
英 [wɜːk] 美 [wɜːrk]

v.  做体力(或脑力)工作; 劳动; 干活; 受雇于; 从事…工作; 使工作; (尤指)使卖力干活
n.  工作; 职业; 职责; 工作内容; 活计



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.125 / COCA.117



    做工;执行任务 do job/task

  1. 做体力(或脑力)工作;劳动;干活
    to do sth that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of a job
    1. I can't work if I'm cold.
    2. I've been working at my assignment all day.
    3. He is working on a new novel.
    4. She's outside, working on the car.
    5. Doctors often work very long hours.
  2. 受雇于;从事…工作
    to have a job
    1. Both my parents work.
    2. She works for an engineering company.
    3. I've always worked in education.
    4. Do you enjoy working with children?
    5. My son is working as a teacher.
  3. 努力 make effort

  4. 使工作;(尤指)使卖力干活
    to make yourself/sb work, especially very hard
    1. She works herself too hard.
  5. 争取;力争;努力取得
    to make efforts to achieve sth
    1. She dedicated her life to working for peace.
    2. The committee is working to get the prisoners freed.
  6. 管理 manage

  7. 管理,经营(以获利)
    to manage or operate sth to gain benefit from it
    1. to work the land (= grow crops on it, etc.)
    2. He works a large area (= selling a company's goods, etc.) .
    3. She was a skilful speaker who knew how to work a crowd (= to excite them or make them feel sth strongly) .
  8. 机器;装置 machine/device

  9. 运转;运行
    to function; to operate
    1. The phone isn't working.
    2. It works by electricity.
    3. Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works?
  10. 开动,操作(机器、装置等);使运作
    to make a machine, device, etc. operate
    1. Do you know how to work the coffee machine?
    2. The machine is worked by wind power.
  11. 有结果 / 作用 have result/effect

  12. 奏效;产生预期的结果(或作用)
    to have the result or effect that you want
    1. The pills the doctor gave me aren't working.
    2. My plan worked, and I got them to agree.
    3. His charm doesn't work on me (= does not affect or impress me) .
  13. 产生…作用
    to have a particular effect
    1. Your age can work against you in this job.
    2. Speaking Italian should work in his favour.
  14. 使奏效;(由于努力)造成,产生
    to cause or produce sth as a result of effort
    1. You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips.
  15. 使用材料 use material

  16. (通过压挤、拉长、锤击等)使成形,使定形
    to make a material into a particular shape or form by pressing, stretching, hitting it, etc.
    1. to work clay
    2. to work gold
    3. to work the mixture into a paste
  17. 用某种材料作画(或编制、编织等)
    to use a particular material to produce a picture or other item
    1. an artist working in oils
    2. a craftsman working with wool
  18. 脸 / 身体部位 of part of face/body

  19. 抽动;抽搐;颤动
    to move violently
    1. He stared at me in horror, his mouth working.
  20. 逐渐移动 move gradually

  21. (逐渐地)移动(到某位置);(逐步)变成(某状态)
    to move or pass to a particular place or state, usually gradually
    1. It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.
    2. He worked his way to the top of his profession.
    3. I was tied up, but managed to work myself free.
    4. The screw had worked loose .


    工作;任务 job/task

  1. 工作;职业
    the job that a person does especially in order to earn money
    1. She had been out of work (= without a job) for a year.
    2. They are in work (= have a job) .
    3. He started work as a security guard.
    4. It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate.
    5. I'm still looking for work.
    6. She's planning to return to work once the children start school.
    7. What line of work are you in (= what type of work do you do) ?
    8. before/after work (= in the morning/evening each day)
    9. full-time/part-time/unpaid/voluntary work
      全日制 / 兼职 / 无报酬的 / 志愿工作
  2. 职责;工作内容
    the duties that you have and the activities that you do as part of your job
    1. Police work is mainly routine.
    2. The accountant described his work to the sales staff.
  3. 工作;活计
    tasks that need to be done
    1. There is plenty of work to be done in the garden.
    2. Taking care of a baby is hard work .
    3. I have some work for you to do.
    4. Stop talking and get on with your work.
  4. 工作所需的材料(或档案等)
    materials needed or used for doing work , especially books, papers, etc.
    1. She often brings work (= for example, files and documents) home with her from the office.
    2. His work was spread all over the floor.
  5. 工作地点 place of job

