But the WorkingCopy doesn't have any children, yet& it's just a buffer of unsaved, unstructured text. 但WorkingCopy并没有任何子对象,&它只是一个未被保存且未被结构化的文本的缓冲区。
NOTE: Unsaved Lotus Notes documents prompt the user to save changes when the user moves on to another page. 注意:当用户要移动到另一页面时,未保存的LotusNote文档会提示用户保存更改。
If a crash occurs, the journal can be used as a checkpoint to recover unsaved information and avoid corrupting file system metadata. 一旦系统发生崩溃,日志文件就会起到一个检查点的作用,用于恢复未保存的信息,防止损坏文件系统元数据。
This is useful if, for example, you want to display a message asking about unsaved data and stop the window from closing based on your user's response. 有的时候,例如,如果想显示一条消息,请求尚未保存的数据,并根据用户的响应阻止窗口关闭,那么这个函数会很有用。
This undoubtedly covers fellow Christians but it must be wide enough to include our unsaved neighbours, friends, fellow-workers, and many others. 这里所讲的「爱人」,除了是爱信徒之外,当然还扩展至未得救的邻舍、朋友、同事和其他所有人。
To an unsaved person, the Bible is a closed, difficult book. 对未得救的人而言,圣经是一部难明的典籍。
Provides steps to discard unsaved changes in a table if you decide that you do not want to save them in the database. 提供当您决定不想在数据库中保存更改时,放弃表中未保存的更改的步骤。
Any unsaved progress will be lost! Really leave Croft manor? 任何未记录的情节都会丢失!确定要离开克劳馥庄园?
Pray for Christian couples to model for their unsaved neighbors Gods wonderful plan for one husband to be the servant-leader of one wife for life. 愿基督徒为他们未得救的邻居作模范。遵守上帝为夫妻设计的美好计划,丈夫是妻子的头也是仆人,一夫一妻相守一生。
Unsaved documents cannot be dragged from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved document ( s) before dragging them. 无法从杂项文件项目中拖动未保存的文档。在拖动未保存的文档之前必须保存它们。
You have unsaved project team changes that will be discarded. 有将被放弃的未保存项目工作组更改。
Cursor cannot be modified because it contains an unsaved record. 临时表包含未保存的记录,因此无法修改它。
If you choose not to save the recovery file after you open it, the file is deleted, and your unsaved changes are lost. 如果选择在打开文件之后不保存恢复文件,则该文件会被删除,并且未保存的更改会丢失。
If you click Yes, unsaved changes to the filtering pages will be lost. 如果单击“是”,则会丢失对筛选页未保存的更改。
If you have modified a table and have not yet saved it, an asterisk appears at the end of the table name to indicate unsaved changes. 如果修改了某个表,但尚未保存该表,则表名末尾将显示一个星号,表示未保存更改。
Cannot create a reference to unsaved workbooks. 不能引用未保存过的工作簿。
Cleared in one minute. This will empty the results pane, discard unsaved changes, and free the resources on the database server. 迅速清除。这将清空结果窗格,放弃未保存的更改,并释放数据库服务器的资源。
This page has been modified by another program and you also have unsaved changes in the Netscape composer. 此网页已经被另一个程序修改,您在netscape编写器中也有尚未保存的更改。
Do you wish to terminate this program now and lose any unsaved information in the program? Cannot detach from one or more programs. Terminate them instead? 是否终止该程序并放弃程序中尚未保存的信息?无法从一或多个程序分离。要终止这些程序吗?
Referenced assembly has to be saved before referencing assembly can be saved. Unsaved referenced assembly name was '{ 0}'. 要保存引用程序集,必须首先保存被引用的程序集。未保存的被引用程序集的名称是{0}。
The read-only property cannot be set on an unsaved file. 不能对未保存的文件设置只读属性。
The "Save As" dialog is no longer confused when saving previously unsaved documents with document names containing a space. “另存为”对话框时不再困惑与文件包含一个节省空间的名字以前未保存的文件。
If you attempt to run an unsaved SQL routine, a message prompts you to save it first. 如果尝试运行未保存的sql例程,则出现一条消息,提示您首先保存该例程。
Writes all unsaved asset changes to disk. 将所有未保存的资源更改写入磁盘。
All unsaved changes will be lost. 所有未保存的更改都将丢失。
We have a similar duty to both the unsaved and the saved today. 我们今天对已得救或未得救的人,都同样有类似的责任。
The file containing the unsaved changes may have been corrupt. 包含未保存更改的文件可能已损坏。
Marriage to an unsaved partner has a very distinct obligation-to seek and pray for the other's conversion ( v.14,16). 信徒有责任去为未信的配偶祷告,和努力带领对方信主(14、16节)。