This kind of economic magic game can go on for a while until political and social unrests engulf the Fascist regime. 这种经济魔法游戏会持续下去,直到发生政治社会动乱,吞没法西斯政权。
Serious unrests flared up last April in the northeastern area of Kabylie where many Berbers inhabit there. 去年4月,在柏柏尔人聚居的阿东部卡比利地区发生了严重骚乱。
Regional conflicts, regional social unrests and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are all the unfair and invisible outcome resulting from the globalization. 地区冲突、区域社会动荡、贫富差距扩大等都是不合理而无形的全球化所造成的后果。