小号;喇叭 A trumpet is a musical instrument of the brass family which plays quite high notes.
VERB 大力鼓吹;积极宣扬;大力宣传 If someone trumpets something that they are proud of or that they think is important, they speak about it publicly in a very forceful way.
The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry... 政府一直积极宣扬旅游业是快速发展型产业。
…Mark Morris, who is trumpeted as the dance talent of his generation… 马克·莫里斯,被吹捧为他那一代的舞蹈奇才
Nobody should be trumpeting about chemical weapons... 任何人都不应大肆鼓吹化学武器。
It was trumpeted that the nation's health was improving. 人们大力宣传该国的健康状况正在改善。
…the much trumpeted 'tax cuts' in the 1980s. 20 世纪 80 年代被大肆宣扬的“减税”
VERB (象)吼叫 When an elephant trumpets, it makes a loud sound.
The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach. 当他们靠近时,大象又吼又跺脚。
The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry 政府一直积极宣扬旅游业是快速发展型产业。
Nobody should be trumpeting about chemical weapons 任何人都不应大肆鼓吹化学武器。
But the Keynesian argument that lower government spending automatically hampers GDP growth, right now, is far from the sure thing its champions keep trumpeting. 凯恩斯学派认为,降低政府开支将不可避免地阻碍GDP的增长。虽然这种说法的支持者在不停地鼓吹这种观点,但眼下这一点远不确定。
Day five: the google-ita deal got pushed through and both sides somehow seem to be trumpeting it as a success. 上任第五天:谷歌与ITA的交易获批,双方都将此宣扬为一大成功。
And a cry came from the people as from a single heart, and it rose the dusk and was carried out over the sea like a great trumpeting. 哭声从人群中响起,就像从同一颗心中迸发出来,融入暮色,如喇叭呜咽,在海面上回荡。
Media companies show off new mobile sites and applications, trumpeting their fast growth. 传媒公司纷纷炫耀自身新推出的移动互联网站点以及应用,吹嘘自己的业务增速是多么迅猛。
In a Chinese society that prizes modesty, Xu Jinglei, a successful actress, director and blogger, is not shy about trumpeting her victories ′ or her natural talents. 在崇尚谦逊的中国社会,身为成功演员、导演和博客作者的徐静蕾,并不羞于鼓吹自己的成功和天赋。
There have been countless studies trumpeting the health benefits of moderate daily alcohol intake ( emphasis on moderate), with wines linked to reductions in arterial and cardiovascular diseases. 无数的研究证实每天适量饮酒对身体有益(注意是适量饮酒)。每天小酌一杯红酒,可以减少动脉和心血管疾病。
Sinopec has so far taken the lead, trumpeting its initial success at the Fuling field in southwestern Sichuan province. 中石化目前在中国页岩气领域占据领先位置,它对自己在四川涪陵区块取得的初步成果作了高调宣传。
It started this summer when the state-run Xinhua news agency started trumpeting stocks, publishing eight reports over four days about low valuations. 这波行情始于今年夏天,也就是新华社开始为股市做宣传的时候。当时新华社在四天内发表了八篇报道,内容都和股市的低估值有关。
Gooselike aquatic bird of South America having a harsh trumpeting call. 南美象鹅的水栖鸟,有着喇叭似刺耳的叫声。
The opposition party is trumpeting generous welfare policies, subsidies for farmers and support for parents, but is vague on how it would fund such commitments. 这个反对党大肆宣传高福利政策、对农民提供补贴和为父母提供支持,但对于如何为此类承诺提供资金却含糊不清。
She's always trumpeting the cleverness of her son. 她总是宣扬她儿子的聪明。
The Serbian government is trumpeting this as a crackdown on organised crime. 塞尔维亚政府称此举旨在制裁有组织的犯罪。
A white North American swan ( Olor columbianus) having a soft, musical trumpeting voice and a black beak with a yellow spot at the base. 一种白色北美洲天鹅(哨声天鹅或小天鹅天鹅属)有柔和、充满乐感的象喇叭似的嗓音,黑喙,底部带有一黄点。
In the presidential campaign, G.O.P.candidates John McCain and George W.Bush are trumpeting voucher proposals. 在总统选举中,共和党候选人约翰·麦凯恩和乔治·W·布什都积极支持教育券计划。
China has been trumpeting its progress in protecting intellectual-property rights. 中国一直在吹嘘在保护知识产权方面的进步。
As well as trumpeting the test-firing of an anti-ship cruise missile, it has in recent days warned the US not to send an aircraft carrier back into the Gulf, and threatened to close the strait of Hormuz. 最近几天,除了宣扬自己成功试射一枚反舰巡航导弹以外,伊朗政府还警告美国不要将一艘航空母舰派回海湾地区,并扬言要封锁霍尔木兹海峡。
An elephant's call is a trumpeting sound that echoes through the forest or across the grasslands. 大象的叫声是一种咆哮声,在森林中回响,或者穿越草地。
The charity is trumpeting its Red Cross Publicity Platform. 该慈善组织正大肆宣扬其红十字会宣传平台。
For centuries, Georgia and Ossetia have fought over the verdant valleys south of the Caucasus Mountains, each side trumpeting its own version of history to lay claim to the lands. 数个世纪以来,格鲁吉亚和奥塞梯一直在争夺高加索山脉南部植被茂密的山谷,双方都搬出各自历史,宣称自己对这一地区拥有主权。
Earlier this year, the company was forced to withdraw a prominent television advertisement trumpeting its Olympics Association after it was widely ridiculed in print and online. 今年年初,在遭受了报纸和网络上的广泛嘲讽之后,恒源祥被迫撤下了一则著名的宣传其奥运会赞助商身份的电视广告。
He is always trumpeting his own opinions. 他总是不遗余力地宣扬自己的观点。
Every mile or two, it advertises itself in way-side slogans, offering advice to drivers and trumpeting its feats. 每隔一两公里,它就在道路旁树立一个广告标语,给驾驶员建议或者吹嘘自己。
Rare North American crane having black-and-white plumage and a trumpeting call. 珍稀的美洲鹤,有黑白色的羽毛和洪亮的叫声。
Various European officials are trumpeting a substantial drop in the number of African migrants crossing the mediterranean. 各种不同的欧洲官员正在横越地中海的非洲移居者的数字中大力鼓吹可观的下降。
The wind is trumpeting, a bugle calling to charge! 风在掌号。冲锋号!
Despite this, there will be no ideological trumpeting of the virtues of Asian capitalism. 即便如此,亚洲人也不会在意识形态层面上大肆宣扬亚洲资本主义的美德。