
英 [ʌnˈsteɪtɪd] 美 [ʌnˈsteɪtɪd]

adj.  未说出的; 未用语言表达的; 心照不宣的

BNC.22435 / COCA.23736



  1. 未说出的;未用语言表达的;心照不宣的
    not stated; not said in words but understood or agreed between people
    1. Their reasoning was based on a set of unstated assumptions.


  1. ADJ 没有言明的;未申明的
    You say that something is unstated when it has not been expressed in words.
    1. The implication was plain, if left unstated...
    2. An additional, unstated reason for his resignation may have been a lawsuit filed against him.


  1. The implication was plain, if left unstated
  2. An additional, unstated reason for his resignation may have been a lawsuit filed against him.
  3. The unstated implication of the state-by-state report was that the states where income disparities are lower are somehow "fairer" than the states with high disparities.
  4. People often think they have a choice between "governance" and "no governance," but in reality the choice is between" good governance "and" bad governance. "Every organization has a framework of decision-making and some set of often unstated measures.
  5. Unfortunately, that behavior includes an unstated assumption that the data has already been validated.
  6. Every organization has a framework of decision-making and some set of often unstated measures.
  7. Expectation management can also improve intra-and inter-team communication by promoting a better understanding of stakeholders'stated and unstated expectations.
  8. You must understand not only stated expectations, but also the unstated expectations of people with different cultural backgrounds.
  9. One major, if unstated, aspect of the project was that everyone was accustomed to desktop applications.
  10. But the real, unstated tension stems from a deeper shift: China will use the new bank to expand its influence at the expense of America and Japan, Asia's established powers.
  11. It also reflects a continuation of the unstated race between the oil rich Gulf nations that are also pumping tens of billions of dollars into job creation and housing for their lower income residents.
  12. Aside from being easier to read and understand, is there any technical difference between stating an interface explicitly in the base type list and leaving it unstated but implied?
  13. But an unstated reason for the sense of urgency of the leaders around the conference table was a desperate desire to get a deal wrapped up before the holiday season began in earnest.
  14. And what is most important in relation to that cognitive map is not what is overtly stated and discussed but what is left unstated, or ignored.
  15. Stephahie preferred things unstated and undiscussed.
  16. The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated.
  17. Remember those magazine ads for the space-age carburetor that could double your gas mileage& an invention that the government, for mysterious and unstated reasons, did not want you to know about?
  18. Matching goals between the three parties can help to prevent suspicions that one parent's unstated goals are in conflict with another's.
  19. The unstated context: the Ivorian president is refusing to leave office two months after losing an election.
  20. Anything unstated herein shall be subject to a supplementary agreement entered into both Parties.
  21. One intriguing if unstated implication of his work is that a central bank could even justify easing monetary policy before house prices fall on the basis of a forecast that such a decline is likely.
  22. He had to obey his father's wishes, even if the wishes were unstated.
  23. A judgement based on unstated assumptions.
  24. Traditional project management has an unstated assumption that all along you can see something; The huge hole in the ground has been dug, the foundation is laid, steel girders are in place.
  25. The concluding paragraph should encourage the reader to get in touch, either to discuss an unstated problem or, more likely, to place an order.
  26. So the very next arguement that Plato turns to can be viewed I think, as responding to this unstated objection.
  27. Numerical simulation of temperature field in cylinder head during unstated process
  28. At the same time, it must quicken innovation of stated bank, develop unstated bank, establish modern enterprise and credit inquisition and the law of deposit insurance.



  1. not made explicit
    1. the unexpressed terms of the agreement
    2. things left unsaid
    3. some kind of unspoken agreement
    4. his action is clear but his reason remains unstated

    Synonym:    unexpressedunsaidunutteredunverbalizedunverbalisedunvoicedunspoken