The invaders wantonly set fire to Yuan Ming Yuan. 侵略者恣意妄为,把圆明园付之一炬。
They openly and wantonly carried out repeated armed intrusions into our country. 他们明目张胆地对我国不断发动武装入侵。
Recall that lawsky just last week unilaterally castigated the UK-based bank for brazenly and wantonly eviscerating state and federal banking rules against dealing with Iranian entities. 上周,洛斯基单方面发起了对这家英国银行的指控,严厉斥责该行与伊朗实体进行交易,肆无忌惮地违反纽约州和联邦的银行业法规。
He had scoffed; he had wantonly associated with the reckless and the lewd. 他曾经嘲笑过宗教,结交过放荡淫秽的人。
Meetings are also dangerous when their list of invitees has been wantonly constructed, filled with irrelevant people and lacking decisionmakers with the authority to get things moving. 当被邀请人的名单是随意拟定,充斥着不相关的人、却又缺少拥有足够权限的决策者来推动进程的时候,这种会议是很危险的。
We all know about celebrity-stalking websites like Gawker and TMZ, and the harm they wantonly inflict. 我们都知道Gawker和TMZ等跟踪明星的网站以及它们对明星的肆意伤害。
These rebels are notorious for wantonly attacking villages in the southern part of Philippines and committing kidnapping of local and foreign tourists and businessmen for ransom. 这群叛乱分子以恣意攻击菲律宾南部村落以及绑架地方与外国观光客和商人勒索赎金,而恶名昭彰。
The water adjudge with special design can adjust water to high or low wantonly. According to the quantity of dyeing yarns, the number of single yarn and its sorts. 特殊设计水量调节器可视染纱量及纱支数、种类不同,任意调节水量大小。
In case of wanton cutting of forests or other trees, the competent forestry authorities shall order the reseeding of trees five times the number of trees wantonly cut and impose a fine amounting to between two times and five times the value of the wantonly cut trees. 滥伐森林或者其他林木,由林业主管部门责令补种滥伐株数五倍的树木,并处滥伐林木价值二倍以上五倍以下的罚款。
It was considered a mistake to put off shipment wantonly. 任意拖延装运时间是错误的。
Destroy wantonly, as through acts of vandalism. 通过故意行动放纵破坏。
A wantonly cruel act. 一种放纵的残酷的行为。
To be seen indulging in them is wantonly to take your life into your own hands. 让人看见沉溺其中就是恣意伤害自己的生命。
In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts. 在林区非法收购明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木。
Let us wantonly ambush the innocent; 要蹲伏害无罪之人;
The taraxacum wantonly expressed their smiles, like the coloured buttons on the ground. 蒲公英笑容般放纵地绽开,像大地上一枚枚彩色的钮扣。
It seemed to her that he had wantonly destroyed their relationship. 对她来说,他好像已经恣意地毁坏了他们之间的关系。
Relying on its economic, scientific and technical, and military prowess, the United States continues to pursue hegemonism and power politics, and wantonly interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. 美国倚仗其经济、科技和军事实力,继续推行霸权主义和强权政治,肆意干涉别国内政。
To remember that you wantonly looted and burned the property of the church? 记得你放肆地掠夺和烧毁教会的财产?
Someone wantonly knocked his crutch away and pushed him over. 有人心怀恶意地打掉他的拐杖,把他推倒在地。
Nobody seemed interested in the wantonly imperiled life. 好象对那个千钧一发的生命谁都没有兴趣。
Mon is a free software, you can use wantonly and distribute, but must contain this text. mon是一个自由免费软件,您可以任意使用或者分发,但是必须包含本文档。
No humane being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does. 还没有一个人在无思无虑地过完了他的童年之后,还会随便杀死任何生物,因为生物跟他一样有生存的权利。
If human being change and destroy the dynamic balance of karst water system wantonly, the correlative environment and ecologic condition will be deteriorated. 但当人类在利用和改造自然的过程中,肆意改变或破坏岩溶水系统的动态平衡时,则有可能导致与岩溶水有关的环境和生态条件的恶化。
Such phenomenon as "a literary man is of no conduct" reveals the tragedy of literati with personality distorted wantonly and dignity ravaged ruthlessly in feudal society, and the universal contradiction between the writing and the writer as well. 文人无行现象揭示了封建社会文人人格被肆意扭曲和无情蹂躏的悲剧,文与人的矛盾普遍存在。
Due to human's unconscionable exploitation and utilization, such as inning, red tide, seawater breed, wantonly draining sewage of industry and living, constructing coastal project, coastal corrosion, resources of coastal wetland in our country are suffering seriously destroy. 由于自然因素和人类的不合理开发和利用,例如围垦、赤潮、海水养殖、工业和生活污水的肆意排放、海岸工程建设、海岸侵蚀等,我国滨海湿地资源正遭受着极大的破坏。
Period is a period of Chinese feudalism towards death, but also foreign cultures wantonly invading China period. 这段时期,是中国封建王朝走向寿终正寝的时期,也是外国文化大肆侵入中国的时期。
As their historical value has been accepted by the mass, the classics can't be adapted wantonly. 文化经典具有被接受大众认可的历史价值,不容许被轻易戏改,红色经典是社会主流意识形态对官方历史的某种程度上的首肯,改编需要经过慎重的思考。
Original Sin in Bible became the tool for wantonly grabbing wealth, which resulted in various forms of sin offering and atonement silver in middle ages. 《圣经》中的原罪论成为其大肆攫取财富的工具。赎罪祭和赎罪银在中世纪表现形式更为多样。
The revival of traditional culture is a spontaneous response to wantonly spread of Western culture. 传统文化的复兴是在西方文化大肆传播的背景之下自发性的文化应对。