Specify the Remote server IP address, port and URI of the application service. 指定应用程序服务的远程服务器IP地址、端口和URI。
FROM is an optional clause that provides the URI of the dataset to use. 作为前缀。FROM是一个可选的子句,它提供了将要使用的数据集的URI。
This mapping of the URI and namespace prefix is only for the benefit of the developer. URI和名称空间前缀的这种映射仅仅是为开发人员考虑。
The request URI in an HTTP GET request, for example, usually identifies one specific resource. 例如,HTTPGET请求中的请求URI通常标识一个特定的资源。
This interface represents a type definition as a pair consisting of a name and a namespace URI. 这个接口代表一个类型定义,由名称和命名空间URI成对组成。
Supply this parameter as a file URI. 给这个参数赋值一个文件URI。
If multiple methods match a request URI, the JAX-RS selection algorithm is used to select the resource method. 如果有多个方法匹配某个请求URI,将使用JAX-RS选择算法来选择资源方法。
Once the RSS data has been stored, I then add data about the context URI into the store. 一旦存储了RSS数据,我随后就将有关上下文URI的数据添加到存储中。
Which accepts all incoming requests for any URI on the specified IP address and port. 为指定IP地址和端口上的任何URI接受所有进入请求。
They take a property or feature identifier, which is a URI similar to namespaces and a value. 它们采用一个特性或功能标识(一个类似于名称空间的URI和值)。
The server examines the URI and generates a Web page with the student's phone number and address. 服务器检查这个URI,并使用这个学生的电话号码和地址来生成一个Web页面。
This article explains the different ways to provide the mapping between the prefix and the URI. 本文给出了提供前缀和URI之间的映射的不同方式。
Each type of verb and object has an Atom URI, which defines the properties it can hold. 每一种动词和对象都有一个AtomURI,它定义了它可能包含的属性。
XML elements are identified by a combination of a namespace URI and a local name. XML元素是由名称空间URI和本地名称的组合来标识的。
For servlets or JSPs, it should be the URI path relative to the application's context root. 对servlet和JSP而言,是相对于应用程序上下文的URI路径。
More than one prefix can be associated with a particular URI. 可以将多个前缀与特定URI相关联。
Perhaps an e-mail address, but also possibly a URI or other named resource. 可能是一个电子邮件地址,但是也可能是一个URI或者其他命名的资源。
Here we have referenced only a portion of the external file that the URI is pointing to. 这里我们只引用了URI所指向的外部文件的一部分。
The method has two parameters, uri and contentType. 这个方法有两个参数,uri和contentType。
The MRM domain also provides build-time support for defining mappings between prefix and URI pairs. MRM域还为定义前缀和URI对之间的映射提供了构建时支持。
Node URI: This specifies the host and the port where you want to run the node. NodeURI:此选项指定您希望用于运行节点的主机和端口。
These forms show how the JEST URI syntax is formed step-by-step by user-specified qualifiers and arguments. 这些表单通过用户指定的限定词和参数按部就班地显示了JESTURI语法是如何形成的。
Verify that the reference in your "Blog URI" contains the new address. 确认你的“博客URI”中的参考包含了新的地址。
The processRequest method is triggered when a logical request's URI is resolved to this endpoint. 当逻辑请求的URI被解析为对某个端点的请求时就会触发processRequest方法。
Astoria uses RESTful services and offers an URI as service access point. Astoria使用了RESTful服务,并提供了一个URI作为服务访问点。
The specification defines this URI as a JMS destination URI with query parameters, representing destination and parameters attributes. 该规范将这一URI定义为一个带有查询参数的JMS目的地URI,表示目的地与参数属性。
It describes HTTP methods that clients can use with each URI. 它描述了客户端用每个URI可使用的HTTP方法。
Invalid uri: problems trying to parse as filename. 无效的uri:试图作为文件名进行分析时出现问题。
You can append any additional URI information to this output to reference files in your Theme. 你可以将任何额外的URI信息添加到你的主题的参考文件的这个输出中。