More than a thousand people died when the Lusitania was torpedoed. 卢西塔尼亚号被鱼雷击沉,导致1,000多人死亡。
The warship was torpedoed and sank at once. 军舰被鱼雷击中,立即沉没。
The third World Heritage candidate in Yunnan is the Old Town of Dali, a place that nearly torpedoed my strategy for avoiding crowds. 云南第三个世遗候选地是大理古城,我避开主流游客的出行策略在这里差点就落了空。
The Japanese economy could soon be torpedoed by external events. 日本经济很快会被外来事件击沉。
Even people in the most technical professions have their careers torpedoed if they lack emotional intelligence. 即使是那些来自技术性最强的专业的人才也会因为过低的情商而破坏自己的职业生涯。
But the latest revelation once again raises questions about the White House vetting process, which has failed to expose problems that have torpedoed several nominees. 但最近被揭露的这起事件又引发了人们对白宫审批程序的质疑,该程序未能及时发现导致数名候选人落马的诸多问题。
When they didn't agree, the Granados set sail to Spain via England, but a German submarine torpedoed their boat in the English Channel. 因为他们不同意,格拉纳多斯于是启航通过英格兰回西班牙,但德国潜艇在英吉利海峡击沉了他们的船。
Then, in 2010, China stood on the sidelines after North Korea torpedoed a South Korean warship, killing 46 sailors. 接下来在2010年,在朝鲜用鱼雷击沉一艘韩国军舰、导致46名船员丧生后,中国又采取了袖手旁观的态度。
The two sides were described as close to an agreement, but last-minute disagreements torpedoed the talks. 据称,双方曾接近达成协议,但最后一刻的意见分歧导致谈判破裂。
By contrast, the French never cease to defend the notion of a eurozone polity, yet they torpedoed a joint eurozone external representation at the International Monetary Fund by insisting that France retain its seat. 相比之下,法国从未停止过捍卫欧元区政治一体化的理念,然而,他们坚决要求保留法国在国际货币基金组织(imf)的席位,导致欧元区在该组织共享一个对外代表权的想法流产。
The Lusitania was a British ocean liner that was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine during the First World War. 第一次世界大战期间,英国远洋邮轮卢西塔尼亚号被德国潜艇用鱼雷炸沉。
He was drunk when his last ship was torpedoed. 自从他上次船被鱼雷击中后他开始酗酒。
Their ridiculous demands torpedoed the negotiations. 他们荒谬的要求破坏了谈判。
The Department of justice will not be placated; tax treaties with Britain, Germany and Austria that preserve bank secrecy may well be torpedoed by Swiss citizens in a referendum planned for November. 美国司法部不会那么好说话;与英国、德国和澳大利亚达成的保留银行业保密原则的税务条约很可能会被计划在11月进行的瑞士公投所破坏。
The crew took to the lifeboats when the ship was torpedoed. 船被鱼雷击中,船员逃上救生艇。
That makes it 11 months since Pyongyang revealed it was pursuing a second nuclear programme based on uranium enrichment and 18 months since North Korean submarines torpedoed a South Korean naval ship, killing 46 sailors. 而平壤方面披露它正在发展第二个基于铀浓缩的核项目则是11个月前的事;朝鲜潜艇用鱼雷击沉一艘韩国海军舰艇、导致46名水兵丧生更是18月前的事了。
In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. 同时,据报告,若干艘美国船只在旧金山与火奴鲁鲁之间的公海上被水雷击中。
The battle ship was torpedoed. 该战列舰遭到了鱼雷的袭击。
After North Korea torpedoed a South Korean warship on the night of March 26, many bleary-eyed cabinet members feared conflict was imminent as their drivers whisked them to the war bunker. 3月26日晚朝鲜以鱼雷击沉韩国军舰后,多名睡眼惺忪的韩国内阁成员在他们的司机把他们送往地下指挥部的路上,担心冲突在即。
The US and South Korea previously held joint exercises in the same waters after North Korea torpedoed a South Korean warship in March, killing 46 sailors. 在朝鲜用鱼雷击沉韩国一艘军舰、导致46名水兵死亡之后,美韩曾在同一水域举行联合军演。
To rush to the conclusion that North Korea had torpedoed the ship would have put him under pressure to retaliate, risking a dangerous military escalation with his unpredictable, nuclear-armed Stalinist neighbour. 若匆忙得出结论称朝鲜用鱼雷击沉了那艘军舰,李明博将面临国内要求报复的巨大压力,可能导致韩国与不可预测、拥有核武器和斯大林主义政权的朝鲜出现危险的军事对抗升级。
Valuable ships had been torpedoed, or sunk by air attack. 几艘昂贵的船只被鱼雷击中或是被空袭炸沉。
The Karen had been sailing in a convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine. 卡伦号是护送船只到俄国去的,途中遇到敌人潜水艇的鱼雷袭击。
In1942, during World War II, the USS Wasp was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine; the U.S.Navy ended up sinking the badly damaged aircraft carrier. 1942年,在第二次大战期间,美国参议院峰被日本潜艇鱼雷破坏,美国海军结束了坏的很厉害的航空母舰了。
The UK tried to broker a Franco-American fund for European bank rescues. The French torpedoed it. 当年,英国为了救援欧洲银行,试图促成一家美法基金(Franco-Americanfund)的纾困行动,却被法国破坏掉了。
The dark's true Achilles heel is the torpedoed monetary system which is on its last legs. 黑暗势力的真实弱点是他们的货币系统。
That the thunder-hit man was able to survive was contrary to nature. The battle ship was torpedoed. 那个人在遭雷击之后居然幸存下来,这简直是一个奇迹。该战列舰遭到了鱼雷的袭击。
When she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine. 突然遭到敌方潜水艇鱼雷的袭击。
The inaction broke pledges made by Seoul, after one of its warships was torpedoed in March, that it would be ready for subsequent attacks and would respond forcefully. 这种不作为打破了首尔方面做出的誓言。3月份韩国一艘军舰被鱼雷击沉后,韩国政府曾誓言将严阵以待朝方以后的攻击,并将作出有力还击。