Some things, Donald, are better left unsaid 唐纳德,有些事还是不说为好。
What she and her characters leave unsaid is often more important than what they actually put into words 她和她作品中的角色避而不谈的内容往往比明言的更为重要。
Bill Bradley says too much is going unsaid between blacks and whites. 比尔·布莱德利说黑人和白人之间有太多没有明说的东西。
The best part lies in what is left unsaid. 妙在不言中。
Even four horses cannot take back what one has said.; What has been said cannot be unsaid. 一言既出,驷马难追。
Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. 感到困惑又不把事情说出来,从而使世界上平添许多烦恼。
The friendship never recovered. Some feedback is better left unsaid. 她们的友谊再也没有恢复。有些反馈还是不说为妙。
But he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word unsaid. 可是他转过脸去冲着墙,没说原谅她就死去了。
What goes unsaid: No one around here expects it to be his last. 潜台词是:这里没有人希望这是他们最后一个戒指。
This proverb means that what is said cannot be unsaid. 这条谚语告诉我们:话已经说出了口,就无法再收回。
My real thoughts on the subject were better left unsaid. 我对这个问题的真实想法还是不说出来为好。
Emma, I must tell you what you will not ask, though I may wish it unsaid the next moment. 爱玛,我非要把你不想问的事告诉你,虽说我可能马上就会后悔不该说。
I must admit I've come to the conclusion that some things are better left unsaid. 我必须承认我得到的结论是:有些事情最好留着不说。
I guess I'm just afraid of things going unsaid. 我猜我只是害怕有事情没说出来。
There were some things left, uh, left unsaid. 还有些东西没有说出口。
He pictured himself lying sick unto death and his aunt bending over him beseeching one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word unsaid. 他想象着自己躺在那儿病了,快要不行了,他姨妈俯身弯腰看着他,恳求他讲一两句饶恕她的话,可是他转过脸去冲着墙,没说原谅她就死去了。
Left unsaid is who would pay for all of this. 至于谁将为这一切埋单,则语焉不详。
What is said cannot is unsaid. 话已出口,无法收回。
The unsaid is that the Fed does not talk about the dollar, leaving that to the US Treasury. 美联储未说出口的话是,它不想讨论美元问题,而想把问题留给美国财政部。
It's better to leave some things unsaid. 有些事倒是不说的好。
The painest tear shout over graves after the words left unsaid and dids left undone. 最痛苦的泪水从坟墓里流出,为了还没有说过的话和还没做过的事。
It was unsaid but you felt it. 虽然没有人说出来,但你能感觉到。
People became bitter, many things were said which in calmer moments might have been left unsaid, or might have been worded more thoughtfully but we Americans know that the bitterness is a distortion, not a true reflection of what is in our hearts. 人们变得尖刻,说了许多心平气和时不会说或措辞过激的话。但是我们美国人知道这是被扭曲了的,不是我们内心真实的写照。
Say no more, Senator Organa. At this point it's better to leave things unsaid. 不要再说了,奥加纳议员.现在最好不事情说出来。
She left her ideas unsaid. 她没有提出她的想法。
I couldn't escape them, all the little things I left unsaid. 我无法逃脱,我不能视若无睹。
I know she's put on weight, michael, but some things are better left unsaid! 我知道她增加体重了,迈克,但有些事不说出来为好!
He left the rest unsaid. 其余的话他没说出来。
With the pressure of unsaid words or misunderstandings mounting, this provides an auspicious safety valve. 随着没有说出来的话或误解的增加,满月给你提供了幸运的安全阀。
It seemed miraculous that this could be when she thought of all the unsaid things that lay between them. 当她想起他们之间所有那些心照不宣的事情时,便觉得出现这种情形实在不可理喻。