  6. 工作地点;工作单位;工作场所
    the place where you do your job
    1. I go to work at 8 o'clock.
    2. When do you leave for work ?
    3. The new legislation concerns health and safety at work .
    4. I have to leave work early today.
    5. Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.
  7. 努力 effort

  8. 工作;劳动
    the use of physical strength or mental power in order to do or make sth
    1. She earned her grades through sheer hard work .
    2. We started work on the project in 2002.
    3. Work continues on renovating the hotel.
    4. The work of building the bridge took six months.
    5. The art collection was his life's work .
    6. She set them to work painting the fence.
  9. 工作成果 product of work

  10. 工作成果;产品;作品
    a thing or things that are produced as a result of work
    1. She's an artist whose work I really admire.
    2. Is this all your own work (= did you do it without help from others) ?
    3. The book is a detailed and thorough piece of work covering all aspects of the subject.
  11. 行动结果 result of action

  12. 作为;行动结果
    the result of an action; what is done by sb
    1. The damage is clearly the work of vandals.
  13. 书籍;音乐;艺术 book/music/art

  14. 著作;作品
    a book, piece of music, painting, etc.
    1. the collected/complete works of Tolstoy
      托尔斯泰选集 / 全集
    2. works of fiction/literature
      小说 / 文学作品
    3. Beethoven's piano works
  15. 修造 building/repairing

  16. 建;修;修建
    activities involving building or repairing sth
    1. roadworks
    2. They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.
  17. 工厂 factory

  18. 工厂
    a place where things are made or industrial processes take place
    1. an engineering works
    2. a brickworks
  19. 机器部件 parts of machine

  20. (机器等的)活动部件
    the moving parts of a machine, etc.
    1. 所有的事物 everything

    2. 所有的事物;全套物品
      1. We went to the chip shop and had the works: fish, chips, gherkins, mushy peas.
    3. 物理 physics

    4. 功;做功
      the use of force to produce movement


      1. VERB 工作;从业;就职
        People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do.
        1. Weiner works for the US Department of Transport...
        2. I started working in a recording studio...
        3. Where do you work?...
        4. He worked as a bricklayer's mate...
        5. I want to work, I don't want to be on welfare.
      2. N-UNCOUNT 工作;职业
        People who have work or who are in work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do.
        1. Fewer and fewer people are in work...
        2. I was out of work at the time...
        3. She'd have enough money to provide for her children until she could find work...
        4. What kind of work do you do?
      3. VERB 工作;劳动;干活
        When you work, you do the things that you are paid or required to do in your job.
        1. I can't talk to you right now—I'm working...
        2. He was working at his desk...
        3. Some firms expect the guards to work twelve hours a day.
      4. The verb work has a different meaning in the continuous tenses than it does in the simple tenses. You use the continuous tenses, with the '-ing' form, to talk about a temporary job, but the simple tenses to talk about a permanent job. For example, if you say 'I'm working in London', this suggests that the situation is temporary and you may soon move to a different place. If you say 'I work in London', this suggests that London is your permanent place of work.
        动词 work 用于进行时和一般时时意义不同。用于进行时表示工作是临时性的,例如,I'm working in London (我目前在伦敦工作)暗示这种情形是暂时的,可能很快就会迁移到另一个地方。用于一般时则表示工作是固定的,例如,I work in London (我在伦敦工作),暗示伦敦是固定的工作地点。

