The Guangzhou Daily recently called this Christmas "the worst" for Chinese toymakers. 《广州日报》(theGuangzhouDaily)最近刊发的一篇文章认为,对于中国玩具制造商而言,这个圣诞节是“史上最糟糕的”。
Toymakers have largely played safe with old favourites and TV and movie tie-ins, but have given them a technological or modern twist. 玩具制造商为了保险起见,仍然推出了经典的热销玩具产品及电视和电影中的相关玩具,而且他们将现代高科技技术融入其中,希望带给大家新颖时尚的感觉。
For a lesson in commercial risk in China, you need only talk to one of the small foreign toymakers operating in the country. 如果你想吸取一点在华经商风险方面的教训,只需要跟一家在华运营的小型外国玩具制造商谈谈就行了。
But this sort of system requires a long and costly implementation process that may be beyond many smaller toymakers. 不过,这种机制需要一个长期、昂贵的执行过程,可能超出很多小型玩具制造商的承受能力。
Up against tech groups that make such engaging entertainment, toymakers cannot compete, Mr McGowan said. 麦高恩说,高科技公司制造的游戏如此吸引人,玩具制造商是无法与之竞争的。
So one of the important things we need to do as toymakers is to make sure our brands are in some of those other spaces. 所以,作为玩具制造商,最重要的事情之一就是保证我们的品牌出现在其它一些领域中。