He was ordered to appear the following day, but absconded 他被传唤于第二天出庭,可是他逃跑了。
A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year. 去年共有12名犯人从福雷斯特监狱逃脱。
Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds. 不幸的是,他的合伙人都是些骗子,已卷款逃之夭夭了。
The CLA instead should seriously address why the migrants abscond from their work. 面对逃跑问题,劳委会首先应该严肃的面对移工逃跑的原因。
For higher-ranking officials who managed to abscond with large amounts of money, the s was the favourite destination, while Canada, Australia and the Netherlands were also popular. 对级别较高、赃款金额较大的外逃官员来说,美国是最受青睐的目的地,而加拿大、澳大利亚和荷兰也颇为热门。
Punishment shall be meted out to those who seize the opportunity to engage in sabotage, theft or embezzlement, or abscond with public funds, assets or records, or refuse to give an accounting. 如有乘机破坏,偷盗,舞弊,携带公款、公物、档案潜逃,或拒不交代者,则须予以惩办。
This fosters confidence in taking action to do what makes them happy now rather than to abscond with safeguarding their thoughts with events in the future. 孩子们正是在玩耍或观赏中促成了他们有信心并乐于着手做眼下能让他们快乐的事情,而不是为呵护其对未来事件的幻想而畏头畏尾。
Let them out and they may abscond or show up at the mall with a machinegun. 放掉他们,他们或许会潜逃,或端着机关枪闯进商场。
Yet because living on a public sex-offender registry is so wretched, many abscond. 没有隐私的性犯罪者们何其不幸,很多人不得不四处潜逃。
It usually does not like ordinary movable, could be criminals or physical transfer to abscond with, and more cases are generally illegal occupation. 它往往不能像普通动产那样,可以被犯罪分子进行物理转移或携以潜逃,因而更多情况下属于一般违法侵占行为。
Afterwards, they sell the ship and the goods and abscond. 然后,他们卖掉船和货物,各自潜逃。
Kenobi managed to kill grievous, and abscond with his starfighter. 克诺比试图击毙了格里沃斯,并拿他的战斗机逃跑了。
Or, without buying his freedom, to abscond thither. 或者不赎回自由,而潜逃到那里。
Although the parts of subjects who abscond with money do not participate in misappropriation, they can be identified as Joint Corruption because they achieve the consensus on illegal possession with the subjects of pre-misappropriation when they participate in absconding with money. 转化型共同贪污的认定方面,携款潜逃的部分主体虽然没有参与挪用行为,但是由于其在参与携款潜逃时,已与事前的挪用主体形成非法占有的合意,故也应认定为共同贪污。