      5. N-UNCOUNT 工作;活儿;活计
        Your work consists of the things you are paid or required to do in your job.
        1. We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do...
        2. I used to take work home, but I don't do it any more...
        3. There have been days when I have finished work at 2pm.
        4. image of teaching which highlighted the stressful and difficult aspects of the teacher's work.
      6. VERB 努力干;用功
        When you work, you spend time and effort doing a task that needs to be done or trying to achieve something.
        1. Linda spends all her time working on the garden...
        2. While I was working on my letter the telephone rang...
        3. Leonard was working at his German. His mistakes made her laugh...
        4. The most important reason for coming to university is to work for a degree...
        5. The government expressed hope that all the sides will work towards a political solution.
        6. Work is also a noun.
        7. There was a lot of work to do on their house...
        8. We hadn't appreciated how much work was involved in organizing a wedding...
        9. He said that the peace plan would be rejected because it needed more work.
      7. N-UNCOUNT 工作单位;工作地点
        Work is the place where you do your job.
        1. Many people travel to work by car...
        2. She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight.
      8. N-UNCOUNT 工作成果
        Work is something which you produce as a result of an activity or as a result of doing your job.
        1. It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work...
        2. Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work...
        3. That's a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it.
      9. N-COUNT (艺术家、作家、作曲家等的)作品;著作
        A work is something such as a painting, book, or piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer.
        1. In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work...
        2. Under his arm, there was a book which looked like the complete works of Shakespeare...
        3. The church has several valuable works of art.
      10. VERB 研究;对…作调查
        If someone is working on a particular subject or question, they are studying or researching it.
        1. Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type.
        2. Work is also a noun.
        3. Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes.
      11. VERB 协助;帮助
        If you work with a person or a group of people, you spend time and effort trying to help them in some way.
        1. She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer...
        2. He knew then that he wanted to work among the poor.
        3. Work is also a noun.
        4. ...a highly respected priest who is noted for his work with the poor...
        5. She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees.
      12. VERB (机器或设备)运转,运行
        If a machine or piece of equipment works, it operates and performs a particular function.
        1. The pump doesn't work and we have no running water...
        2. Is the telephone working today?...
        3. Ned turned on the lanterns, which worked with batteries...
        4. How does the gun work?
      13. VERB 奏效;成功
        If an idea, system, or way of doing something works, it is successful, effective, or satisfactory.
        1. 95 per cent of these diets do not work...
        2. If lust is all there is to hold you together, the relationship will never work...
        3. I shouldn't have come, I knew it wouldn't work...
        4. A methodical approach works best.
      14. VERB (药物)起作用,产生疗效
        If a drug or medicine works, it produces a particular physical effect.
        1. I wake at 6 am as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours...
        2. The drug works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.
      15. VERB 产生(有利或不利的)影响
        If something works in your favour, it helps you in some way. If something works to your disadvantage, it causes problems for you in some way.
        1. One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image...
        2. This obviously works against the interests of the child.
      16. VERB 对…产生(神奇的影响);使…深受(魅力感染)
        If something or someone works their magic or works their charms on a person, they have a powerful positive effect on them.
        1. Nevertheless, she is always optimistic about the possibilities and can work her charm on the disenchanted...
        2. Our spirits rallied as the bitter-sweet alcohol worked its magic.
      17. VERB (脑筋)转动,开动
        If your mind or brain is working, you are thinking about something or trying to solve a problem.
        1. My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.
      18. VERB 以(某种假定或思想)为基础(或前提)
        If you work on an assumption or idea, you act as if it were true or base other ideas on it, until you have more information.
        1. We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion.
      19. VERB 在(某地或某类场所)工作;在…奔波
        If you work a particular area or type of place, you travel around that area or work in those places as part of your job, for example trying to sell something there.
        1. Brand has been working the clubs and the pubs since 1986, developing her comedy act...
        2. This is the seventh year that he has worked the streets of Manhattan.
      20. VERB 让…干活;让…工作
        If you work someone, you make them spend time and effort doing a particular activity or job.
        1. They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this...
        2. They didn't take my father away, but kept him in the village and worked him to death.
      21. VERB (常指政客或艺人)博得,赢得(众人的支持或欢心)
        If someone, often a politician or entertainer, works a crowd, they create a good relationship with the people in the crowd and get their support or interest.
        1. The Prime Minister has an ability to work a crowd — some might even suggest it is a kind of charm...
        2. He worked the room like a politician, gripping hands, and slapping backs.
      22. VERB 种,耕种(地)
        When people work the land, they do all the tasks involved in growing crops.
        1. Farmers worked the fertile valleys.
      23. VERB 开采(矿)
        When a mine is worked, minerals such as coal or gold are removed from it.
        1. The mines had first been worked in 1849, when gold was discovered in California...
        2. Only an agreed number of men was allowed to work any given seam at any given time.
      24. VERB 使用,操纵(机器或设备)
        If you work a machine or piece of equipment, you use or control it.
        1. Many adults still depend on their children to work the video.
      25. VERB 慢慢变成;逐渐变得
        If something works into a particular state or condition, it gradually moves so that it is in that state or condition.
        1. A screw had worked loose from my glasses.
      26. VERB 按,压,揉(面团、黏土等)
        If you work a substance such as dough or clay, you keep pressing it to make it have a particular texture.
        1. Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth...
        2. Remove rind from the cheese and work it to a firm paste, with a fork.
      27. VERB 加工;处理
        If you work a material such as metal, leather, or stone, you cut, sew, or shape it in order to make something or to create a design.
        1. ...the machines needed to extract and work the raw stone.
        2. ...a long, cool tunnel of worked stone.
      28. VERB 使用,采用(某种材料或物质)
        If you work with a particular substance or material, you use it in order to make something or to create a design.
        1. He studied sculpture because he enjoyed working with clay.
      29. V-ERG (使)(身体某部分)活动
        If you work a part of your body, or if it works, you move it.
        1. Each position will work the muscles in a different way...
        2. Her mouth was working in her sleep.
      30. N-COUNT-COLL 工厂
        A works is a place where something is manufactured or where an industrial process is carried out. Works is used to refer to one or to more than one of these places.
        1. The steel works could be seen for miles.
        2. ...a recycling works.
        3. ...the works canteen.
      31. N-PLURAL 土木工程;建筑工程
        Works are activities such as digging the ground or building on a large scale.
        1. ...six years of disruptive building works, road construction and urban development.
      32. N-SING (某种类型的)全部物件,全套物品
        You can say the works after listing things such as someone's possessions or requirements, to emphasize that they possess or require everything you can think of in a particular category.
        1. Amazing place he's got there—squash courts, swimming pool, jacuzzi, the works.
      33. See also: working
      34. PHRASE 干活儿;做工作;忙着做事
        If someone is at work they are doing their job or are busy doing a particular activity.
        1. The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil...
        2. He is currently at work on a novel...
        3. Television cameras were invited in to film him at work.
      35. PHRASE 起作用;发挥效用
        If a force or process is at work, it is having a particular influence or effect.
        1. The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics...
        2. It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions.
      36. PHRASE (做…)有很大困难,困难重重
        If you say that you will have your work cut out to do something, you mean that it will be a very difficult task.
        1. The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy...
        2. He will have his work cut out to get into the team.
      37. PHRASE 已列入计划;已开始
        If something is in the works, it has already been planned or begun.
        1. He said there were dozens of economic plans in the works...
        2. Nobody should be surprised by this. It's been in the works for some time.
      38. in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 in the pipeline

