In the aspect of trust, education heterogeneity has different impact on particularistic trust and universalistic trust. 在信任方面,教育异质性对特殊信任和普遍信任也产生了不同方向的影响。
For example, why is Jesus the law giver and still Jewish and teaches the acceptance of the Jewish law, and yet this universalistic message at the end of the Gospel of going to all nations. 举个例子,为何律法颁布者,耶稣,是犹太人,教人遵守犹太律法,然而在福音的末尾出现了,普世的信息,教万民成为他的信徒。
The Comparative school is the third major school in private international law, following the universalistic school and the particularistic school. 比较法学派是国际私法中继普遍主义与特殊主义学派之后的第三大学派。
Because the essence of marketable economy is the trustworthiness economy, it is necessary that we can't deviate from universalistic trust which relys on contracts and laws in modern society. 由于市场经济的本质是信用经济,依靠信用契约与法律准则为核心的普遍主义信任结构是现代社会的内在需求。
Christianity is the mature form of the western universalistic tradition. 基督教是西方普遍主义传统的成熟形式。
The French Revolution brought France extraordinarily mighty power and an overall external objective shaped by a revolutionary universalistic ideology, while Napoleon conquered and controlled almost the whole Europe by political and military innovations based on the Revolution. 大革命使法国突发空前宏伟的国力,并形成了由革命意识形态塑造的总体性对外目标,拿破仑则基于大革命的政治和军事创新,征服和控制了差不多整个欧洲大陆。
In fact, some developing countries have managed to resist against the Western universalistic policy with their national traditions and historical cultures in international political practice, and have achieved initial success. 在国际政治实践中,发展中国家已经尝试着用民族传统和历史文化去对抗西方的普世主义政策,并取得了初步的成功。
Understanding the Brain Drain in the light of Universalistic Spirit 用普遍主义的精神理解人才流动
Traditions: Concrete and Universalistic& A Talk on the Methodology of Interpretation of Classics and a Consulting Discussion with Mr. Liu Qingping and Mu Nanke 传统:具体而又普遍&论典籍诠释的方法兼与刘清平、穆南珂先生商榷
In an analogous way, Neo-medievalism is defined as "a system of overlapping authority and multiple loyalty, held together by the competing universalistic claims of nation-state system and transnational market economy". 新中世纪主义被定义为一个由民族国家体系和跨国市场经济的竞争性二元普世主义凝聚起来的权威重叠和多重忠诚的体系。
This method can be used arbitrary shapes and boundary conditions, that is, it is universalistic approach. 该理论适应于任意的边界条件和外场频率,具有普适性。
It emphatically analyzes the inner relevancy among the imagination of New Literature ( universalistic vision) by the academic school, which was the mainbody on the literary scene in 1930s Beijing, their attitudes towards real-life politics and their self-orientation. 特别是分析了作为1930年代北平文坛主体的学院派,其对新文学的想像(普遍性的视野),与他们面对现实政治的姿态以及自我定位之间的内在关联。