He was sure that he was dealing with a charlatan. 他真以为自己遇上了江湖骗子。
The prevailing view these days puts the average mutual fund manager somewhere between dope and charlatan. 如今,人们对一般共同基金经理的评价往往介于傻子和骗子之间。
People expressed shock that such a successful entrepreneur could fall prey to an alleged charlatan like Wang, reported Global Times. 据《环球时报》报道称,人们对于像马云这样的成功企业家竟也会听信王林的江湖骗术而感到震惊。
That charlatan is anything but a doctor. 那江湖骗子决不是医生。
To act as a medical quack or a charlatan. 当冒牌医生或江湖郎中。
The man who aspires "to know reality as against mere appearance," to use Bradley's description, is commonly taken to be a dreamer, a dupe, or a charlatan. 那些立志要从表象获得真理的人,用布莱德里的话来说,常被看成是做白日梦的人、傻瓜、或者江湖骗子。
It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan. 很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人。
In spite of his boasts of having cured many people, he was nevertheless shown up as a charlatan. 尽管那人夸口说他治好了许多人的病,但他还是被揭穿为一个江湖骗子。
To act as a medical quack or a charlatan. Mr Brown was discharged from employment because he was not on the job. 布郎先生被开除了,因为他没能尽职。
The doctor was either a charlatan or a shrewd old rogue. 这医生要么是假充内行的庸医,要么是狡猾的老骗子。
After all, there is an element of the charlatan in every great leader of Commerce we know the lines are practised, the flattery well-judged. 毕竟,每一位伟大的商业领袖身上,都有一些江湖术士的元素我们都知道他们都练习过如何讲话,而他们的奉承也都恰到好处。
He doesn't have a medical degree he's just a charlatan. 他没有医学学位,却冒充是个内行。
Leopold Kronecker, a prominent German mathematician ( and one of Cantor's teachers) described his student as a "scientific charlatan", a" renegade "and a" corrupter of youth"; 之后,德国著名数学家克罗内克(也是康托的老师之一)说这位学生是“科学骗子、叛徒”,是“年轻人的腐蚀剂”。
Several speakers at the three-day conference denounced the Nobel prize-winning monetarist economist, Milton Friedman, as a charlatan who had had a pernicious influence on capitalism over the past four decades. 在为期三天的会议上,有数位演讲者公开指责诺贝尔奖获得者、货币学派经济学家米尔顿弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)是个江湖骗子,称他在过去40年里给资本主义带来了恶劣的影响。
A good psychiatrist would have known he was a charlatan. 好的心理医生,应该可以看出他是一个骗子。
I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan. 为了避免可能引起的误解,我得赶紧指出,他决不是一个惯于招摇撞骗的江湖郎中。
It is just as likely that he was a charlatan peddling hocus-pocus. 他过去恰恰很可能是个挨家挨户行骗的江湖医生。
He was a scientist who claimed to have a miracle cure and was then exposed as a charlatan. 他是个声称有神奇疗法的科学家,后来被揭露出是个骗子。
Who sent that thieving charlatan on to my ship? 谁把那小骗子带到船上?
I know it's bizarre, but I feel like a charlatan. 我知道这很怪,但我觉得那样像个吹牛的人。
George Bush: You mean that OLD KOOK, that CHARLATAN? 你是说那个老怪物,那位庸医吗?
The last thing the people here need is a two-bit charlatan. 这里的人最不需要的就是你这样微不足道的骗子。
That charlatan! I lost thousands of dollars because I followed his advice. 那个骗子,我以为跟他损失了几千块!