There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth whatever criteria the Arts Council employ for this exercise. 无论艺术委员会采取哪种标准来评判这次训练,总会有人哀怨,有人气愤。
As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard. 他们经过时,响起了令人哀怜的恸哭。
Police cars, their sirens wailing, accompanied the lorries 警车护送着大卡车,一路警笛长鸣。
She was wailing for her lost child. 她因失去孩子而嚎哭。
The wind was wailing. 风声凄厉。
And in all vineyards shall be wailing: for I will pass through thee, saith the LORD. 在各葡萄园,必有哀号的声音。因为我必从你中间经过。
The ground was shaking and wailing, desperate voices echoed in my head. 大地在震动,它绝望的悲叹声在我脑海回荡。
For a voice of wailing is heard out of Zion, How are we spoiled! 因为听见哀声出于锡安,说,我们怎样败落了。我们大大地惭愧。
Nothing could be more blood-curdling than the clamor of that wild and desperate bell, wailing amid the shadows. 圣美里的警钟声。那口钟在黑暗中狂敲猛击,传送着绝望的哀号,再没有比这更悲凉的了。
The mourners were wailing loudly. 送葬的人都嚎啕大哭。
My father weeping; my mother wailing. 我父亲在流泪母亲在哭泣。
Again and again the banks have burst, and wailing and despair have rent my sky from end to end. 岸堤一次次决口,任洪水冲走我所有的果实,哀鸣和绝望彻头彻尾地撕碎了我的天空。
The child was wailing loudly that she had hurt her foot. 那个女孩儿大声哭着说她的脚受伤了。
We heard the wailing of fire-engine sirens. 我们听到救火车汽笛的尖啸声。
But before I want to go to the wailing wall. 但是之前,我想要去哭墙。
After wailing for a while, you have to dry up the tears And keep being brave. 你完全可以放声哭泣,然后擦干泪水,告诉自己继续勇敢。
You can hear the wind wailing in the chimney. 可以听到风穿过烟囱发出的尖声。
A loud, wailing lament for the dead. 恸哭一种高声的悼念死者的哀号。
And he started to race towards me; arms outstretched making a kind of wailing, screaming noise. 他向我跑过来,伸展着胳膊,发出一种哀号的尖叫声。
He could hear in his mind the wailing of the women. 他在心灵中可以听到那些妇人的哀号。
A guy was wailing on his girl, his wife. 有个家伙在对他的妻子大叫。
The weeping and wailing of mourners at the funeral. 哀悼者在葬礼上的哀号。
Exhaustion of body had entirely subdued her spirit: our fiery Catherine was no better than a wailing child. 身体的疲乏已经完全降服了她的精神:我们凶猛的凯瑟琳并不比一个啼哭的孩子好多少。
A woman was crying in pain and wailing for someone to give her baby some milk. 一位妇女痛苦地哭喊着,哀求着有谁能给她的宝宝一点牛奶。
In the end, she cried her voice out but she just kept wailing on and on. 哭到后来,她哭不出声来了,可还是哭。
The girl is wailing over her lost doll. 这位女孩为失去的玩偶而大声哭号。
We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat. 我们认为他向北去哀嚎通灵塔了。
Turn that dreadful wailing music off and put on something cheerful. 把那可怕的哀号似的音乐关了,放点让人高兴的。
And at once the other aircraft start wailing with different voices. 然后立刻其他的飞机开始用其他各种各样的嚎声尖啸。
I could hear a baby wailing in the background. 我听见后院传来一个婴儿的号啕声。