People can sleep in tents, or tipi's which are a special kind of round tent, and some will barely sleep for 3 days so they can listen to all their favourite/ or new bands! 人们睡在帐篷或者叫做tipi's的特殊的圆型帷帐里。有些人甚至几乎三天都不睡觉,这样他们就可以听到所有他们喜欢的乐队或新乐队表演。
You and your men search the village tipi by tipi. 你带领手下逐个帐篷搜查。
Just down the street is a large Indian temporary cloth house called a tipi. 沿街而下是一个大的印第安人临时的布房子称做印第安帐篷。
But in the bear market, the CPPI and TIPI tactics is effective, the CM tactics is noneffective. 而在单调空头市场里CPPI策略与TIPI策略是有效的,CM策略是无效的。
Suppose the fluctuation of security market could be anticipated, the CPPI tactics has the best performance in the bull market, the TIPI and CM tactics is noneffective; 假设股市波动是可预期的,在股市处于单调多头市场里时,CPPI策略是有效的最佳动态PI策略,CM策略,TIPI策略是无效的;