VERB (机构或公司)为…保险,负担…的费用,承销 If an institution or company underwrites an activity or underwrites the cost of it, they agree to provide any money that is needed to cover losses or buy special equipment, often for an agreed fee.
...58,500 dollars to underwrite a new home... 58,500美元承保一个新居
The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans... 政府需要设立专门机构来为小企业贷款作担保。
Projects included a pilot scheme, underwritten by the trade department. 项目中包括一个由贸易部出资的试点方案。
Projects included a pilot scheme, underwritten by the trade department. 项目中包括一个由贸易部出资的试点方案。
Fannie and Freddie lost more money on bonds underwritten by Bank of America ( BAC) and countrywide, which BofA acquired. 房利美(Fannie)和房地美(Freddie)在美国银行(BankofAmerica)及其收购的Countrywide承销的债券上损失的钱更多。
Similar projects go ahead today only if underwritten from the public purse. 但今天类似的项目只能由公共财政拨款。
Reinsurance the process of insurance companies insuring underwritten policies with other institutions in order to offset exposure. 保险公司向其他机构投保承保的保单,以抵消风险。
Their activities underwritten by implicit and explicit government guarantee, it is increasingly business as usual for Conglomerate banks. 由于政府为综合性银行的业务提供了隐含及明确的担保,此类机构正日渐恢复正常。
The shares were underwritten by the Bank of England. 这些股票由英格兰银行包销。
Last month, Eric Schneiderman, the New York attorney-general, sued the bank for allegedly defrauding investors who lost more than$ 20bn on mortgage-backed securities underwritten by Bear Stearns. 上月,纽约州总检察长埃里克施奈德曼(EricSchneiderman)起诉摩根大通欺诈投资者,导致后者因购买贝尔斯登承销的抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)而损失逾200亿美元。
Any difference that might emerge between the cost of infrastructure and revenues from the mines would be underwritten by the Congolese state. 基础设施成本与矿山营业收入之间可能出现的任何差额,将由刚果政府担保补贴。
This Certificate takes effect after be underwritten and stamped by our company. 本保险凭证经本公司审核并加盖公章后方可生效。
The securities and Exchange Commission has also alleged that Goldman fraudulently failed to disclose that a hedge fund influenced the composition of a subprime mortgage security underwritten by the bank. 美国证交会(sec)也指控,高盛没有披露一只对冲基金影响了该行承销的一种次贷证券的构成,构成欺诈行为。
To date, KKR has underwritten four deals. 迄今为止,kkr共接过四宗承销业务。
Much of the debt has merely been transferred to or has been underwritten by governments. 大部分债务只是被转移或由政府承担。
In any case, the west, whose banks, carmakers and god-knows-what else are underwritten by the state, is not in an ideal position to lecture others. 无论如何,银行、汽车制造商与其它乱七八糟的行业都由政府承保的西方,并不处在一个理想的位置来教训别国。
There is a long-standing argument that there is no real case for private ownership of deposit-taking banking institutions, because these cannot exist safely without a deposit guarantee and/ or lender of last resort facilities, that are ultimately underwritten by the taxpayer. 有一个存在已久的主张认为,接受存款的私有银行机构根本没有理由存在,因为若没有存款担保和/或由纳税人买单的最后贷款设施的话,这些机构就无法安全存在。
It would issue its own bonds – eurozone bonds – underwritten by the few remaining triple A-rated sovereigns, most importantly Germany and France. 它将发行自己的债券&欧元区债券,由少数依然是AAA评级的主权国家承销,最主要是德国和法国。
He also argues in favour of removing the protection that ratings agencies enjoy under US Securities Law from investor lawsuits relating to securities they rate before they are underwritten. At the moment, they are far more protected than banks or accountants. 他还支持废除美国证券法中关于评级机构在证券承销前的评级免受投资者诉讼的保护条款,目前,他们受到的保护比银行或会计师大得多。
Downtown, beside the harbour, construction work on a landmark project underwritten by them, the National Concert Hall, is expected to stop any day now. 在港口旁的市中心,他们名下的地标式项目国家音乐厅现在估计不知哪天说停就停了。
The government has underwritten the development cost of the building. 政府同意承担该大楼的费用。
The risk of losses on these assets remains with the banks accessing the scheme and would not be transferred to the bank and by implication underwritten by the taxpayer. 根据这一计划,这些资产的损失风险仍由这些银行承担,不会转移到英国央行身上,即不会由纳税人埋单。
Buddha Steel was in the process of doing a$ 38 million underwritten public offering that was pulled. BuddhaSteel正在进行中的3800万美元的包销公开发售也不得不被叫停。
Others are underwritten by charitable foundations or nongovernmental organizations, multilateral organizations such as UNESCO, or even voluntary contributions from the public. 还有些依靠慈善基金会或非政府组织、多边机构如联合国科教文组织的资金或甚至公众的自愿捐献;
Since then, Germany has underwritten a succession of rescue packages for Greece, Ireland and Portugal. 不过在那之后,德国还是为希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙的一系列救助方案提供了支持。
The answer is for banks to be told to raise target levels of capital, underwritten by solvent states or the European financial stability facility ( EFSF). 解决办法是指示银行提高目标资本水平,并由具备偿付能力的政府或欧洲金融稳定安排(EFSF)提供担保。
Unlike jointly underwritten Eurobonds, the national guarantees backing the EFSF puts each state on the line for only a share of it, broadly in line with its weight in the euro-area economy. 和联合担保的欧元债券不一样,欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)是各国共同出资建立,在欧元区经济体内很重要,一旦其资金有问题,各国会承担很大风险。
All underwritten shares must be new shares, and must be sold publicly prior to OTC listing. 办理承销之股份来源,应全数为新股,该现增之新股,应全数办理上柜前公开销售。
Any direct business or facultative reinsurance business, being general business, in relation to which the risk is underwritten in Hong Kong, that is to say. 任何属一般业务的直接业务或临时再保险业务,而所涉及的风险是在香港承保的,换言之。
The phenomenon has been underwritten by lax or non-existent enforcement of environmental rules, cheap finance and multiple incentives offered by regions competing for investment. 环保规定执行不力或根本不执行规定、廉价融资以及争夺投资的地方政府提供的多项鼓励措施,都支撑着这种现象。
The SFO said it had carried out searches at business and residential premises as part of the probe into KBR, whose work on the project is underwritten partly by British government money. SFO表示,作为对KBR调查的一部分,该机构已对一些商业及居住场所进行了搜查。KBR在该项目中的工程,部分资金由英国政府承诺支付。