The majority have a built-in Luddite mentality; they are resistant to change. 大部分人天生有种反对技术进步的心理。他们抗拒变革。
We're going to have built-in cupboards in the bedrooms. 我们将在卧室安装嵌入式衣橱。
The camera has a built-in failsafe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received. 照相机有内置自动防故障装置,该装置确保相机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。
The unit includes built-in digital effects like reverb. 这个设备具有诸如混响之类的内置数码音效。
The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure. 该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。
These chains form a chain fabric with Linux's built-in chains. 这些链与Linux内置链形成了一个链结构。
The built-in messaging system handles this interaction. 内置的消息传递系统可处理这样的交互。
New features include GPS and a built-in keyboard. 新增功能包括GPS和一个内置键盘。
In addition to filter(), dictionaries can use several other of the same built-in functions and procedures as lists. 除了filter()以外,字典可以使用其它和列表相同的内置函数和方法。
These convenience methods are provided so that you can use the built-in Web service explorer for testing it. 这里提供了这些便利方法,您可以使用内置的Webserviceexplorer进行测试。
Built-in auditing, recovery, notification and management facilities. 提供了内置的审计、发现、通知和管理设施。
New built-in functions provide methods for encrypting and decrypting data. 新的内置函数提供了加密和解密数据的方法。
You have learned about built-in support for OCL and Java, as well as how to apply a profile. 您也学习到了内建支持的OCL和Java,和如何应用一个概要文件。
System, that is, UNIX's built-in, online reference system. 系统是UNIX内置的联机参考系统。
Drupal's built-in blog system is very easy to use and customize. Drupal内置的博客系统非常容易使用和定制。
We discussed the built-in action previously. 我们先前讨论了内置操作。
Nagios has a built-in notification system. Nagios内置了一个通知系统。
Both built-in and custom caching service provides the same quality of runtime system. 内置的和自定义的缓存服务提供了相同质量的运行时系统。
The built-in Puppet file server also requires certificates, so you can't use this file transfer method. 内置的Puppet文件服务器也需要证书,这样您就不能使用这个文件传输方法。
You can also use Zorba's built-in functions to send e-mail and create PDF documents. 您还可以使用Zorba的内置函数发送电子邮件和创建PDF文档。
You can supply a custom alert sound, or you can use a built-in alert sound. 你可以提供一个自定义警告声音,也可以使用内置的警告声。
I make heavy use of firebug in firefox and the built-in developer tools in Chrome for debugging and profiling. 频繁使用firefox上的firebug和Chrome中内置的开发者工具进行调试与分析。
The G2 Portable adopts a USB built-in board for a more compact dimension. 便携式G2为了更紧凑采用了一个内置USB板。
All required'royal'a-a shop fittings accessories for built-in and loose fixtures furnitures. 所有嵌入式和松散的固定装置和家具要求的“皇家牌”a-a商店设备和附件。
The built-in Web server offers dual-compression format and analog video output. 内置的网络服务器提供双压缩格式和模拟视频输出。
The network connections on the server used the built-in Intel PRO/ 1000 GbE controllers. 在服务器上的网络连接使用了内建IntelPRO/1000GbE控制器。
The monitor features a built-in power supply and an optional rack-mount adaptor for wall or spot monitor viewing. 显示器为观看墙壁监测和现场监测设置了内置电源和一个可选的机架适配器。
The definition of a shared memory and process shared data structure and built-in semaphore support. 有一个共享的内存定义和进程共享数据结构和内置的信号量的支持。
Because JavaScript provides a set of built-in utility functions and objects that can be changed by JavaScript code. 因为JavaScript提供了一系列JavaScript代码可以修改的内置方法和对象。
Encoders and decoders are built-in and you can convert all supported formats once downloading the software. 编码器与解码器是内置在和您可以转换所有支持的格式后,下载软件。