N-UNCOUNT 变卦;倒退;故态复萌 If you accuse someone of backsliding, you disapprove of them because they have failed to do something they promised or agreed to do, or have started again doing something undesirable that they had previously stopped doing.
...the government's backsliding on free market reforms... 政府在自由市场改革上的退缩
This may help to maintain the gains you've made and to prevent backsliding. 这或许有助于保持你所取得的进展,防止倒退。
This may help to maintain the gains you've made and to prevent backsliding. 这或许有助于保持你所取得的进展,防止倒退。
Wherefore gloriest thou in the valleys, thy flowing valley, O backsliding daughter? 背道的民(原文作女子)哪,你们为何因有山谷,就是水流的山谷夸张呢。
The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? 约西亚王在位的时候,耶和华又对我说,背道的以色列所行的,你看见没有。
For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer: now the LORD will feed them as a lamb in a large place. 以色列倔强,犹如倔强的母牛。现在耶和华要放他们,如同放羊羔在宽阔之地。
Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. 你们这背道的儿女阿,回来吧。我要医治你们背道的病。
Concerns about backsliding from standards on transparency, procurement and anti-corruption are justified but the way to address them is to join the institution and work from within; it is nonsense to argue that carping from outside will be more effective. 对透明度、采购和反腐标准倒退的担忧是合理的,但解决这些问题的方法是加入该机构,从内部实现变革;所谓在外面挑毛病会更加有效的说法纯属无稽之谈。
Many of its domestic announcements indicate backsliding on reforms, notably over labour market reform and public-sector employment. 政府对内宣布的许多事项,表明希腊的改革即将倒退,尤其是针对劳动力市场和公共部门就业的改革。
Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast deceit, they refuse to return. He coolly retraced his steps, removed the blanket from his cell, and triumphantly swung across to safety. 这耶路撒冷的民,为何恒久背道呢。他们守定诡诈,不肯回头。他冷静地顺原路返回牢房,取来毯子,成功地荡到安全地带。
It is fair to say that Egypt's dogged support for regional peacemaking has been crucial to sustaining a modicum of civility in the Middle East, despite backsliding by nearly everyone else. 公平地说,尽管各方的态度几乎都在倒退,但没有撕破脸皮而大打出手与埃及对地区和平的不懈努力是分不开的。
And it has also exasperated the EU by backsliding on promised improvements to the judiciary and legal system. 同时,他也因在推进司法及法律体制改革上出尔反尔而惹恼了欧盟。
Critics accused the government of backsliding on the issue of welfare. 批评者指责政府又在福利问题上犯错误。
That is good news insofar as it means there is no backsliding ( yet) on the first significant progress made in the management of the eurozone crisis for some time. 目前看来这是一个好消息,因其意味着欧元区危机治理的首个重大进展在一段时间内未出现倒退。
Militant mendicancy over the nuclear issue demanding to be paid for every tiny step towards a distant disarmament, then backsliding and trying the same trick again will no longer wash. 平壤在核问题上进行的“强行乞讨”先要求国际社会为该国向遥远的去核迈出的每一小步提供经援,然后退回到原有立场并故伎重施不会再有效果。
There is only a path forward a hard and difficult path, filled with troubles and backsliding and detours but a path forward nonetheless. 只有前进的道路一条费力的艰难的道路,充满困难和挫折的迂回曲折的道路但终究是一条前进的道路。
Yet despite this hard-won progress, Beijing is now in danger of backsliding. 然而,在取得这番来之不易的进步之后,中国的银行业改革现在面临着倒退的危险。
Five prominent members of the Group of 20 leading economies, including the US and UK, sent a coded rebuke to China yesterday against backsliding on economic agreements. 20国集团(G20)的五大成员国(包括美国和英国),昨日对中国提出含蓄批评,指责中国在经济协定上倒退。该集团由全球主要经济体组成。
For some car buyers, the big drop in price may easily offset the backsliding. 对一些汽车购买者,价格的大落差很容易抵消(经济)衰退。
There is pressure within the industry for backsliding on implementation of the 2010 rules. 业内存在阻挠在今年年内实施这些规则的压力。
The paper quoted an education ministry official as saying the main reason for the backsliding was that many young rural poor were dropping out of school in order to find work in the cities. 该报告引用了教育部一位官员的说法,认为识字率水平下滑的主要原因是年轻的偏远地区青年在城市求生而辍学。
The harder it pushes for fair trade with poorer countries, either bilaterally or through the WTO, the worse is the danger of backsliding all round. 它越是卖力地与比较穷的国家推进自由贸易,不管是以双边还是通过世贸组织的方式,全面倒退的危险就越严重。
Might the stronger Republican contingent lessen the risk of protectionist backsliding and even improve prospects for concluding the Doha round? 更强硬的共和党人会降低保护主义抬头的风险,甚至增加完成多哈回合谈判的可能性吗?
Spiritual weakness or backsliding can easily prevent our walking with and for Christ. 同样地,灵命软弱或倒退的基督徒,也不能遵基督而行。
She had, despite the occasional backsliding in training, successfully competed in the championships. 虽然在训练上偶尔有些退步,她还是在锦标赛上获得了胜利。
You are backsliding into the flames of hell. 你现在正在倒退到地狱的火焰中。
Gao said another reason for the backsliding was a lack of adequate funding, and the fact that earlier successes in fighting illiteracy lead some local governments to abandon their literacy programs. 高学贵还提出了另外一个识字率倒退的原因,即缺乏足够的资金,并且在消除文盲上早期的成功导致部分地方政府取消了识字计划。
Mr Carney, who once played ice hockey for Harvard, not only stood firm when Mr Dimon unleashed a tirade in front of two dozen other bankers but also hit back 48 hours later with a speech that warned against backsliding and a pointed dig at his critics. 当戴蒙在20多位央行行长面前发表攻击性讲话时,曾经是哈佛大学(Harvard)冰球队员的卡尼不仅没有退让,还在48小时之后发表演讲回击,直截了当地向他的批评者警示不要故态复萌。
Such backsliding has been seen before. 以前我们曾看到过这种倒退。
Of course, this backsliding of a nation could not have happened if the church had not backslidden or fallen into a lukewarm state. 当然,若教会没有退后或不冷不热,国家的属灵退后是不会发生的。