He had whittled eight interviewees down to two 他已经逐渐将参加面试的人数由8人减少到2人。
By September, they will have whittled the list down to a winner 9月之前他们会从名单中确定出最后的赢家。
And if you've already whittled your TV watching down to just one or two favorite shows per week, consider exercising while you watch. 如果你已经将看电视的时间减少到每周只看一两集喜欢的节目的话,可以考虑边看电视边运动。
Once we had whittled down the required reviewer list, we could afford to give each respondent one-on-one attention. 一旦我们减少了所需的复审员名单,我们会注意到每个复审员的反馈。
We then whittled it down to just a phone conversation, and that was turned down, too. 我们然后只能把这段感情缩减到一个电话,但是最后连电话都取消了。
We've whittled down a mass of evidence and produced two clear leads. 我们清理了一大堆证据,理出了两个清晰的线索。
Sunday's results came on the heels of a Saturday release indicating that years of war had whittled away at Americans'support for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 紧跟在星期六民调结果之后的星期天民调结果,显示了长达几年时间的战争已经极大的削弱了美国民众对伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争的支持度。
Inflation has whittled away their savings. 通货膨胀蚕食了他们的积蓄。
Inflation has whittled away the value of savings. 通货膨胀降低了存款的价值。
British consumers have enjoyed a decade of deflation as value retailers such as Primark and supermarkets have whittled away prices, while China's emergence as a manufacturing base brought the cheap clothing that has reshaped the high street. 由于Primark等折扣零售商与超市不断削低价格,而中国崛起成为制造业基地带来了重塑大众市场的廉价服装,英国消费者享受了十年的价格下跌。
Rainwear became so important to Burberry that the company soon whittled its lines down to little more than trench coats and tailored menswear for much of the20th century. 防水衣对巴宝莉变得尤为重要,公司很快便削减了生产线,在20世纪的大部分时间里,几乎只生产风衣和定制男装。
The pencil has been whittled away to a mere stump. 铅笔已削的只剩下一个笔头了。
To give the wooden beams an aged look, she whittled them down before varnishing them. 为了让木梁一岁看,她削弱他们面前上光下来。
Governments have whittled down the budget on subsidizing individual artists. 政府逐渐减少了资助艺术家的预算。
The capacity overhang has been quickly whittled down in major industrial sectors, they wrote in a recent report. 主要工业部门的过剩产能一直在快速减少,他们在最近的一份报告中写道。
Reuters reported earlier yesterday that the final shortlist has been whittled down to eight. 路透社(Reuters)昨日早些时候报道称,最终入围名单已被减至8家。
The types were made of pieces of wood that he had whittled out with his penknife. 活字模是木块做的,是他用削笔刀刻出来的。
Two and a half years just whittled down to one tiny. 两年半的恋情最后只剩下了。
This year China whittled down its list of crimes punishable by death. 今年,中国也减少了死刑名单上的人数。
One of his legs was gone at the knee and to the stump was fitted a roughly whittled wooden peg. 他有一条腿被平膝截掉了,马马虎虎地装上了一段木头。
Before he knows it, he has whittled his stick down to a toothpick, which snaps in his hands. 他不知不觉把那块木头削得像牙签一样细,在他的手中折断了。
So we've now whittled this problem down into half and so we can literally and dramatically throw half of the problem away. 如此一来,我们就把这个问题简化了一半,我们可以大胆的扔掉另一半。
Japanese inventories are being whittled back, shaving 0.3 percentage points off growth. 日本正在大举削减库存减少了0.3个百分点的增幅。
They whittled down the enemy's military and economic strength in a war of attrition. 他们通过消耗战削弱敌人的军事和经济力量。
The collaborators whittled these down to the 27 biggest events, so that there would be no ambiguity. 科研人员们把这些归纳为27中影响最大的事件,因此也就不会出现不明确的地方。
By half time Argentina had whittled the gap down to one goal. 到半场结束时,阿根廷队已将差距缩小到了一球。
I've whittled the shortlist down to six. 我已把候选人名单削减为六人。
Whittled down the debt by making small payments. 通过小额支付来削减债务。