For the strong town is without men, an unpeopled living-place; and she has become a waste land: there the young ox will take his rest, and its branches will be food for him. 因为坚固城变为凄凉、成了撇下离弃的居所、像旷野一样、牛犊必在那里吃草、在那里躺卧、并吃尽其中的树枝。
I will make your towns unpeopled and you will be a waste; and you will be certain that I am the lord. 我必使你的城邑变为荒场,成为凄凉。你就知道我是耶和华。
O daughter living in egypt, make ready the vessels of a prisoner: for noph will become a waste, it will be burned up and become unpeopled. 住在埃及的民哪(民原文作女子),要预备掳去时所用的物件。因为挪弗必成为荒场,且被烧毁,无人居住。
Unpeopled Arctic wastelands. a native or inhabitant of Iceland. 无人居住的北冰洋荒岛冰岛的本地人或者居民。
Her towns are unpeopled for ever; there the flocks take their rest in peace, without fear. 亚罗珥的城邑,已被撇弃。必成为牧羊之处,羊在那里躺卧,无人惊吓。
"and they will say, This land which was waste has become like the garden of Eden; and the towns which were unpeopled and wasted and pulled down are walled and peopled." 他们必说,这先前为荒废之地,现在成如伊甸园。这荒废凄凉,毁坏的城邑现在坚固有人居
For desolate, undulating Saharan sand dunes, endless unpeopled beaches and sand-drifted streets, you can't do better. 面对荒芜起伏的撒哈拉沙丘、无边无际的了无人烟的海滩以及满街的漂流沙砾,游客基本上不知所措。