He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate 他想确保其他势力不会在他的军队撤离后进入这个地区。
He vacated the flat and went to stay with an uncle 他搬出了公寓,住到了他的一个叔叔那里。
He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director 他最近辞去了国民保健署人事主管一职。
Chris slumped down in the chair Mrs Tennant had just vacated. 克里斯一屁股坐在坦南特夫人刚刚腾出的椅子上。
If there is no one else to speak with, vacate the premises as soon as possible. 如果该公司没有其他人可以反映情况,就马上尽快离开这家公司。
You must vacate the premises in three days. 你必须在三天内搬走。
Mr Johnson will soon vacate City Hall for the House of Commons. 约翰逊将很快离开伦敦市政厅到下议院任职。
Be considerate; please vacate your seat once you have finished using. 推己及人,于用毕后,请立即腾空座位。
China thus agreed with our interpretation that North Vietnamese forces had to vacate Cambodian territory. 就这样中国同意了我们的解释,即北越部队应当撤离柬埔塞领土。
I would recruit a bunch of volunteers who, at a specified time, would vacate their rooms. 我想招募一批志愿者,他们在某一特定时间腾出自己的房间。
I'll give you two weeks to vacate it. 我给你两周时间搬走。
You have a week to vacate the premises, and I thank you for your cooperation. 你有一周时间腾出房子,谢谢你的合作。
You must vacate the hotel room by Friday. 你们必须在星期五之前搬出旅馆客房。
Passengers are offered money to vacate their seats when planes are overbooked. 飞机订票过额时,旅客们可以拿到钱退掉座位。
The landlord insisted we vacate the house. 房东坚持让我们搬出这座房子。
You have to vacate this sandy shore of depression and move to the caves. 你要离开这死气沉沉的沙滩,搬到山洞去。
Vacate one's seat, post 空出自己的座位、辞去职位
Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by twelve noon. 旅馆的房客按规定要在中午十二点之前退房。
I'm afraid you'll have to vacate your room by twelve. 您恐怕得在十二点以前退房。
Under the conditions of the agreement she is obliged to vacate the house on july12th. 根据协议的条件,她必须在7月12日腾出这幢房子。
This apartment building, everyone's in greensllippers, green pajamas the guy I'm waiting for to vacate. 在这套公寓里,每个人都拖绿拖鞋,穿绿睡衣,我一直在等他们离开座位。
Please vacate this seat for a disabled person if required. 残疾人专座,请随时让座。
Hey, miss? I'm gonna have to ask you to vacate the premises. 嘿,小姐,我必须得请你离开了。
We've been asked to vacate the apartment by next week. 人家已经要求我们在下周之前腾出房子。
The sovereign shall vacate the throne on becoming or marrying a Roman Catholic. 如果国王成为一个罗马天主教徒或与罗马天主教徒结婚就将失去王位继承权。
I must vacate the room before noon, right? 中午前我要空出房间,对吗?
Chauzy says a law passed last month requires that all squatters vacate houses they unlawfully occupy in Baghdad or face prosecution. 乔兹说,上个月通过的一项法律规定,在巴格达所有非法占用住房的人都要搬出去,否则将受到起诉。
Or we will have to vacate this office. 不然我们得离开这个办公室。
Please vacate the premises immediately for your own safety. 请各位立刻离开,以策安全。
We have to vacate these offices by december31st. 我们必须在12月31日前辞职。