      39. PHRASE (费力或轻而易举地)做,完成
        You can use work to talk about how easily or quickly a particular task is done. For example, if a person or thing makes short work of doing something or makes light work of it, they do it quickly and easily.
        1. An aerosol spray will make short work of painting awkward objects...
        2. This horse made light work of the cross-country course...
        3. Australia made hard work of beating them.
      40. PHRASE 讨厌鬼;恶棍
        If you describe someone as a nasty piece of work, you think they are very unpleasant or cruel.
        1. Underneath I think he's actually a rather nasty piece of work.
      41. PHRASE 让…工作;派给…任务
        If you put someone to work or set them to work, you give them a job or task to do.
        1. By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work...
        2. Instead of sending them to prison, we have set them to work helping the lemon growers.
      42. PHRASE 开始做;着手处理
        If you get to work ,go to work, or set to work on a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it.
        1. He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit...
        2. He returned to America where he set to work on a new novel.
      43. PHRASE 艰难地移动;缓慢地取得进展
        If you work your way somewhere, you move or progress there slowly, and with a lot of effort or work.
        1. Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men...
        2. Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.
      44. CONVENTION 干得不错;干得漂亮
        You can say to someone 'nice work' or 'good work' in order to thank or praise them for doing something well or quickly.
        1. Nice work, Matthew. I knew you could do it.
      45. to throw a spanner in the works → see: spanner


