This paper reports the experimental results of the2nd stage model study on the river regime downstream in Gezhouba dam zone with emphasis on the selection of works unmaking waves in the1st channel. 本文介绍以大江航道防浪设施选择为重点的葛洲坝坝区下游河势研究第二阶段的试验成果。
The nature of the army had changed by starting civil war and making or unmaking emperors very often. 军队发动内战,动辄废立皇帝,性质已经发生了根本改变。
First, based on the index of wave climbing height observed on the right bank, the effects unmaking waves were primarily evaluated for various river training works. 首先以目测的“右岸爬浪”为指标,初步评估了各类治导工程的防浪效果,然后用电测电算的航道内波高进行了验证。