The major portions lie within India and Pakistan, who have fought three wars over the region, while China controls a largely unpopulated region. 克什米尔的大部分地区位于印度和巴基斯坦境内,两国为了取得这个地区的控制权已经爆发了三次战争。中国控制的地区基本上人烟稀少。
At the same time, you can edit the text of the id or value element to remove the sample text (% type= II%), leaving the element unpopulated with two attributes. 同时,您可以编辑id或value元素的文本来删除示例文本(%type=II%),使元素的这两个属性不被填充。
Forget about care for the elderly they will march them out into the vast unpopulated areas in the country and let them die from exposure. 别提照顾老人事儿了,党会把他们赶到无人区,死于暴晒。
Recently the Daily Mail in the UK published an article about China's ghost cities, which have been built inland, in often desolate places, and are vastly unpopulated. 最近在英国每日邮报发表了一篇关于中国内陆荒凉地区的修建的大量的无人居住的鬼城。
HERD of feral goats on a tiny unpopulated island in the East China Sea live in blissful unawareness of a diplomatic storm brewing around their remote habitat. 在中国东海上的一座无人小岛,一群野山羊无忧无虑地生活着,它们并没觉察出一场外交风暴正向他们偏远的栖息地袭来。
From unpopulated to populated, from nomadism to fixed habitation, it has now become a new farming zone with cattle and goats all over the hillsides. He had guarded the flocks among the mountains, and from a shepherd he had slipped into a brigand. 从无人到有人,从游牧到定居,如今这里已成了牛羊满山坡的新牧区。他在山里看守过牛羊,从牧人变成了强盗。
Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert, China's launch base is quietly awaiting the country's first-ever manned space flight. 在辽阔无际人烟稀少的戈壁滩上,中国发射基地正默默等待着首次载人航天飞行时间的到来。
It's a warning shot into an unpopulated area. 这只是对无人居住地区进行的警告攻击。
Find me an area that's unpopulated. 给我找一块无人居住地区。
A cowboy or cowgirl. From unpopulated to populated, from nomadism to fixed habitation, it has now become a new farming zone with cattle and goats all over the hillsides. 牧牛者牛仔或女牛仔从无人到有人,从游牧到定居,如今这里已成了牛羊满山坡的新牧区。