The man must be bonkers to take such a risk 这人一定是疯了,居然去冒这种风险。
I nearly went bonkers with frustration. 挫败感让我几近疯狂。
While a lofty and unjustifiably high valuation for the social media giant had been expected given its position in popular culture, a$ 104 billion valuation is borderline bonkers. 鉴于这家社交媒体大型公司在流行文化领域的地位,离谱的高估值一直都在人们的预料之中,但1040亿美元的估值依然是个疯狂的数字。
He understands the ways of the bonkers. 他明白疯狂的人们的行事方式。
She was the wildest, funniest, cleverest, wittiest and the most bonkers of all of us. 她是我们中最活力四射,最有趣,最聪明机智的。
In the British Museum to learn why Roosevelt and friends went bonkers during a dinner show at the American Museum of Natural History. ,了解为什么罗斯福和他的朋友们在美国自然历史博物馆举办的晚宴秀上发了疯。
Along with tips on jam-making and how best to discipline naughty boys, these are just a few of the bonkers requests being fired at British embassies around the world, the Foreign Office said Thursday. 英国外交部本周四称,英国驻世界各国的大使馆频繁受到愚蠢求助的骚扰,包括求教怎样做果酱,怎样管教淘气的男孩等等。
Don't expect Chase Bank to hire you if you're wearing a T-shirt that says Go bonkers! 如果你穿着一件写有Gobonkers!(疯了!)字样的T恤,那可别奢望美国大通银行会聘用你。
Shoddily ambitious, exhilaratingly awkward and truly bonkers, In the Dust of the Stars seemed to aim for a certain cultural moment but instead landed fascinatingly far afield. 《在星尘之中》有着恶劣的野心、欢快的笨拙和真实的疯狂,似乎是旨在捕捉一个特定的文化时刻,但却奇异地落在了遥远的地方。
I was leaning more toward bonkers. 我是更加了解疯子了。
I think I'll go bonkers 我想我一定会疯掉
London seems to have gone completely bonkers 伦敦似乎陷入一片完全疯狂中
I have to admit, I love it when KG goes bonkers, but tonight I found it a little tough to swallow. 我必须承认,我喜欢KG疯狂的样子,可今晚我却感到有点难以下咽。
He slipped his trolley and went totally bonkers. 他无法控制自己,完全疯了。
"Yet here in the capital of the energy state, when word spread that free gas was to be found, the populace, as expected, went bonkers"( Washington Post) “虽然是在能源富足的州府,但当将要发现天然气的消息传开时,公众如意料到的那样疯狂起来”(华盛顿邮报)
And if, as we fully expect, this remarkable Chelsea team wins, dont expect the world to turn bonkers afterwards. 而且如果,很有可能会是这样,这支出色的切尔西队获胜了,别期待这个世界会变得神经错乱。
This would upend the law and drive the gun lobby bonkers. 此举将要修改法律,将会使枪支游说者咆哮不堪。
There are rumours he's gone bonkers. 有传闻说他精神崩溃了。
Oh, no, my dad is driving me bonkers, too. 什麽啊?你说你爸爸是什麽?
That you're completely bonkers. 说你已经彻头彻尾地疯了。
Please help, it's driving me bonkers! 请帮助下,它的驾驶我疯狂的!
I'm afraid so. You're mad, bonkers, off your head. 恐怕是这样。你疯了,神经错乱,头脑不清楚。
If I dont work, Ill go bonkers. 隐藏摘要如果我不工作,我会发疯的。
We have a good relationship except for this. I'm afraid of hurting his feeling, but the dog is driving me bonkers. 除了这一点外,我们的关系很好,我很怕伤了他的感情,但他的狗让我的精神有点错乱了。