥漫着攀缘植物和清脆喷泉芬芳的花园里。
Once they were so close we could hear the bells tinkling in their braids, and sometimes at night their fires could be seen beyond the eastern hills. 又一次我们是如此的靠近,甚至能听到他们发辫上的铃声,夜晚不时还能看到他们的营火在东山后面照耀。
I heard glass beads tinkling. 我听见玻璃珠叮叮声。
Make or emit a high tinkling sound. 发出清脆的叮当的声音。
With the tinkling sound, my heart tightened, fearing it was broken. 只听珑璁一声,我的心也揪了一下,生怕那件抱起碎了。