In fact, if you "concretize" any of them with list ( thing), you wind up with exactly the same result. 实际上,如果用list(thing)显示它们,会得到完全相同的结果。
Metaphor is one kind of means to make the abstract idea concretize in vocabulary teaching. 隐喻是词汇教学中使抽象概念具体化的一种手段。
Together, let us concretize the constructive partnership between China and South Africa! 让我们一起来建立一种建设性的中国和南非的关系!
The report will, I believe, help concretize my commitment to primary health care, while giving policymakers a realistic assessment of what can be achieved and how it can be done. 我相信,该报告有助于具体表达我对初级卫生保健的承诺,而且有助于政策决策者们对可实现目标及其工作方式进行现实的评估。
The quantization analysis of risk variation is the deeper understanding to risk factor, which concretize abstract factor. 风险变量的量化分析则是对风险因素的深入认识,使抽象因素具体化。
Furthermore, this article applied the theory of Balanced Score Card to concretize strategy target, and set up a budget index system which includes not only financial index but also non-financial index. 本文借鉴平衡计分卡的思想,将战略目标具体化,将建立一套既有财务指标又包含非财务指标的预算指标体系。
To Concretize the Teaching Objective: a Complex Process 教学目标的具体化:一个复杂的过程
Conclusion: The formed nursing framework for cerebral apoplexy patients self-development could be utilized as materials for developing nursing evaluation tools. Further more, it could concretize the consciousness of holistic nursing care. [结论]所形成的脑卒中自我发展护理框架可作为开发脑卒中病人护理评价工具的素材,从而将整体护理意识具体化。
So how toactually concretize modern informational technique into object teaching hasbeen a problem which needs stringent solving. 因此把现代信息技术真正融合到学科教学中去是迫切需要解决的问题。
Following footprint of history and modern to need, commonly used method of Taoist health care sports is made theory principle introduce and proved briefly, make us have a more visual, clear, concretize understanding of Taoist keeping in good health and health care sports. 道教养生保健体育研究遵循历史的足迹及现代需要,对道教养生保健体育的常用的方法作了理论原理上是简单介绍与说明,使我们对道教养生保健体育的认识更直观、明了、具体化。
Illustration, a major part for textbooks, are able to trigger the interest of readers, concretize knowledge and science concept, thus have un-replicable values compared to text. 插图是科学教科书的主要组成部分,有吸引读者兴趣、形象化知识内容、阐明科学概念等众多优点,发挥着文本所不可代替的作用。