The apple was brought over here by the colonists when they came. 苹果是早期殖民地开拓者来的时候带过来的。
After that, if you have to choose, the colonist is better sitting on your quarry than on your Sm Market. 其后,如果有选择,殖民者应该站在采石矿上而不是小市场。
Reconsideration of Women's Subjectivity& Feminist and Post Colonist Theories 再思女性的主体性&女性主义与后殖民理论
But whatever policy carried out in Philippines the colonist result was same. 这样的政策也就为殖民地国家带来了很大的影响。
Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world. 许多清教徒殖民者在新大陆仍保持他们好争论的脾气。
He is the colonist, the empire builder. 他是一个殖民者,帝国建造者。
He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist. 他是帝国创立者的原型,囚犯殖民者。
It's a problem I have myself when I write the word colonist. 当我写这个词的时候我自己也有这个问题。
Land was seemingly limitless in extend and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder. 土地似乎广阔无垠,因此价钱不高,而几乎所有的殖民地人都想成为土地拥有者。
If you knew what hardships and struggles lay ahead, you certainly wouldn't want to be an American colonist! 但是,如果你知道你前方所要面临的艰险和斗争,你一定不会想要参与美洲殖民!
From 16 century, western colonist not only monopolized the trade, making it as the supplement for the spice trade, but also brought western cotton made in Europe. 十六世纪开始,东来的西方殖民者不但垄断了原产印度西洋布的贸易,并使之成为香料贸易的补充,同时也带来了产自西欧的西洋布。
I think, the main factor which the Ming government permitted the Portugal colonist leasing Macao due to the internal factor. 笔者认为,明廷允许葡人租借澳门固然受外部因素的影响,但主要还是内部因素起决定作用。
On Youth Culture of Modern China in Post-colonist Situation 当代中国青年文化的后殖民特征
If those myth can be described as some kind of network made through the colonist discourse hegemony, then, we can say that those meshes are some kind of channel prearranged by colonist for colony to get some sunshine. 如果说前者是殖民者用强大的殖民话语霸权所罗织的网,后者则是殖民者为殖民地所预设的透过网格获得阳光的管道&在获得解放的希望中跌入殖民者的彀中。
The colonist from England and France not only left some marks of domination in this North America land, but also stamped deep brands on Canadian constitution. 英国和法国殖民者不仅在这片北美土地上留下统治的痕迹,也给加拿大宪法打上了深刻的烙印。
Taiwan was conquered and ruled by Netherlandish colonist in the 17th century. At that time the Qing government has established the united regime in the mainland. 17世纪荷兰殖民者统治台湾,当时,清政府已经建立了大陆的统一政权。
However, their efforts inevitably encountered opposition from both English colonist culture and Celtic native culture. 可是,他们的努力却遭到来自英国殖民文化和凯尔特本土文化的冲击。
At that time, England was the strongest colonist that enjoyed most rights and interests in China. England resisted Russian expansion by supporting Japan in order to maintain its advantages in its competition in Far East. 当时,英国是远东最大殖民者,在中国享有最多的既得权益,英国为保持它在远东竞争中的优势,也以支持日本来抵制沙俄的扩张。
Crusoe is a colonist because he has all of the characteristics that an early colonist has. His colonial activities involved not only the economy and material world, but also the culture ( religion) area. 鲁滨逊具有一个早期殖民者所具有的所有特征,他是一个不折不扣的真正的殖民者,他的殖民活动不仅包括物质和经济上的殖民,还包括文化(宗教)上的殖民。
J.M.Coetzee, a world famous writer nowadays, was born in February in 1940 in South African and become a descendent of Dutch colonist. In 2003, he was awarded Novel Prize in Literature. J.M.库切:当今世界著名作家,2003年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,1940年2月出生在南非,属荷裔南非人。
Among these, land laws and regulations are the most consummate one partly because of the emphasis of land legislation and judicature by the colonist. 其中,土地制度最为完善,这与英威殖民者重视土地立法和司法有很大关系。
Robinson Crusoe has all the characteristics of a colonist. 第三章剖析了鲁滨逊的殖民者的形象,鲁滨逊具有一个早期殖民者所必须的特征,他是一个真正的殖民者。
Recently, Indians had suffered cruel rob and press from UK colonist, but at the same time, English people had spread their political systems through India. 近代,随着英国殖民者的入侵,印度人民受到了疯狂的掠夺和残酷压榨,但与此同时英国人也把他们的政治制度带到了印度。
While in vast rural areas, the British colonist then preserved the dispute-settlement mechanism with intermediation as the core. Meanwhile, on the base of former dispute-settlement mechanism, the judicature function of village headman and district headman was enlarged. 而在广大的乡村地区,英国殖民者则保留了那里的以调解为核心的纠纷解决机制,在既有的基础上发扬了村董和总董的司法功能。