It is peak mosquito season, and while some lucky outdoor venturers seem unperturbed by the tiny insects, others appear to be relentlessly assaulted. 眼下正是蚊子活动的高峰期,有些在室外活动的幸运儿好像并不受这种小小昆虫的侵扰,而另一些人则似乎不断遭到它们的侵袭。
The company names of the joint venturers ( or their surnames and given names), the amounts of their respective investments and the year, month and day on which they were contributed; 合营者名称(或姓名)及其出资额、出资的年、月、日;
Cooperate in managing (/ running) a Bakery) In the case of building property that is under the operation of a joint venture or cooperative enterprise, the building property right shall belong jointly to the joint venturers or the cooperative enterprise operators. 合作经营一家面包房合资、合作经营的房产,房产权归合资、合作经营者共有。
Once in Chile, William travelled with a small group of Raleigh venturers to Tortel, where he carried out volunteer work for the poor rural community. 在智利时,威廉和一小队雷利成员来到了特尔泰村,从事扶助贫困村民的志愿工作。
Either party of the Chinese-foreign joint venturers may be the chairman and the other shall assume the office of vice-chairman. 中外合营者的一方担任董事长的,由他方担任副董事长。
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed or deemed to make the Parties joint venturers or partners or to constitute either Party an agent or employee of the other. 本合约内的任何内容都不得被理解为、或将合同双方视作合资人、合伙人的关系,也不得将合同之任何一方视作另一方的代理、雇员或其他关系。