      1. Weiner works for the US Department of Transport
      2. Fewer and fewer people are in work
      3. I can't talk to you right now — I'm working
      4. We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do
      5. Linda spends all her time working on the garden
      6. Many people travel to work by car
      7. It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work
      8. In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work
      9. Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type.
      10. She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer
      11. The pump doesn't work and we have no running water
      12. I wake at 6 am as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours
      13. One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image
      14. Nevertheless, she is always optimistic about the possibilities and can work her charm on the disenchanted
      15. My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.
      16. We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion.
      17. Brand has been working the clubs and the pubs since 1986, developing her comedy act
      18. They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this
      19. The Prime Minister has an ability to work a crowd — some might even suggest it is a kind of charm
      20. Farmers worked the fertile valleys.
      21. The mines had first been worked in 1849, when gold was discovered in California
      22. Many adults still depend on their children to work the video.
      23. A screw had worked loose from my glasses.
      24. Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth
      25. He studied sculpture because he enjoyed working with clay.
      26. Each position will work the muscles in a different way
      27. The steel works could be seen for miles.
      28. The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil
      29. The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics


        work job labour toil【导航词义:工作,劳动】

        work n. 工作,劳动


      We have more work than we can deal with.
      Work can bring you pleasure.
      He started work when he was just 15.
      Only those who love their work can enjoy the delight in work.

        job n. 工作,活儿


      Peter does odd jobs for his neighbours.
      Sorting these reports out is going to be a hard job.
      Her daughter has a job in a bank.
      The job requires much hard labour.

        labour n. 劳动,工作


      All wealth comes ultimately from human labour.
      There is a clear division of labour in ants.
      In return for his labour, he receives food and shelter.

        toil n. 〈正式〉苦工,辛苦


      A life of toil is generally the price of fame and success.
      I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

        operate function go run work【导航词义:运行,运转】

        operate v. 操作;运转


      He taught me how to operate a computer.
      The machine operates well.

        function v. 正常运转,起作用


      The water system is not functioning well.
      Despite the power outage, the hospital continued to function normally.
      He can't function without a coffee in the morning.

        go v. 运行,运转


      She couldn't get the air conditioner going.
      My watch isn't going.

        run v. (使)运转,(使)运行


      His van runs on diesel.
      Keep the engine running.
      Will the software run on any computer?

        work v. 运转;操作


      The chainsaw doesn't work.
      The clock is working properly.
      That little boy can even work the video.


      work in work into

      1. 把…加进;把…混入;把…掺进  

      work off

      1. (通过消耗体力)宣泄(愤怒),释放(精力),排解(压力)  2. 用工作偿还(债务)  

      work out

      1. 想出,得到(解决方法);解(谜)  2. 计算出,解出(数学题答案)  3. 计算下来(为)  4. (如期)发生;进展(顺利)  5. 圆满结束;完成  6. 继续(服役)至期满;干满(离职通知规定的时间)  7. 锻炼;健身  

      work up

      1. 使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤)  2. 激发(热情);鼓起(勇气)  3. 使自己出(汗);激起(食欲)  4. 准备,撰写(文章等)  


      work around/round to sth/sb

      1. 渐渐转变(话题、主题等)
        to gradually turn a conversation towards a particular topic, subject, etc.

        work at sth

        1. 致力于;努力做
          to make great efforts to achieve sth or do sth well
          1. Both my parents work.
          2. She works for an engineering company.
          3. I've always worked in education.
          4. Do you enjoy working with children?
          5. My son is working as a teacher.

