PHRASE 奏效;达到目的 If something does the trick, it achieves what you wanted.
Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick. 有时说几句尖酸刻薄的话就有人听了。
PHRASE 千方百计;浑身解数;所有的办法 If someone tries every trick in the book, they try every possible thing that they can think of in order to achieve something.
Companies are using every trick in the book to stay one step in front of their competitors. 各公司想方设法地保持比竞争者领先一步的优势。
PHRASE 灯光造成的幻觉 If you say that something is a trick of the light, you mean that what you are seeing is an effect caused by the way that the light falls on things, and does not really exist in the way that it appears.
Her head appears to be on fire but that is only a trick of the light. 她的头部看上去像是着火了,但那只是灯光造成的幻觉。
PHRASE 无所(不)知;无事(不)晓;把握住任何机会 If you say that someone does not miss a trick, you mean that they always know what is happening and take advantage of every situation.
When it comes to integrating their transport systems, the French don't miss a trick. 法国人从不放过任何整合其交通系统的机会。
PHRASE (行业)诀窍,门道,绝活 The tricks of the trade are the quick and clever ways of doing something that are known by people who regularly do a particular activity.
To get you started, we have asked five successful writers to reveal some of the tricks of the trade. 为了让你开始写作,我们邀请了 5 位成功作家向你透露一些写作秘诀。
PHRASE 故伎重演;耍老花招 If you say that someone is up to their tricks or up to their old tricks, you disapprove of them because they are behaving in the dishonest or deceitful way in which they typically behave.
I have no respect for my father who, having remarried, is still up to his old tricks. 我对父亲没任何敬意,他已经再婚,却依然喜欢耍老把戏。
It is a German play, no matter what, with a tricking, shifting after-piece between the acts. 不管哪个德国剧,幕与幕之间都要有幽默滑稽的剧末余兴。
Fraudulent emails aimed at tricking people into revealing credit card numbers. “网络钓鱼”通过欺诈性电子邮件骗取人们透露信用卡号码。
If one secceeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, "April Fool!" 要是某人成功地欺骗了他人,他就大笑着,“四月傻瓜!”
What if my father touches me? I would appear to be tricking him and would bring down a curse on myself rather than a blessing. 倘若我父亲摸着我,必以我为欺哄人的,我就招咒诅,不得祝福。
That is, by tricking the human beings that work for your organization, attackers are able to gain access to systems and information to which they should not have access. 也就是说,通过欺骗在您的组织中工作的人员,攻击者可以获得权限以访问他们本不应该访问的系统和信息。
By successfully tricking the Jade Emperor in this way, humanity was saved from extermination. 通过这种方式,人们成功骗过了玉皇大帝,人类也因此逃过灭绝的危险。
Alain Jupp é, French foreign minister, said on Thursday that he thought Mr Assad was tricking the international community. 法国外长阿兰?朱佩(AlainJuppé)周四表示,他认为阿萨德正在欺骗国际社会。
Now, that is one way of tricking yourself into the mood. 看看,这可是一种调整自己心情的好方法。
The cover of this art album is tricking too. 包括这个画册的封面。
Have you seen a swindler admit he's tricking you? 你见过一个骗子承认他在骗你的么?
Other news tricking down the wires is that US President-elect, Obama, will nominate NY Fed Chief, Timothy Geithner, as the new Secretary to the Treasury. 导致美元小幅下跌,还因为其他的一些消息,如美国当选总统奥巴马将任命纽约联邦储备银行行长蒂莫西·盖纳为财政部长。
These assholes, they're tricking us. 这帮王八蛋在耍我们。
If one succeeds in tricking someone, one laughs and says,@ April Fool@, and the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too. 如果一个人成功地欺骗别人,他就会笑着说,愚人节的傻瓜,那个被欺骗的人通常也会笑的。
Clickjacking is a malicious technique of tricking Web users into revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer while clicking on seemingly innocuous Web pages. “点击劫持”是一种恶意攻击技术,用于跟踪网络用户,获取其私密信息或者通过让用户点击看似正常的网页来远程控制其电脑。很多浏览器和操作平台都有这样的漏洞。
There have been reports of bent doctors tricking people into paying for their supposedly free care. 有报道称,有些医生行为不端,欺骗患者,本来政策规定了免费的医疗,还要患者付费。
He started feeling paranoid and was convinced other people were tricking him and dlying to him. 他开始疑神疑鬼,以为其他人都在耍他骗他。
Adrian: No, this guy's business is tricking people. 亚德安:没有啊,这家伙是专门骗人的嘛。
Tricking people isn't filmmaker's job. 欺骗观众也不是导演的工作。
Some advertising is deliberately tricking, but is really is cheating the public. 有些广告商故意耍一些小花招,这其实是欺骗公众。
The general belief of SSL providing security is precisely why many of the newer phishing scams that use SSL are tricking people into giving up personal information. 对SSL提供安全的普遍信心正好是为什么一些新网络钓鱼诡计使用SSL哄骗人们放弃个人信息的原因。
Nature's way of tricking people into reproducing. 大自然为了让人类繁衍下去设的圈套。
Tolling, or luring, is the practice of tricking ducks into gunshot range. 收费,或引诱,是欺骗枪伤鸭子范围的做法。
Bo-jung's tricking you right now! 宝中在玩弄你!
Bei: tricking someone can be tiresome? 贝:其面别人是很讨厌的。
He's tricking you! I swear he s tricking you! 他在耍你!我发誓他在耍你!
Antipredator Behavior. Detection; Tricking the Predator; Defenses& Individual, Social; Other Adaptations. 躲避掠食者的行为。侦查;欺瞒掠食者;防御&个体,社群;其他的适应。
In chess it is important to distinguish between cheating and a swindle, which is a perfectly legal way of tricking your opponent without breaking any of the rules of chess. 在象棋中是很重要的区分作弊和一个“骗局”。骗局是一个完全合法的方式欺骗你的对手,而不违反任何国际象棋的规则。
How do you spread your genes around when you're stuck in one place? By tricking animals, including us, into falling in love. 如果你固定在一个地点,如何向周围传播基因呢?通过诱使动物(包括我们人类)坠入爱河。
Did you found he was tricking? Yes. 你发现到他在玩把戏吗?看到了。
Cheng Qian is tricking the Emperor to come to his palace to kill him. 承乾要把皇帝骗到他的宫里谋害他。