She served six months in prison for the helicopter caper. 她因为直升机一案坐了6个月牢。
Jack would have nothing to do with such capers 杰克不愿扯上这种荒唐的事。
What a mess we were in at the end of this caper — hair, eyes, cheeks and neck covered in treacle. 胡闹了一通后,我们浑身脏得一塌糊涂——头发、眼睛、脸颊、脖子上,全是糖浆。
A lot of people around here, including some members of the board, are worried about that British caper. 好多人,包括一些董事会成员,都对这个英国把戏感到担心。
Pearl, looking at this bright wonder of a house, began to caper and dance, and imperatively required that the whole breadth of sunshine should be stripped off its front, and given her to play with. 珠儿望着这幢灿烂而奇妙的住宅,开始雀跃起来,使劲要求从住宅前腿上把整整一层阳光给剥下来,好让她玩个痛快。
The reappearance of The Grand Budapest Hotel, a lighthearted caper set in a rambling Eastern European hotel that was released early in the year, has leavened an awards season that has otherwise been laced with weightier drama. 今年年初上映的《布达佩斯大饭店》是一个轻松的诈骗故事,发生在一家杂乱无章的东欧酒店里,它为这个充满沉重题材的颁奖季增添了活跃的因素。
Your mother was so delighted she claped her hands and cut a caper in the middle of the road. 你母亲非常高兴,她拍着手在路中间跳起了舞。
Occasionally friend no matter men and women, it is Lothario more, see to this affection this scene cheers caper, applause shriek. 偶的朋友不论男女,多为色狼,见到此情此景都欢呼雀跃,鼓掌尖叫。
The girl's caper cost her a twisted ankle. 小姑娘又蹦又跳,结果扭伤了脚踝。
How did you get involved in that caper? 你是怎么卷入那场恶作剧的?
Nonetheless, Ritchie has directed some of the most stylish caper comedies about blue collar thugs and other lower class misfits ever to emerge from his native land. 虽然如此,盖•里奇导演了多部关于工人阶层混混以及其它低收入人群的最另类犯罪喜剧,这些都来自于他的故土。
Wild duck in caper sauce. 续随子酱野鸭。
The children cut a caper in the yard. 孩子们在院子里兴高采烈地乱蹦乱跳。
To bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper. 跳跃以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃;
The whole caper was unnecessary, in his view. 在他看来,整个这出闹剧都是不必要的。
Introduced the test metal corrugated pipe, the diaphragm, the bellows, the reflect scope, the reflector, the caper diaphragm, the isoelastic part and characteristic parameter. 介绍了测试金属波纹管、膜片、膜盒、跳跃膜片等弹性元件特性参数的测试仪。
Interior of a sixth grade classroom with supply cart, Avive collection tables and Caper chairs. 第六间年级教室的内部与供应推车,Avive汇集桌和雀跃椅子。
Not only to make our caper more intellectually satisfying. 不只是是让我们的欢呼变得更有智慧的满足感。
A mischievous prank or antic; a caper. 胡闹一种调皮的恶作剧或胡闹;鬼把戏。
He is planning his next caper& the stick-up of the city bank. 他正在计划下一次的违法勾当&抢劫市银行。
One side is lush, with caper bushes, palm trees, and intensely colored wildflowers. 一边是绿意盎然,有马槟榔灌木、棕榈树和五彩缤纷的野花。
Effects of different fertilizer treatments on biological and economic yield was preliminary studied in caper spurge. 研究了不同施肥处理对续随子生物产量及经济产量的影响。
Oven baked seabass fillet and eggplant with battered artichoke, cepe mushroom, parsley, and caper anchovy paste. 烤海带和茄子配上扁朝鲜蓟、牛肚菇、欧芹和凤尾鱼团;
But if you'll recall, my love, the way we leaped into this marriage caper didn't allow much time for discussion. 你想想,亲爱的,咱们这么心急火燎地演出了金玉良缘这场戏,哪有时间高谈阔论。
And you're a corpse, Father, so I'll caper as I please. 你现在是死人啦,老爹,所以现在我想怎么样装蠢你也管不着。
I suggest that we shall look back upon this little caper one day. 我提议大家应该永远铭记这个欢呼的日子。
Spice Plants-Ginger, Black Pepper, Caper, Cayenne Pepper. 香料植物。生姜,黑胡椒,戏弄,辣椒。
Holds each opportunity, makes every effort to achieve one time the opportunity, a caper, a sublimation. 抓住每一次机遇,力求做到一次机遇,一次跳跃,一次升华。