N-MASS 葡萄酒;果蔬酒 Wine is an alcoholic drink which is made from grapes. You can also refer to alcoholic drinks made from other fruits or vegetables as wine .
...a bottle of white wine... 一瓶白葡萄酒
This is a nice wine. 这种葡萄酒味道不错。
...homemade parsnip wine. 家酿欧洲萝卜酒
COLOUR 深红色;紫红色;酒红色 Wine is used to describe things that are very dark red in colour.
She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat. 她穿着深红色华达呢雨衣。
...an olive and wine wool sweater. 橄榄绿与深红色相间的羊毛衫
PHR-ERG 大吃大喝;盛宴款待 If you wine and dine, or if someone wines and dines you, you go out, for example to expensive restaurants, and spend a lot of money.
Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined... 同事们干着她的活儿,而她却在外面大吃大喝,这让大家都气坏了。
A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients. 很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。
A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients. 很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。
They held up their coach to celebrate their wining. 他们举起教练来庆祝胜利。
Tom and Will are often spotted wining and dining with wives Katie Holmes and Jada Pinkett Smith and having play dates with their children. 人们经常看到汤姆和威尔偕同各自的妻子凯蒂霍尔姆斯和贾德平克特史密斯四个人一起品酒进餐,互相串门,让子女一起玩。
This was said by beginning too, weakness you wining a bit often, how hold what a victorious key it is. 这是说,开始也弱点你有点往往海德堡,如何举行什么是胜利的关键是。
Combining the method of wining the lowest bid and the method of reasonable low bid, the article introduces the immature performance of both bidding sides. 文章从“合理低价中标”与“最低价中标”的比较出发,阐述了这两种评标办法的优缺点及现实适应性,提出了招投标工作的今后发展方向。
Love is not wining the argument. 爱不是结局完美的童话。
Yet wining kids over to become fans of homework may take more than high-tech help. 然而要使孩子们喜欢做家庭作业,仅仅凭靠高科技的帮助是远远不够的。morethan在英语中的用法很多,希望大家给予注意。
He says: Banking is not about wining and dining but being client-focused. 张红力表示:银行业不是吃吃喝喝,而是要以客户为中心。
Davies only needs to pot one more red to be sure of wining this game. 戴维斯只需再把一枚红球打入袋内,这轮即可稳操胜券。
Wining the Champions League is a tremendous achievement and one we set out to do. 赢得冠军联赛是了不起的成就,只赢一次不能令我们满足。
People ask me how was it to switch from a winning car to not a wining car and that's the only side you have to re-adapt to itself. 有人问我从夺冠车队出来转去个跟夺冠没啥关系的车队,外加我还得重新适应。
There is no evidence that advisory councils have ever been taken seriously, after their wining and dining was done. 毫无证据表明他们酒足饭饱后认真地对待了顾问委员会的意见。
Too much wining and dining is making him fat. 他酒宴过多而身体发胖。
By the analysis of the wining plan of Beidaihe Bihai garden, the topic of the creation of ecological architectural environment is researched by using Arcological theories from two aspects of outer architectural environment and space and interior architectural environment and space. 本文通过对北戴河碧海园设计中标方案的分析,从建筑外部空间环境设计和建筑内部空间环境设计两个方面探讨了运用生态建筑学理论创造生态建筑环境的问题。
Her fatness renders her unable to touch her toes. Too much wining and dining is making him fat. 她的身体很胖,使得她够不到自己的脚趾。
A lively evening with wining, dining and dancing till the small hours. 一个欢快的夜晚,吃喝、跳舞直到深夜。
She Beat all the superstars at this year's European MTV Grand Prix wining the Best Singer award 她在今年的欧洲音乐电视大奖赛上击败所有超级歌星获得最佳歌手奖
Eg: The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients. 这家公司成千上万地花费在大摆酒宴款待潜在的客户上。
At the harvest time, most of the villagers would abandon themselves to wining, eating and even singing the folk songs after dark. 收获时节,大多数的村民在天黑以后都会开怀畅饮、吃大喝,甚至还唱起山村民歌。
Richer young people wining and dining at the Sheraton or the Palestine Hotel. 一些有钱的青年走进喜来登饭店或巴勒斯坦饭店饮酒用餐。
It has been a pleasure wining and dining with them and at the same time obtaining first-hand information to support the writing of this paper. 跟他们当餐对酒是乐事,也从这些聚会中获得一手的资料来写这篇文章。
Many intend to keep on wining, dining in2010: survey. 调查表明,2010年,许多人想继续拥有美酒、美食的享乐生活。
He went out wining, dining, and dancing till the small hours. 他外出吃喝跳舞直到凌晨一两点钟。
The money he had got easily was all squandered speedily on wining and dining. 他手里的钱,来得容易去得快,都胡吃海喝了。
Wining is not about being the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals, but it is about being the best you can be. 胜利并不是第一个冲过终点线或得到最多的得分,而是尽你所能做到最好。
I'm wining and dining my friends. 我正在和朋友吃晚饭。
It has very thorough information about the scenic spots, local custom, dining, wining, and transportation in Shanghai. 那里有关于上海的景点、风俗、餐饮、交通等非常详细的信息。
But these often go nowhere after reaching the local level, where officials traditionally spend many hours wining and dining with each other and businessmen seeking favours. 但这些努力往往到了基层就不了了之,基层官员惯于花大量时间一起喝酒、吃饭,还经常与寻求关照的商人一起杯觥交错。
I am thankful to the television world for allowing me deal with my own personal likes and for all-owing me to rebel from the measuring stick of wining and losing. 感谢梦幻的影视世界,肯与我个性的情趣妥协,宽容我坚持自己反叛大多数的得失取舍尺度。