This day, came again two corsair, jack-tar people fear to rise again. 这天,又来了两艘海盗船,水手们又害怕起来。
Energetically jack-tar voice is very loud also, carrying on the arm natant group runnings to bookcase to protect directly drive. 大力水手呼声也很高,挎着游泳圈直接跑到书柜上护驾。
A few wear white jack-tar to take, the figure is carried high before formal young lady stands in the data station that has a few piles of paper only mutual whisper to each other. 几位身穿白色水手服,身材高挑儿的礼仪小姐站在只有几摞纸的资料台前相互交头接耳。
German jack-tar runs to the front of flagpole instantly, mount top quickly, respect a ceremony beautifully, jumped next. 德国水手立即跑到旗杆前,迅速爬上顶端,漂亮地敬个礼,然后跳了下来。