        work sth in

        work sth into sth

        1. 尽量包括;设法把…加进
          to try to include sth
          1. She dedicated her life to working for peace.
          2. The committee is working to get the prisoners freed.
        2. 掺入;将…搅拌进
          to add one substance to another and mix them together

          work sth↔off

          1. (通过消耗体力)宣泄感情
            to get rid of sth, especially a strong feeling, by using physical effort
            1. 工作以偿债
              to earn money in order to be able to pay a debt
              1. The phone isn't working.
              2. It works by electricity.
              3. Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works?

            work on sb

            1. 努力说服(使某人答应或做某事)
              to try to persuade sb to agree to sth or to do sth

              work on sth

              1. 努力改善(或完成)
                to try hard to improve or achieve sth
                1. Your age can work against you in this job.
                2. Speaking Italian should work in his favour.

              work out

              1. 锻炼身体;做运动
                to train the body by physical exercise
                1. 成功地发展
                  to develop in a successful way
                  1. to work clay
                  2. to work gold
                  3. to work the mixture into a paste

                work out (at sth)

                1. 计算;计算出
                  if sth works out at sth, you calculate that it will be a particular amount

                  work sb↔out

                  1. 了解,理解(某人的性格)
                    to understand sb's character

                    work sth↔out

                    1. 计算;算出
                      to calculate sth
                      1. 找到…的答案;解决
                        to find the answer to sth
                        1. 计划;思考
                          to plan or think of sth
                          1. She had been out of work (= without a job) for a year.
                          2. They are in work (= have a job) .
                          3. He started work as a security guard.
                          4. It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate.
                          5. I'm still looking for work.
                          6. She's planning to return to work once the children start school.
                          7. What line of work are you in (= what type of work do you do) ?
                          8. before/after work (= in the morning/evening each day)
                          9. full-time/part-time/unpaid/voluntary work
                            全日制 / 兼职 / 无报酬的 / 志愿工作
                        2. 挖尽,开采光(煤、矿产等)
                          to remove all the coal, minerals, etc. from a mine over a period of time
                          1. Police work is mainly routine.
                          2. The accountant described his work to the sales staff.

                        work sb↔over

                        1. 拷问;逼供
                          to attack sb and hit them, for example to make them give you information
                          1. She often brings work (= for example, files and documents) home with her from the office.
                          2. His work was spread all over the floor.

                        work to sth

                        1. 按照(计划、时间表等);根据…行事
                          to follow a plan, schedule, etc.
                          1. I go to work at 8 o'clock.
                          2. When do you leave for work ?
                          3. The new legislation concerns health and safety at work .
                          4. I have to leave work early today.
                          5. Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.

                        work towards sth

                        1. 努力达到,设法完成(目标)
                          to try to reach or achieve a goal
                          1. She earned her grades through sheer hard work .
                          2. We started work on the project in 2002.
                          3. Work continues on renovating the hotel.
                          4. The work of building the bridge took six months.
                          5. The art collection was his life's work .
                          6. She set them to work painting the fence.

                        work sth↔up

                        1. 逐步发展;努力改进
                          to develop or improve sth with some effort
                          1. She's an artist whose work I really admire.
                          2. Is this all your own work (= did you do it without help from others) ?
                          3. The book is a detailed and thorough piece of work covering all aspects of the subject.

                        work sb/yourself up (into sth)

                        1. 使激动;使发怒
                          to make sb/yourself reach a state of great excitement, anger, etc.
                          1. The damage is clearly the work of vandals.

                        work sth up into sth

                        1. 使完整;使完好;修整
                          to bring sth to a more complete or more acceptable state
                          1. the collected/complete works of Tolstoy
                            托尔斯泰选集 / 全集
                          2. works of fiction/literature
                            小说 / 文学作品
                          3. Beethoven's piano works

                        work up to sth

                        1. 逐步发展到,逐渐达到(更高或更深的程度)
                          to develop or move gradually towards sth, usually sth more exciting or extreme
                          1. roadworks
                          2. They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.



                          work it/things

                        • (尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥
                          to arrange sth in a particular way, especially by being clever
                          1. Can you work it so that we get free tickets?


