I'm just going to be hanging around twiddling my thumbs 我只会闲呆着,什么事也不做。
The prospect of waiting around just twiddling his thumbs was appalling 想到将要无所事事,他就非常害怕。
She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag. 她坐在那里紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。
She sat twiddling her handkerchief, saying not a word. 她手里搓弄着手绢,一言不发。
I am sitting around twiddling my thumbs. 我坐在那里闲得无聊。
There are those like me who is left twiddling our thumbs, helpless and feeling hopeless. 很多人像我一样感到无助,因为我们能做的仅仅是捐款。
They are either smoking, or they're twiddling on their BlackBerries, and we have an example: if you have a really stressful job, like president of the United States, you may feel the need to do both. 他们要么吸烟,要么玩黑莓。举例来说:如果你的工作压力极大,比如担任美国总统,或许你会觉得这两个你都需要。
Grandet sat twiddling his thumbs, lost in calculation the results of which were to astonish Saumur one day. 葛朗台坐在一边把大拇指绕动了四小时,想着明天会教索漠全城吃惊的计算,出神了。
He could quite happily spend hours twiddling with the knobs on his radio. 他可以毫不厌倦地花上几个钟头旋弄他收音机上的旋钮。
Nor do banks want to be seen to be the first to make lay-offs, which amounts to a public confession that its bankers are twiddling their thumbs. 也没有一家银行想第一个裁员,因为这意味着公开承认其员工无所事事。
She finds a secretary's job very boring-some days there's almost no work for her at all, and she just sits there twiddling her thumbs. 她觉得当秘书很乏味&有时几乎无事可做,因此只是坐在那里抚弄大拇指玩。
He began twiddling with his pen. 他开始转弄起钢笔来。
He just sat there, twiddling his fingers. 他只是闲坐在那里,捏弄自己的手指头。
Why should I be left alone holding the baby while all the boys are sitting around and twiddling their thumbs? 为什么这些苦差事都得我一个人干而男孩子们却懒洋洋地坐在那儿,闲得没事干?
He had plucked a blue floweret, and was twiddling it against the sky. 他折了一朵小蓝花,将它对着天空转来转去。
He was twiddling with his watch-chain while he was listening to me. 他边听我讲边弄着表链。
Otherwise you will get wasted resources, people twiddling their thumbs or maybe doing work without approval. 否则你就是在浪费资源,人们无所事事或者就是在没有批准交付物的情况下工作。
They kept the manager busy and left me twiddling my thumbs. 他们让经理忙得不可开交,而置我于无所事事之中。thumbsdown大拇指朝下。
After all, no amount of twiddling with Basel rules or pious statements about bonuses will ever scare a financier as much as the thought of jail. 毕竟,再多的巴塞尔协议或虔诚的奖金声明,都不会比想到牢狱之灾更让金融家感到恐惧。
Sometimes they had nothing to do in the office and just sat twiddling their thumbs. 有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐着无聊地打发时间。
There's no point in sitting here twiddling our thumbs. 我们在这儿瞎坐着是没有的。
Over time, this script has saved me dozens of hours that I would have spent manually twiddling with an FTP GUI, or constantly changing directories via an annoying command-line FTP program. 随着时间的推移,这个脚本已经为我节省了数十个小时,我不再需要手工使用FTPGUI,也不需要通过一个恼人的FTP命令行程序频繁的变换目录。
With the elimination of twiddling hempen threads by hand, Masidun is disappearing gradually because of aging and being destroyed. 但随着手工绩麻的淘汰,麻丝墩正在逐渐老化、损毁和消失。