PHRASE (对…)提起诉讼 If you go to court or take someone to court, you take legal action against them.
They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more. 他们每人至少已经得到了两万英镑,但仍然向法庭提出诉讼要求获得更多。
...members of trade associations who want to take bad debtors to court. 那些想要把无力偿付的债务人告上法庭的同业公会成员
V PHR 发表意见的机会 Your day in court is your chance to give your side of an argument or other matter.
He knew that this would be his day in court — his last chance to explain why he acted as he did... 他知道这是他为自己辩解的机会,是他能够解释自己为何如此行事的最后机会。
We knew from the very beginning that it was a question of freedom of speech. All we wanted was our day in court. 我们从一开始就知道这是言论自由的问题。我们只要求有发表意见的机会。
PHRASE (因为有趣或出名)引人注目,被人围观 If someone holds court in a place, they are surrounded by a lot of people who are paying them a lot of attention because they are interesting or famous. the days when Marlene Dietrich and Ernest Hemingway held court in the famous El Floridita club. 当马琳·黛德丽和欧内斯特·海明威在埃尔·佛罗利迪达俱乐部名噪一时的时候
PHRASE (因观点或想法可笑而)对…一笑置之,对…不予考虑 If you laugh someone out of court, you say that their opinions or ideas are so ridiculous that they are not worth considering.
It's easy for a younger generation of critics to laugh Limon out of court... 年轻一代的批评家很容易对利蒙的观点一笑置之。
Polytechnic lecturers have asked for 12.5 per cent, a claim sure to be laughed out of court. 理工学校的讲师要求12.5%,这一要求肯定不会予以考虑。
PHRASE 庭外;不经法院 If a legal matter is decided or settled out of court, it is decided without legal action being taken in a court of law.
The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court. 政府迫切希望整件事能够在庭外解决。
...a payment of two million pounds in an out of court settlement. 经庭外和解支付200万英镑
VERB (为使某人、团体或国家按自己的意愿做某事而)试图取悦,讨好 To court a particular person, group, or country means to try to please them or improve your relations with them, often so that they will do something that you want them to do.
Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot... 民主党和共和党都在极力拉拢罗斯·佩罗以前的支持者。
Stars are courted by manufacturers who value their influence on style-conscious fans. 生产商竞相讨好明星,他们看重的是明星对追求时尚的追星族的影响力。
VERB 试图获得,追求(关注或声望) If you court something such as publicity or popularity, you try to attract it.
Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive. 保罗一生都在想方设法出风头,现在却突然行事低调了。
...his ability to get things done, usually by manipulating, courting favour or cleverly finding a way around opponents. 他的神通广大通常靠暗中操纵、讨取恩惠或巧妙地避开对手等手段
VERB 招致,酿成,导致(不愉快的事) If you court something unpleasant such as disaster or unpopularity, you act in a way that makes it likely to happen.
If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster... 如果他认为可以通过武力继续掌权,那他就是在自寻死路。
They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes. 他们认为委员会应该甘冒不受欢迎的风险来推进其立法项目。
V-RECIP 追求(异性);向…求爱;恋爱 If you are courting someone of the opposite sex, you spend a lot of time with them, because you are intending to get married. You can also say that a man and a woman are courting .
I was courting Billy at 19 and married him when I was 21... 我19岁开始追求比利,21岁嫁给了他。
Derek criticised every aspect of Pauline's behaviour, something he had never done when they were courting. 德里克对保利娜的行为举止百般挑剔,恋爱时他可从没这样做过。 isolated spot popular with courting couples. 热恋情侣们都喜欢去的僻静之所
Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot 民主党和共和党都在极力拉拢罗斯·佩罗以前的支持者。
Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive. 保罗一生都在想方设法出风头,现在却突然行事低调了。
If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster 如果他认为可以通过武力继续掌权,那他就是在自寻死路。
They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes. 他们认为委员会应该甘冒不受欢迎的风险来推进其立法项目。
I was courting Billy at 19 and married him when I was 21 我19岁开始追求比利,21岁嫁给了他。
Derek criticised every aspect of Pauline's behaviour, something he had never done when they were courting. 德里克对保利娜的行为举止百般挑剔,恋爱时他可从没这样做过。
He has been courting her. 他一直在向她求爱。
In my opinion, first love is just encountering a right or wrong person when you long for courting. 我个人认为,初恋很简单,不过是在想要恋爱的时间,碰到一个正确的或错误的人罢了。
And I've been courting her for, months to let me handle the deal. 为了让她交给我处理,我已经殷勤了她好几个月。
Play the songs you two loved best when you were courting. 播放你俩恋爱时最爱听的歌曲。
Adventurer, by contrast, implies a self-indulgent adrenaline junkie, who scares loved ones by courting puerile risk. 与之相比,冒险家一词则暗指一个自我放纵的为肾上腺素驱使的瘾君子,总在追求幼稚的惊险,让亲人担惊受怕。
So several firms are courting young Japanese who have been abroad. 因此,现在一些企业纷纷对拥有海外留学背景的年轻人抛出橄榄枝。
I was both courting her and making her think politically. 我一方面是在向她求爱,另一方面引导她用政治头脑思考问题。
Do you know if she has any other young men courting her at the moment? 您知不知道,目前有没有其他年轻人在追求她?
Last year he had been courting his second wife in spain, trying to get her to marry him. 去年圣诞节他正在西班牙追求他的第二房妻子,拼命央求她同他结婚。
I hadn't known David too long then, he was courting our business. 当时我已经很长时间没有戴维德的消息了,他正在设法获得我们的生意。
An attachment quickly developed between the two and they spent several months courting and corresponding. 恋情在两人之间迅速发展起来,他们花了几个月的时间约会交往。
It's so tempting when a man is courting you to let him be successful and win you over. 当一个你中意的男人追求你时,让他成功并赢得你的芳心当然是女人受不住的诱惑。
When we find ourselves using words like should or ought, we're courting dirty pain. 当我们发现自己用例如”应该“或”必须“这样的词语,我们就在自寻”肮脏“痛苦。
Brian's been courting his boss in the hope of getting a promotion. 布赖恩向上司大献殷勤,希望得到提升。
Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. 后来的爱情座椅,或者叫做宫廷座椅,有两个部分,经常被做成“s”形。
Yet it now finds itself courting international disapproval both over whales and over tuna. 而如今该党却发现,在鲸鱼和鲔鱼问题上,自己招致了国际社会的大肆挞伐。
He had been courting Jane for six months. 他追求简已有六个月之久。
Like his predecessors, the prime minister has been assiduous in courting Mr Murdoch. 与历届前任一样,他一直不遗余力地对默多克大献殷勤。
On secluded benches around West Lake, one often sees courting couples. 在沿湖隐蔽的长椅上,你常常会看到一对对恋人。
Both products are also courting the large PHP market. 这两个产品也都向庞大的PHP市场伸出了橄榄枝。
They've been courting for six years, but they still have no plans to marry. 他们已经相爱了六年,但仍没有结婚的打算。
How come when we were "courting" he heard everything I said? 求爱的时候他怎么能听清我说的每句话?
Seduction& Romance: Many women long for the days when they and their husbands were courting. 诱惑与浪漫:许多妇女都很怀念自己跟丈夫恋爱的日子。
There was a lot of talking and grooming. A bloke has to look presentable when courting a bird! 这里有许多的交谈和梳理,当雄鸟求爱时外表要像样一点嘛!