Down below them was the sea of upturned faces 他们下面是无数张仰望的脸。
He clung to the upturned boat, screaming for help. 他紧紧抓着住倾覆的小船,高呼救命。
Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face. 她的妈妈迅速看了看那个小金属盒的背后,然后回过头望着女儿仰起的脸孔里那双充满恳求的蓝眼睛。
I heard his work boots crunching the hard snow with his giant steps. I saw his dark face hidden beneath a knit cap, the upturned coat collar, the woolen scarf wrapped around his neck and chin. 我听见他的工作靴随着他巨人般的步伐将坚硬的冰雪踩得嘎吱作响,看见他黝黑的脸藏在一顶编织帽下面,衣领竖了起来,羊毛围巾把脖子和下巴裹得严严实实。
The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. 午后的阳光穿透门廊上茂密的金银花藤,暖暖地洒落在我仰起的脸上。
Rescue teams have reportedly heard trapped passengers shouting from within the upturned ship. 据报道,救援人员听到被困乘客从翻转的船里发出喊叫声。
A man came in, his face hidden by an upturned coat collar. 进来一个男人,他的脸半藏在翻起来的大衣领子里。
When the dish was ready, Luyuan unplugged the cooker and moved the board from the sink to the centre of the room, where she placed it on top of a red, upturned bucket. 饭做好了,李芦媛拔下电饭煲插头,在屋子中间倒放了一只红色的水桶,把水池上的那块木板拿来放在上面。
The upturned lines that look like little smiles are quite unlike the shapes produced by sediments laid down by wind. 那朝上弯曲的线条,看来像淡淡的微笑,这与被风撒下的沉积物所形成的形态十分不同。
The storm upturned the town. 风暴把镇子搅得天翻地覆。
Yet, had I not set out on my quest, I would not have seen such exquisite landscapes or traditional village houses shaped like upturned boats. 然而,如果我没踏上寻觅之旅,我就不会看到如此优美的风景;还有那些传统村舍,那些房子就好像底儿朝天的船。
A tiny drop of blood drips off the toe of Hadley's shoe and splashes across Red's upturned cheek. 一滴鲜血从哈雷的鞋尖上滴下,溅到瑞德向上仰着的脸上。
He awakened many times to feel it falling on his upturned face. 他觉得雨落在他仰着的脸上,给淋醒了好多次。
The little baby's lids, half-raised, showed the pupils horribly upturned. 婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。
Their tables were boards and upturned packing cases, their glasses tin mugs. 他们的餐桌是包装箱板和上翘,他们的眼镜锡杯。
A man came in, his face hidden by an upturned coat collar and a cap pulled low over his brow. 一个男子走了进来,脸被竖着的衣领遮住了,帽子拉得低低的。
She sat on an upturned box. 她坐在一个倒放的箱子上。
John's opinion upturned the meeting so bitterly that no one trusted him. 约翰的意见把会议扰得很乱以致无人会相信他。
Large wading bird that resembles a curlew; has a long slightly upturned bill. 与杓鹬形似的大型涉水鸟;具有长而细的稍向上弯的喙。
It was the sight of her mother's serene face upturned to the throne of God and His saints and angels, praying for blessings on those whom she loved. 给她带来安慰的是母亲仰望上帝圣座和他的圣徒天使们、祈求赐福于她所爱的人时那张宁静的脸。
She wrinkled her small upturned nose and wriggled to get down from his arms. 她耸起她那个翘翘的鼻子,扭摆着要下地来。
An overturned car; the upset pitcher of milk; sat on an upturned bucket. 翻倒的小汽车;翻到的一大罐牛奶;坐在一个倒置的桶上。
If you do encounter an extraterrestrial, smile, put out your hands with upturned palms and walk slowly towards them. 如果你真的邂逅外星人,要微笑着,伸出你的手,手掌朝上,缓缓地向他们走去。
It has wooden bars on the two sides and upturned eaves above, just like a narrow corridor. 桥两边立有木制栏杆,顶上覆有飞檐,就如一条窄窄的过道一般。
She felt drops of rain on her, upturned` face. 她感到有雨点落在她仰着的脸上。
She sat on an upturned bucket. 她坐在一只倒合过来的水桶上。
He was not concerned with the land of little sticks, nor with Bill and the cache under the upturned canoe by the river Dease. 他既不关心小棍子地,也不关心比尔和狄斯河边那条翻过来的独木舟下的地窖。
He pointed to the upturned furrows of a ploughed field. 他指向耕地翻掘出的犁沟。
So, babies have these big, protruding foreheads, an upturned little nose, chubby cheeks and big eyes. 所以,孩子有大而突出的额头,朝上的小鼻子,胖胖的脸颊,大大的眼睛。
The cat was sitting on an upturned crate. 猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。