Droplets of sweat were welling up on his forehead. 他额头上冒出了滴滴汗珠。
He fell back, blood welling from a gash in his thigh. 他向后倒去,鲜血从他大腿上的一个口子里涌了出来。
Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. 我所赐的水要在他里头成为泉源,直涌到永生。
Vincent decided to walk there and to visit his sister on the way, who was teaching in welling a mere 100 miles away. 文森特决定步行去那里,并且顺便去拜访他的妹妹,她在威林仅100英里之外教学。
They stood behind the rings apparatus with arms akimbo, eyes welling as they stared at the huge scoreboard hanging in the arena's center. 他们站在吊环后面,双手叉腰,盯着体育馆中心悬挂的巨大记分牌,眼眶湿润。
X-ray: this suggests you have things welling up inside you that you want to express, but you'd prefer to suffer in silence and not rock the boat. 光,表明你内心有很多想法亟需一吐为快,但为了少惹麻烦,你选择保持沉默。
From the depths of the canyon comes welling silence. 峡谷深处静寂无声。
Blood was welling out from the wound. 鲜血从伤口中流出。
Now when I feel this attitude welling up, I actively crush it with a purposefully subdued performance. 现在每当我感到自己有这样的念头时,就会有意识地用柔缓的行动来打消它。
Original paragraph: When you feel anger welling up, take a change-it or accept-it approach. 当你感觉生气要涌出来的时候,采取改变或者接受的方式。
In many cases, the Federation could not help tears welling. 很多时候,泪水总会情不自禁地夺眶而出。
Maturity is not that your heart is getting old but to smile with tears welling up in your eyes. 成熟不是心变老,而是眼泪在眼里打转却保持微笑。
It was kind of blurry that, some person got up the boat and some off, as well as some hands, and obviously some tears welling up in someone's eyes. 隐约中,一些人上船,一些人下去。还有一些手,一些泪,在眼中晃动。
I could feel the anger welling in me even as I fought to control it. 当我有所行动想要控制局势的时候我都能够感受到我心中的怒火。
As I watched the dancers I found emotions welling up from deep within and tears begin to roll down my face. 当我看着舞者,我发现情感自内心深处汩汩涌出,泪水开始从我的脸上滑落。
She puts an arm about me but I have to move away a little. I can feel the tear welling up inside me.'Anyway. 安吉拉伸出一只手臂抱了抱我,我却略微向外躲了躲,因为我感到眼泪正从心里涌出。
After opens the proposal type, villagers then anxious welling up to the reading room consult books, accesses the net under the information help the inquiry from to hope obtains information. Enable automatic query refresh for all workbooks and do not show this warning again 启动议式后,村民便急切的涌向书屋查阅图书,在信息员的帮助下上网查询自已希望得到的信息。对所有工作簿都启用自动查询刷新并且不再显示该警告信息
Weakening and abstracting the concrete and detailed art form, I always emphasize its movement and force as a whole to show a strongly visual impetus and a beauty of vibrations, expressing my original strong experience welling up continuously from my inner space. 艺术就是将具体的形象减弱、幻化,强调总体动势、气势,表现原创及初衷那种内心不断涌动的强烈感受,给人视觉冲击力、震撼美。
Drops of water welling up in them are called tears. 两只眼睛里面有水,叫眼泪。
"But we've got to take Snoopy with us." Nancy pleaded with the ticketseller, tears welling in her eyes. “可我们必须带着斯努皮跟我们一块儿走,”南希的眼中噙满泪水,哀求售票员。
Standing alone, I am a vain game for the sake of your knowing perfectly welling this, I still cheated me to pay all everythings by myself, remained. 孤独,我为了你明知这是场虚幻的游戏,我还骗我自己付出了所有的一切,只剩。
Blood was welling from the cut. 血从伤囗迸出。
A more intense El Nino that occurs every few years when the welling up of cold nutrient-rich water does not occur; kills plankton and fish and affects weather patterns. 每几年发生一次的,当富含营养的冷水不上涌时所发生的更强烈的埃尔尼诺现象;通常会杀死大量的鱼和浮游生物并影响气候。
Remember have a word to speak welling: "The teacher is an engineer of the human soul!" 记得有一句话说得好:“教师是人类灵魂的工程师!”
If we say that friendship is to be an evergreen tree, it then must be watered with the water welling up from one's heart; 如果说友谊是一棵长青树,那么浇灌它的必定是出自心田的清泉;
With tears welling in his eyes, Palmer walked away. 帕尔默两眼泪汪汪地走开了。
At the same time, we have entertained these ideas of a subliminal author, not an authority but an author welling up from below. 但同时,我们抱着这样的想法,从下面涌出的,不是权威,而是作者。
With massive open information resource welling up and large-capacity devices entering into private life, it come in true that everybody own gigabytes information. 随着海量公开信息源的涌现,大容量存储设备进入个人领域,个人拥有庞大的信息已成为现实。
A lot of intelligent residence quarters are welling up all over the contrary. However, some ill-considered phenomena occur during the progress of quarter intellectualization. 然而在小区智能化迅速发展的同时,也产生了许多问题,针对这一现象,本文从多个角度提出了相应的对策。
Some systematic projects for psychology welling and education must be built to foster excellent students. 要建立心理健康教育系统工程,加强对大学生心理健康教育。