By choosing Sarah Palin as his running-mate he made a cynical tryst with a party base that he has never much liked and that has never much liked him. 通过选择萨拉佩琳作为竞选伙伴,麦凯恩与原来那些他不怎么喜欢并且也不怎么喜欢他的共和党基础人士达成了妥协。
I came out alone on my way to my tryst. 我独自去赴幽会。
They may scrub extra hard after a con job, use$ 40 hyacinth shampoo after a secret tryst or book a weekend at a spa after a particularly ugly hit. 他们可能在行骗后使劲搓洗,在秘密幽会后用昂贵的40美圆一瓶的风信子浴液或者在犯罪后在周末安排一次水疗。
I knew it was only in this upper air that it realized me a tryst with this fantasy in the summertime of June. 连接成一片白茫茫的海洋。知道我与它的邂逅,只在于这六月夏日的高空。
In fact, Serena's tryst with Nate was thought to be the reason S left town-and still looms large over their friendship. 其实,塞丽娜与奈特约会被认为是塞丽娜离开纽约的原因&甚至她们两人友谊的加深都与此有关。
The Tryst Through Different Time and Space& The Comparative Study of Newly-Edited Stories by Lu Xun and Bronze Age by Wang Xiaobo 穿越时空的幽会&鲁迅《故事新编》与王小波《青铜时代》比较研究
Whereas men once looked for a secretive tryst, now they seek a mistress with no strings attached, a "girlfriend experience," and they are willing to pay top dollar for it. 以前男人们鬼鬼祟祟地幽会,现在他们则毫无顾忌地找一个个小情儿,“好找回点儿恋爱时的感觉”,而其他们愿意为之付出高额报酬。
Then everyone would get drunk or wander off for a tryst in a secluded temple. 感慨完毕大家会一起酩酊大醉,或是外出寻一处幽静古寺与爱人私会。
Even after her father's suicide, Yang Lijuan insists that her number one priority is a personal tryst with Lau. 杨父的自杀丝毫没有动摇她要与刘德华私人约会的决心。
Ivy went to a tryst in a fancy dress last night. 艾比昨天晚上穿着一件别致的服装去约会了。
It turned out this woman had a lover who always sneaked in here for a secret tryst, which is why she never went home. 这女人原来有个姘头,常常溜到我这儿来幽会,所以她不回去。
"Once a moment craved* A tryst*" ‘从前一度渴望着约会’
Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. 许多年前我们同命运订下了约会,现在时辰已到,是我们实现誓言的时候了,不是全部或完全实现,但是绝大部分实现。
It was not the place which she would have chosen for a tryst such as she hoped this one would be. 要是让她选择一个像现在这样进行约会的地点,她是决不会选这房间的。
This is also a time for lovers to tryst and pray for togetherness, symbolized by the roundness of the moon. 圆圆的月亮下,是情侣们幽会的最佳时光;圆圆的月亮,也是祈祷合家团圆的象征。
The first part is "The Carnival Tryst", in which I mainly use Carnivalization Theory of Bahtin to comparatively comprehend Newly-Edited Stories by Lu Xun and Bronze Age by Wang Xiaobo. 第一节“狂欢化”的幽会:着重运用巴赫金的“狂欢化”理论来比较解读《故事新编》和《青铜时代》,指出两者在小说文体上都表现出“狂欢化”特征。