                          all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)

                        • 只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻
                          it is not healthy to spend all your time working; you need to relax too
                          1. at work

                          2. 起作用
                            having an effect on sth
                            1. She suspected that secret influences were at work.
                          3. 忙着(做某事)
                            busy doing sth
                            1. He is still at work on the painting.
                            2. Danger─men at work.
                          4. get (down) to/set to work

                          5. 开始,着手(工作)
                            to begin; to make a start
                            1. We set to work on the outside of the house (= for example, painting it) .
                          6. give sb the works

                          7. 给(或告诉)…一切
                            to give or tell sb everything
                            1. good works

                            2. 善行;善举
                              kind acts to help others
                              1. go/set about your work

                              2. 做(或着手做)自己的工作
                                to do/start to do your work
                                1. She went cheerfully about her work.
                              3. have your work cut out

                              4. (做某事)可能有困难
                                to be likely to have difficulty doing sth
                                1. You'll have your work cut out to get there by nine o'clock.
                              5. in the works

                              6. 在讨论(或计划、筹备等)中;在酝酿中
                                something that is in the works is being discussed, planned or prepared and will happen or exist soon
                                1. the work of a moment, second, etc.

                                2. 即刻做完的事
                                  a thing that takes a very short time to do
                                  1. all in a day's work

                                  2. 日常工作的一部分;习以为常;不足为奇
                                    part of your normal working life and not unusual
                                    1. the devil makes work for idle hands

                                    2. 人闲生是非
                                      people who do not have enough to do often start to do wrong
                                      1. She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. ‘The devil makes work for idle hands,’ she would say.
                                    3. (do sb's) dirty work

                                    4. (干)没人愿干的事,卑鄙的勾当
                                      (to do) the unpleasant or dishonest jobs that sb else does not want to do
                                      1. many hands make light work

                                      2. 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高
                                        used to say that a job is made easier if a lot of people help
                                        1. make hard work of sth

                                        2. 在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力
                                          to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary
                                          1. a job of work

                                          2. 分内的事;必须干的工作
                                            work that you are paid to do or that must be done
                                            1. There was a job of work waiting for him that he was not looking forward to.
                                          3. make light work of sth

                                          4. 轻而易举地做(某事)
                                            to do sth quickly and with little effort
                                            1. a nasty piece of work

                                            2. 恶棍;令人讨厌的人;靠不住的人
                                              a person who is unpleasant, unkind or dishonest
                                              1. nice work!

                                              2. 干得好
                                                used to show you are pleased when sb has done sth well
                                                1. You did a good job today. Nice work, James!
                                              3. make short work of sth/sb

                                              4. 干净利落地打败(或处理);三下五除二就打垮(或解决)
                                                to defeat, deal with sth/sb quickly
                                                1. Liverpool made short work of the opposition (= in a football/ soccer game) .
                                                2. He made short work of his lunch (= ate it quickly) .
                                              5. (throw) a spanner in the works

                                              6. 干扰;出难题;从中捣乱
                                                (to cause) a delay or problem with sth that sb is planning or doing



                                                1. activity directed toward making or doing something
                                                  1. she checked several points needing further work

                                                2. the occupation for which you are paid
                                                  1. he is looking for employment
                                                  2. a lot of people are out of work

                                                  Synonym:    employment

                                                3. the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)
                                                  1. he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre
                                                  2. Picasso's work can be divided into periods

                                                  Synonym:    oeuvrebody of work

                                                4. a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing
                                                  1. it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works
                                                  2. the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work
                                                  3. he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey
                                                  4. the work of an active imagination
                                                  5. erosion is the work of wind or water over time

                                                  Synonym:    piece of work

                                                5. a place where work is done
                                                  1. he arrived at work early today

                                                  Synonym:    workplace

                                                6. applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
                                                  1. mastering a second language requires a lot of work
                                                  2. no schools offer graduate study in interior design

                                                  Synonym:    study

                                                7. (physics) a manifestation of energy
                                                  1. work equals force times distance


                                                1. give a workout to
                                                  1. Some parents exercise their infants
                                                  2. My personal trainer works me hard
                                                  3. work one's muscles
                                                  4. this puzzle will exercise your mind

