I got such a walloping from my father when he came home. 我爸爸回家后狠狠地打了我一顿。
You've cut me a walloping slice of cake-i don't know if I'll be able to manage it. 你给我切了这么大一块蛋糕&我可不知道能不能吃得掉。
Apart from the big, obvious things love, death, children most of the really walloping emotional highs and lows of my life have involved watching Liverpool. 除了几件公认的大事爱情、死亡、孩子我生活中绝大多数真正算得上重大情感波澜的就是观看利物浦球队的比赛了。
My aunt threatened to give me a walloping! 我阿姨威胁说要痛打我一顿!
Every kids were pampered with a huge jar of ice cream concoction and they were individually walloping their own serving mindlessly. 小孩儿们每人各自享用一大份的冰淇淋,猛吞急咽无视旁人;
I got a terrific walloping from our father. 父亲狠狠揍了我一顿。
He had to pay a walloping great fine. 他得付一大笔罚款。
Yet in the 2009 group there was only one rgds, and instead Yours Sincerely, even Yours Faithfully have made walloping comebacks. 但在2009年这批邮件中,仅有一封用了rgds,而您最真诚的,甚至是您最忠诚的已全面回归。
I'd enjoy giving him a thorough walloping. 我要好好打他一顿才高兴。