In all probability, the final upturn in their fortunes is some months away yet. 很可能再过数月他们才会转运。
The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending. 财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。
They do not expect an upturn in the economy until the end of the year 他们预测要到年底经济才能有所好转。
There has been a modest upturn in most parts of the industry. 该行业的绝大部分领域都出现了一定程度的好转。
Company profits have declined over the last three years but there are signs of an upturn on the horizon. 公司的利润在过去的3年中持续下降,不过,好转的兆头已露端倪。
Manufacturers will need to respond to the upturn in new orders by resuming production and replenishing stocks. 制造商需要通过恢复生产和补充库存,来应对新订单的增加。
International financial institutions expect China to reap quicker trade benefits from a global upturn later this year that will be led by emerging economies. 国际金融机构预计,今年晚些时候全球经济在新兴经济体引领下好转之时,中国将会更快地从中获得贸易利益。
Global economic data remains weak, with leading indicators showing limited signs of an upturn. 全球经济数据仍然疲弱,领先指标显示了有限的回暖迹象。
It is also, at least partly, behind the unexpected upturn in price growth since March 2009. 这也是2009年3月以来房价意外回升的原因(至少是部分原因)。
The recent upturn in Asian economies is creating a dangerous optimism that almost willfully ignores the difficulties ahead. 亚洲经济近来的好转,正催生出一种危险的乐观情绪,几乎是在蓄意漠视今后的困难。
Experts have forecast an upturn in the stock market. 专家们已预言股票市场有好转势头。
In our help and other people '; s efforts, Zheng Tao of a great upturn. 在我们的帮助和其他人的努力下,郑涛的情况有很大的好转。
At the World Economic Forum meeting that ended in Jordan on Monday, however, the World Bank warned the region's business and political leaders that the upturn was cyclical. 不过,周一在约旦闭幕的“世界经济论坛”上,世界银行向中东地区的商业和政治领导人发出警示:当前的经济好转是周期性的。
On this view booms and slumps are fluctuations around a given trend and any monetary or fiscal stimulus in the downturn must be reversed in the upturn, for example by a budget surplus or a monetary slowdown. 从这种观点看,繁荣和衰退就是围绕着一种给定趋势的波动,同时,低迷时期的任何货币或财政刺激,都必须在上升时期予以逆转比如说通过预算盈余或货币供应减速等手段。
It could come a few years thereafter once the cyclical upturn has exhausted itself in a final consumer-driven phase. 它可能发生在几年以后,经济上升周期在消费驱动的最后阶段失去动力之时。
The UN Conference on Trade and development predicted a modest upturn in FDI this year. 联合国贸易和发展会议(unconferenceontradeanddevelopment)预计,今年外国直接投资会有温和回升。
The upturn following a decline is often shortlived and prices might resume their decline. 复苏后下降往往是昙花一现,价格可能恢复下降。
They held steady their allocations to equities compared with bonds, a traditional haven, and slightly increased their bets on commodities and emerging market stocks both plays on an economic upturn. 与传统上被视作“避险天堂”的债券相比,他们在股票上的配置比例维持稳定,并略微增加了在大宗商品和新兴市场股票上的下注两者都处于经济上升周期。
However, a rebound in commodity markets has led to a rerating in coal miners 'share prices, which have also been helped by an upturn in mergers and acquisitions activity. 不过,大宗商品市场的反弹,已使得煤矿企业的股价得到重估,并购活动的增加也对股价起到了提振作用。
The commercial upturn is reflected in its creative record. 该公司的创意记录反映了其业绩的好转。
Its backing for Mr Assad promises to upturn regional perceptions of the two big powers. 它对阿萨德的支持,可能会颠覆中东地区对两个大国的看法。
The current upturn has lasted extra long due to the stimulative effect of the leverage bubble. 由于杠杆泡沫的促进效应,目前的上升周期已经持续了过长时间。
Analysts have pointed to two main factors for the upturn. 分析师指出这种好转趋势有两个主要原因。
But he and policymakers around the world fear that the coming upturn will be neither durable nor strong. 但是,他和世界各地的决策者担心,即将到来的经济回升将既不能持久也不够强劲。
The speed of the upturn in demand has surprised many and the industry is not best placed to cope. 需求上升之快出乎许多人的意料,以致该行业不能以最佳状态来应付。
There were few signs of an upturn in the economy. 几乎没有什么经济好转的迹象。
But the risk is that such deferrals will only worsen without a marked economic upturn. 但风险在于,如果经济没有显著好转,这种滞后现象只会更加严重。
It would be wrong for the Obama administration and Congress to reduce the fiscal stimulus in 2009 or 2010, since there is no clear evidence of a sustained upturn. 对于奥巴马政府和美国国会而言,今年或明年减少财政刺激的做法将是错误的,因为目前不存在经济持续好转的明显证据。
The shocks will restrain the cyclical upturn for a while but not derail it for good. 这些冲击只会暂时抑制德国经济的周期性好转,而不会使其永远偏离轨道。
That said, such a trading strategy would have avoided the 1929 meltdown while nicely capturing the subsequent upturn. 这就是说,采用这样一个交易策略可以避开1929年的崩盘,并适时抓住随后的反弹。