                                                  Synonym:    exercisework out

                                                2. arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion
                                                  1. The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times

                                                3. go sour or spoil
                                                  1. The milk has soured
                                                  2. The wine worked
                                                  3. The cream has turned--we have to throw it out

                                                  Synonym:    sourturnferment

                                                4. cause to undergo fermentation
                                                  1. We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content
                                                  2. The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats

                                                  Synonym:    ferment

                                                5. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of
                                                  1. did you solve the problem?
                                                  2. Work out your problems with the boss
                                                  3. this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out
                                                  4. did you get it?
                                                  5. Did you get my meaning?
                                                  6. He could not work the math problem

                                                  Synonym:    solvework outfigure outpuzzle outlick

                                                6. use or manipulate to one's advantage
                                                  1. He exploit the new taxation system
                                                  2. She knows how to work the system
                                                  3. he works his parents for sympathy

                                                  Synonym:    exploit

                                                7. make uniform
                                                  1. knead dough
                                                  2. work the clay until it is soft

                                                  Synonym:    knead

                                                8. perform as expected when applied
                                                  1. The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in
                                                  2. Does this old car still run well?
                                                  3. This old radio doesn't work anymore

                                                  Synonym:    functionoperategorun

                                                9. move into or onto
                                                  1. work the raisins into the dough
                                                  2. the student worked a few jokes into his presentation
                                                  3. work the body onto the flatbed truck

                                                10. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
                                                  1. I cannot work a miracle
                                                  2. wreak havoc
                                                  3. bring comments
                                                  4. play a joke
                                                  5. The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area

                                                  Synonym:    bringplaywreakmake for

                                                11. make something, usually for a specific function
                                                  1. She molded the rice balls carefully
                                                  2. Form cylinders from the dough
                                                  3. shape a figure
                                                  4. Work the metal into a sword

                                                  Synonym:    shapeformmoldmouldforge

                                                12. shape, form, or improve a material
                                                  1. work stone into tools
                                                  2. process iron
                                                  3. work the metal

                                                  Synonym:    work onprocess

                                                13. prepare for crops
                                                  1. Work the soil
                                                  2. cultivate the land

                                                  Synonym:    cultivatecrop

                                                14. gratify and charm, usually in order to influence
                                                  1. the political candidate worked the crowds

                                                15. move in an agitated manner
                                                  1. His fingers worked with tension

                                                16. proceed along a path
                                                  1. work one's way through the crowd
                                                  2. make one's way into the forest

                                                  Synonym:    make

                                                17. provoke or excite
                                                  1. The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy

                                                18. proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity
                                                  1. work your way through every problem or task
                                                  2. She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived
                                                  3. Start from the bottom and work towards the top

                                                19. cause to work
                                                  1. he is working his servants hard

                                                  Synonym:    put to work

                                                20. be employed
                                                  1. Is your husband working again?
                                                  2. My wife never worked
                                                  3. Do you want to work after the age of 60?
                                                  4. She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money
                                                  5. She works as a waitress to put herself through college

                                                  Synonym:    do work

                                                21. exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity
                                                  1. I will work hard to improve my grades
                                                  2. she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor

                                                22. cause to operate or function
                                                  1. This pilot works the controls
                                                  2. Can you work an electric drill?

                                                23. operate in or through
                                                  1. Work the phones

                                                24. have an effect or outcome
                                                  1. The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought
                                                  2. How does your idea work in practice?
                                                  3. This method doesn't work
                                                  4. The breaks of my new car act quickly
                                                  5. The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water

                                                  Synonym:    act

                                                25. have and exert influence or effect
                                                  1. The artist's work influenced the young painter
                                                  2. She worked on her friends to support the political candidate

                                                  Synonym:    influenceact upon

                                                26. operate in a certain place, area, or specialty
                                                  1. She works the night clubs
                                                  2. The salesman works the Midwest
                                                  3. This artist works mostly in acrylics

                                                27. behave in a certain way when handled
                                                  1. This dough does not work easily
                                                  2. The soft metal works well